Just Scrappin' has had Mascots Thelma And Louise for a while now, they are traveling around the world to different scrappers and this is the first leg of their journey and already they are FAMOUS and have been photographed with the LEAD Fiskateer Rebecca!
How fun is that?!
Here is a link to the pre-blog.
Click here Fiskateers
Rebecca said int he thread she will be BLOGGING about our mascots and putting up new pictures! How fun!
Cherrie and Denise also Just Scrappin' Founders are in the picture with her!
Rebecca is in the black shirt with pink floral skirt and Denise is in the jeans.
Cherrie has the white pants on.
Rebeccs'a Gallery
I never imagines Just Scrappin' would be so well received and so many paths would cross, it has been an amazing, loving, beautiful experience!
We have over 100 members now and a great group of core members and support staff!
We have received amazing sponsors and have some very sweet beautiful souls in there!
I never dreamed it was possible to have such a great group of SUPPORTIVE kind women around with no bitterness or cattiness! I am impressed and thankful for sure.
I guess if you convey and good true supportive attitude it comes back to you in the end.
Thanks ladies for all you do...have a beautiful day.
This is too funny! Thanks for sharing ;-)
I belong to Just Scrappin (newbie a month old) and was wondering who Thelma and lousie were and what it was all about. Now I know and how cool is that!!!!!!!!!
can't wait for their stay in California!! Maybe we can land them a Hollywood contract!!
this has been too fun!! I have a full weekend story on my blog - with additional pictures - woo hoo!!
You should send T & L to Reno! =)
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