This Layout so reminds me of the Horton Hears a Who movie. Where the little girl says...
""In my world everyone is a pony and they eat rainbows and poop butterflies".
I have been so sick this weekend, I mean in bed...don't touch me!...fall down SICK.
So I took a bunch of little magic red pills....otherwise known as ILLEGAL in Oregon but not TN SUDAFED! And I rolled out of bed to see a Contest at MIDNIGHT on Creative Scrappers, Now I knew I was not up to the challenge and I knew I was loopy and crazy but I did it anyway! Gawd forbid I miss a contest!
So this is what I came up with at 12am all hopped up on legal crack and sick. lol Laugh with me!!!!

Very cool! Love the butterflies and colors...good luck!
I never saw the movie and so the phrase struck me (still does) as just hysterical funny. Is there no end to your talent? When I am that sick I just sleeeeeeep! Take care, burning the candle at both ends for days and months on end, can make one sick(er). Do take care, your page is gorgeous.
that is THE BOMB .. how in the hell you doing on your weekend boo boo .. holla atcha girl ..
All your stuff is SO creative - go girl!
Oh my gosh that is just too beautiful, how on earth did you make those butterflies?
That looks good considering you were all drugged up. Lovin the butterflies. Hope you feel better soon - I know my allergies have been givin me fits maybe I need sudafed. lol
Pinky, I am also sick and took sudafed, which are not sold here in Sweden, but thank god I had the sense to show my drivers license in Walmart and get 3 boxes " to go" the last time I was home! Them thangs work! That layout is lovely and maybe if I got sick enough I could do one like it...:) Gina
Pinky, you are too funny! I had insomnia last night but was hardly as productive as you were!
Just got up at 10 am so better get going today. Lots of cleaning up to do and I'm working on a page about lunch at the crocodile pond -or were we supposed to be lunch? At any rate, have a fabulous finale to your holiday weekend!
You are too funny! I need to wake up now as I had insomnia last night too and slept in to almost 10! I am feeling a bit guity about not being as creative as you were at midnight. (Giggle)
I have this page I'm working on about lunch at a crocodile pond. Was it lunch or were we supposed to BE lunch? Oh, well. Have a great finale to your holiday!
HA HA HA HA HA HA I am crying from laughin' at ya!! and your loopiness.. LOL this Lo came out so great I cannot believe you did this at midnight AND on legal drugs.. LOL you are funny!! loooooove the butterflies.. what great colors!!
Boy, I should try getting hopped up on Sudafed ... maybe it'll make me more creative! I love the Hawaii layout. My daughter likes that movie quote, too.
Hope you feel better soon.
This page and all so thost butterflies is just beautiful Cristal.
Cristal - I am sooo lovin those butterflies GF!! That layout totally rocks!
Heres hopin you feel better soon!
I LOVE those butterflies...what more can I say?
The butterflies are gorgeous!!
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