Good morning my amazingly crafty friends!
It is just freezing here in TN, I mean it's cold even for the chickens.
My boys had a snow day yesterday and drove me crazy because it
was far to cold to even go outside, those poor boys.
I thought today I would share a couple family photos/stories.
A glimpse of my Christmas Lights outside...and maybe even a Christmas GIVEAWAY!
First of all my poor sweet chickens, you know chickens are fine
in the cold weather but the most common cause of death
in the cold is dehydration. To prevent this we all work together and take
shifts going out with warm water and changing the water.
*until we can get a water warmer* So I have spent the last few
days changing out water. I was so happy the kids were home to do it yesterday!

Here they are huddled under a heat lamp where
they spend pretty much day and night right now.

It was snowing on Sunday evening and I snapped this picture
it was 40+ MPH wind and -3 wind the pictures are not
perfect but i have my fingers left LOL

So happy hubby got the lights up before the storm.
You know we live out int he country and NO ONE puts lights
up except for us, but I can't help it. I am sorry but the kids love it
and by golly so do I! :) It might not be practical but it's fun.
I did notice 2 days after we put up lights the neighbor put one net light
on their bush, they have 3 girls I bet they were bugging dad for lights LOL
I had to share this last photo.
We went to a gingerbread house making party on Sunday afternoon
this is what my middle son Justice brought home.
Originally I had thought...well he is more mathematical so maybe the
creative side is with his brother....let me tell you how WRONG I was LOL
He sat me down and said "Momma, I had the PERFECT house, mom it was
so perfect, everything looked awesome...but then the crackers started to break
and I kept breaking cracker after I decided...My house was
hit with a HUGE BLIZZARD and it blew the whole house down...
and you know what? A green gummi bear lived inside and he DIED..
see? There he is buried in the snow mom" then he giggled hysterically! LOL
Boys...oh sweet funny boys...they crack me up. I won't ever forget that.
Anyways enough of my gabbing today...are you asleep yet??
I am LOL
I have a fun little giveaway today....
I don't have a picture because I am so tired and it's dark. But it's
a fun little package of embellishments from the
Did you see yesterday they were giving away a Cricut Cake?
Better go check it out! :)
Leave a comment here about your Christmas scrapping and on
Friday a random winner will be drawn! :)
Oh and I have been playing with my Imagine so I have projects to
share this week as well! Just get my kids to school and we will be set! *wink*
Ok have a beautiful Tuesday everyone!
~Thank you all for stopping by~
~Love Pinky~