~Keep your fingers crossed this is good enough for ROUND 5~

Well yesterday I stalked the Treasured Scrapbooking board all morning waiting to find out the results and YES I made it!!!!!
So did My GF Cherrie!! Woohoo Congrats girl!
So I sat down and did this Layout for round 4 lastnight!!!
I hand cut the side to look like notebook paper! That was a real Beotch! But it was worth it. I might have to do a tutorial on that one!
Oh yes, and we have a WINNER from yesterdays RAK!!!
So please send me your address so I can mail this off!
And the WINNER IS!!!!!!
Way to go Pinkeee - fabulous news. Don't stop till ya reach the top xxxx
Great layout. I recognized you even without the pink hair. Your little one is just precious. Is that Gage as a newborn?
Chick - this layout is def one to move on - this contest seems to have absolutely kicked your creative mojo into high gear! Your layouts each week are rockin'!
Reel Girl from TS
i love your style....the art is as important as the story....love the way you used the binder clips....
you could still make it chickie!!! goodluck! you really scrap fast.
Keeping them crossed for you. . . another great page!
Love the layout. Can't wait to see what is yet to come from you. You are amazing.
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