Good morning my amazingly talented crafty friends!
Can you believe it is the last day of September?
Tomorrow is World Card Making Day and Momenta is hosting a
special blog hop (don't forget to stop by).
Have you been to Tally Scrapper lately?
I am playing in the Survivor challenge and this week's challenge
was to use the October Afternoon line names as the title.

I chose the name "Farm Fresh" because it fit perfectly with
my chickens....I wish I had more eggs photos I would have added them too!

It was so much fun I decided to also use the October Afternoon
5 & Dime line as well as some old Sassafras Lass I had in a box

I actually did alot of cutting on this one, I hand cut all the circles and
made the cardstock button on the side. Then I added the doilies
from an old Tally Scrapper Kit.

You know it felt so good to just sit down and play with paper
no pressure just play for a while and decompress.
Hopefully today my boys will go back to school?? But I am not
sure just won't really matter because Fall Break begins
tomorrow. A week of mommy fun! LOL
Oh and my 16 yr old (who turned 16 literally 1 day before)
asked me if he can start dating. I can't afford to date my own husband
let alone pay for his dating! LOL
Oh this should be an interesting road....I see a long path ahead! LOL
Ok I am off to get ready for the weekend...Happy Friday!!