I do, its almost therapeutic in a way.
I foudn these pictures today and right away instead of pondering the sorrow in my heart I decided to scrap them.
I mean what the hell right?
Gosh 6 years with a man who beat me and broke my back and bought me everything I could ever want in exchange for non stop abuse and pain.
Was it worth it?NO But I sure learned alot.
And you can bet your ass I sleep sound at night.
And in the end it was a lesson I would not change.
It taught me to be STRONG and a little mean and brutally aware of real life.
I can spot an abuser miles away now and I protect my boys like no other.
Yes, I have moved on and life is almost "normal" if you will.
But forgetting completely, well i think i would lose some of my lesson.
Same thing with my abusive childhood. If I forget completely, I won't remember what i was supposed to learn and SHARE with others. It keeps me open to seeing how everyone is human and there is pain everywhere and to have compassion to the utmost degree possible.
It makes being kind a little more important, being open to listen a lot more valuable.
So yes, I scrap the hard stuff. It keeps me real. Its my life after all! And someone will look back and say...
"WOW and she MADE IT! Maybe I can TOO!"
How wonderful you take what life hands you and learn from it. I often hope I'm doing the same. Thanks for sharing something so close to who you are.
wow what a layout. I just love your work you are so honest in your layouts about life.
That is so wonderful Cristal. I think its great that you can share it with us and want to help other people be strong like you. Good for you girl and im so glad you are feeling normal and happy and not in that situation anymore. The layout is great !!
HUGS XXXXXXXX To you sista !!
Jenn :)
The LO is awesome and I love the way you 'stepped' your writing. I totally agree re scrapping about the not so nice things, cos it is supposed to be about life innit? xx
You are right you have to remember the bad because it is what makes us who we are today. I have been there and I do not hide my past anymore did that for way to many years and yes it hurts still and yes there are some wounds that do not heal we just learn to live with them!
You have done and outstanding job at finding yourself and you should be proud of that!
that is very powerful journaling and a great lo - I love your honesty.
Outstanding. One day when you're gone, your kids and grandkids will find the scrap page you made and it will remind them what a SURVIVOR you are. So much better than just vacation and other happy pages (although those are great, too!)
Great way to scrap the past that was not so good. Thanks for sharing this touching pages with all of us
Oh goodness my friend...you are a STRONG woman! Bravo!
goog for you!!! you are a very strong woman! i wish i was more like you.
I admire that you can not only embrace it, but document it! I think about trying to scrap some difficult times, but it is not time, yet. Make it work, girl!
Amazing just amazing Cristal....
no MAYBE about it Cristal....when it is all said and done...I do believe you will have made a tremendous difference in the lives of those that have suffered at the hand of abuse...blessings...
I did PM you about how great and heartfelt the layout was.
LOVE your layout, thank you so much for sharing yourself with us!!
LOVED your layout!! Thanks so much for playing in our gutter!!
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