Good morning my friends!!!
I woke up yesterday morning to the email that the special prize
(a Cricut) I ordered to giveaway on my blog has shipped!
Very excited about that!!
I have one last layout to share from the Becky Fleck Pagemaps for August.
Can you find my error?? hehehe
I have to laugh because I took this so seriously and was so careful about it
and after I sent the photos in I saw a stud fell lonely stud.

I really just had to laugh at that point and hope no one noticed until
I love the candid photo of the boys working on the new tiller
and I had been dying to scrap it.
hey I blogged a layout with a spelling mistake..found it later and fixed the layout but not the blog post. LOL I spelled ice cream .. craem..
Have a great well deserved day of rest! Can't wait to see your video tutorial.
The boys learning how to be it! You can hardly tell one little stud is gone. It looks great!
I posted a layout the other day...the date read "August 200" as I planned to double check, wondered if it was 2006 or 2007. First of all, didn't ever research it (although I've fixed it was '07) and took the photos anyway AND posted them on my blog. Secondly, it was supposed to be JULY.
Love that layout, wouldn't have noticed unless you pointed it out! Love those papers and colors. Enjoy your relaxing day! I'm stuck inside with a sick rugrat :(
Great LO, Pinky! I love everything about it…studs, ticket/tab journaling, the title, jute…
Today was my on's firt day of school
Love your layout, missing stud and all. ;)
That flower is beautiful. I can't wait to see the tutorial.
your layout is gorgeous and i didn't notice your error till you said lol can't wait to see your tutorial and wow a cricut your so kind xx
Your layout is really great, missing stud and all! Do you ever wonder how many of your readers stop and say "what the h--- is a tiller?" LOL! I will admit I have no idea, but I love reading your funny stories about life on a farm! I can probably introduce you to some desert terms you aren't familiar with! :) Oh, And I am looking at ordering the new Cricut cart from Close To My Heart! If you haven't seen it, check it out! I don't own but a few of their stamps, but this cart has everything! I only have a bitty bug, so to get a full-size Cricut would be great! I'll be watchin for your give-away! Stay cool in this heat!
Love the bling (what missing stud?) on this male page! Totally cool!
~Vanessa W
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