Good morning my friends,
by now I am in the hospital with my oldest son.
We are scheduled for a 5:30am prep for surgery.
Send some prayers our way.

He requested this photo with me, I was floored LOL
He is so mad he will miss Softball on Thursday....

Have a blessed Tuesday my friends.
I am praying for a safe surgery and successful outcome.
Knowing all will go well..look forward to the update.
I'm sure everything is going well and prayers are coming your way. P.S. Don't ever go see "Miss fill-in Doc" again!
I hope everything goes well! Good Luck
Praying for the doctors hands and your #1 son's successful surgery with complete and uncomplicated recovery. So hard to watch our kids go through their trials - not being able to play on Thurs etc. Sending you hugs and love too.
hope all goes well
Good luck with te surgery and looking forward to more baseball stories once he can join in again.
Prayers for both of you!! Hope all goes well!
Hope the surgery goes well Pinky, prayers sent your way.
good luck with the surgery ...
i hope everything went great,well as great as things can with impending surgery!i myself just had surgery Friday so i will send my get well vibes that way!
Hope all went well Pinky. My son broke his nose TWICE when he was 16. Surgery both times. It's amazing how fast they recoup.
How is your son? Hope he has a speedy recovery.
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