Well, not such a fun scrappy day today.
Lastnight my 4 yr old son (the scrapping boy) fell from our 2 story window and landed very hard.
It happened around 7pm and I was in the hopsital/hospitals with him until 5am this morning.
The first hospital told me the bones in his back were broken and they transferred him 45 minutes away to a Children's Hospital, where they discovered in fac5t no bones were broken *thank you Jesus*
Frankly I am exhausted....they did 25 X-Rays and then 3 CT scans, then 4 more X Rays, and they cannot find anything broken, but bless his heart he screams bloody murder when he moves even one inch.
He begged them to "Stop hurting me PLEASE stop hurting me" as they missed his veins several times....now if that does not rip a mother;s soul out and crush it I don't know what does?!
They even gave him morphine for the pain, I have never heard of a 4 yr old receiving morphine before.
They do not know what is wrong but he cannot walk today still.
I spoke with the orthopedic Surgeon and explained to him that my son needed to be home and feel safe so he could verbally explain what was wrong.
He is not a very developed speaker yet and the nurse was yelling at him to tell her where it hurt.
Well he can barely say a sentence let alone verbalize while hopped up on Morphine.
So at 5:00am we were allowed to take him home form the second hospital.
No one had any sleep. With only one car and 3 kids...well you get the idea...Daddy had to bring them to pick mommy and Gage up.
Everyone slept for 2 hours them shuttled of to school and work.
Tonight we are all exhausted and a bit grumpy/overwhelmed.
One thing I did NOT expect...was the amazing amount of emotion and outpouring of love I have received from the scrapbooking community.
I have received the MOST heartfelt message from Just Scrappin' and Treasured Scrapbooking. And the word spread from there....Fiskateers had over 50 responses of support and love, not to mention the emails.
Now if that does not lift you up and support you I don't know what will.
When I was crying and feeling completely isolated and alone, I would go into a forum and start reading. I would be bawling like a baby but leave feeling loved and comforted beyond words.
I have to admit my faith has been shaken for the first time in many years today.
Through all my life and the rape and molesting and abuse I did not waiver but standing in the hospital facing my son's broken body....sometimes you just feel like enough is enough! And I felt so angry.
Plus this week we were turned down for state insurance so we have NONE But i think between the 3 programs the hospital sent us through we should be covered??? I really HOPE!
This evening was another comfort, I have a small crop scheduled...I called to see if I could get some help with snacks and such because I am feeling a bit overwhelmed to say the least, and the girls were SO understanding and insisted I cancel until next week! Now thats good people right there.
So until tomorrow, please keep my son in your prayers, he is a good boy and i hope he is just severely bruised and nothing is permanently damaged. We won't know for a day or two but we will take whatever comes and deal with it.