Tuesday, August 9, 2011

~A Cricut Giveaway For My Friends~

Good morning my blog-land friends!!!

School has begun, it's crazy hot, and I think it's time for some fun!
I had been wanting to do this for a while now but had to budget it in.
Finally I was able to buy the Original Cricut to GIVEAWAY on my blog!

It's perfect for someone who has never tried the Cricut, or
a second Cricut for someone who has the machine, or even a CROP Cricut!

Basically I got it because you all have been so amazing for a long time
and I think this will be alot of FUN!

To enter to win all you have to do is FOLLOW my blog,
COMMENT on this blog post,
SHARE the POST on Facebook, Twitter or your blog.

The more you share the more chances to WIN! But let me know so when
I put the entries in I have the correct amount! :)

At this time I cannot ship internationally unless the
recipient is willing to pay for shipping,
I am sorry but I just cannot afford it.

Happy Tuesday!!!!
**WINNER will be announced September 3rd**
Winner will have 7 days to contact me via email/facebook etc...before a new name is drawn.


Stacy said...

I am a blog stalker! :)

Mika said...

I followed your blog, shared to Facebook and Twitter and of course I'm commenting here ;) I've been wanting a Cricut for years. Thanks for the chance to finally win it!

Tracy J said...

I'm already a follower of my favorite pink headed friend....and I'm off to post on my facebook.....I so totally need a cricut...I don't have one and have coveted one FOREVER....miss you girl

My Happy Place by Vanessa said...

To win this would be my biggest thrill since I don't have one (because I'm poor). It's true. I make cards and this would be so cool to win! I'll share this on my page! Thanks for this huge opportunity to win!!! Thanks:D

~Vanessa W

SusieScrapper said...

I am following your blog, posted this on Facebook and Twitter. :)

Thanks Cristal, you're awesome!!

My Happy Place by Vanessa said...

I follow your blog and I also shared this on my wall!:)

~Vanessa W

scrappin2babygirls said...

Hey thanks so much for the awesome giveaway. Im a follower and i posted the link on my blog HERE
Thanks so much for the chance to win!! :D

Shorty Creations said...

Wow!!! What an awesome giveaway :) Super generous!

Marcia Dehn-Nix said...

Pinky, I love your blog! ps. I saw your pine cones at my local Archivers and they were amazing, but I am in love with the sunflower.

Bellaidea said...

I follow, I comment and I will post info and I will pay for shiping :) Great chance!
Have a grat day!

Rez P. said...

Wow,What an AWESOME give away. I would love to win so my kids can use it. I am now a follower. I also post this on my sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win.

Bellaidea said...

All done so you can visit me at


Jona Panesa said...

you are so generous my dear!!! I would love to pay for the shipping is I win. actually, I will just have it shipped to my SIL so she can pay the shipping for me. LOL!

Jona Panesa said...

oh, and you know I am a follower of yours!

Larisa said...

I am a follower, you know! Thanks for great candy!!! I linked it on sidebar
Hugs. Larisa xx

Terri said...

Hi, I am Terri of Two Pink Peas and I am new to your blog and I have to say that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE it!! Thank you so much for the chance to win this amazing machine. What a giving person you are to giveaway such a great machine. Thanks for the chance. I am heading over to my blog at www.twopinkpeas.blogspot.com to add your giveaway on my sidebar. Many thanks,

Terri of Two Pink Peas
Terrico3 at ameritech dot net

Terri said...

Pinky.. Just wanted to let you know that I posted your AMAZING giveaway on my sidebar and you can find it at www.twopinkpeas.blogspot.com. Thank you So much for this amazing chance to win something so special. I look forward to visiting your blog daily. I don't know what took my so long to find your blog but I am very thankful that I have found it giveaway or not. What means the most to me is finding new blogging friends. By the way, I also followed your blog. I would have anyway even if you did not have a giveaway and that is the god's honest truth!! Have a wonderful night. It is 2:40 am and I should be sleeping..lol. Hope to get to know you better as time goes one.

Terri of Two Pink Peas
Terrico3 at ameritech dot net

P.S. I am also having a giveaway that you can enter if you are interested. Hop on over and take a peek. Hugs!! Terri of Two Pink Peas

Chelle said...

What an amazing give away. You are so generous. Love following your blog and facebook.
I have shared this post on twitter than auto posts to facebook.

LadybugCarrie said...

Awesome giveaway! I am a follower and have been for a long time because your blog is SUPER GREAT! Thanks for the chance to win! :-)

Dot said...

Incredible give away!! You're so generous!! Thank you very much for the chance to win it!! I'm sharing this on facebook and of course I'm a follower!

Lindy said...

Pinky....you are so kind and generous!!! I currently do not own a Cricut and have been wanting one for years!!!! What a wonderful chance you are giving us!!!!
If I won I think I'd cry with excitement!!!!

Lindy said...

Oh, and I happily stalk your blog every day!

Lorraine said...

oh my gosh i have wanted a cricut for years but funds are tight so believe me when i say thankyou so much just to be in with a chance is exciting for me you are so very generous huni thankyou xx

Vanessa Johnson said...

I follow your blog, and am spreading the great giveaway on facebook! I actually want to win for my friend, she doesn't have a Cricut, and I know she'd love one!

Leslie said...

Howdy Pinky! I'm gonna share this over at a new forum called Piece of Scrap - http://www.pieceofscrap.org

~*~Amy~*~ said...

Awesome giveaway

If I would happen to be lucky enough to win, I would donate it to a crop I am planning with a local children's cancer organization. It would make an awesome prize at the crop :-)

Deb said...

Wow !!! fantastic generosity Cristal.. Thank you for the chance to win this great prize x

Carol W. said...

I am already a follower. I have posted on facebook, twitter, and blog sidebar. Thank you for the chance to win.

clworkman4 at gmail dot com

Manhattan Mandie said...

You know I'm a follower <3 I would LOVE a Create to take to crops too... and I'm going to share on Facebook and Twitter... and I will also try to write a blog post this afternoon too :)

Leah said...

I follow - and here's my comment :) awesome pinky!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the chance! I am now a follower, shared on fb and twitter and my blog.http://mississippihippycrafts.blogspot.com/

weze said...

what an amazing giveaway Pinky! I am a follower now!

Suzanne said...

Pinky, this is an amazing giveaway! I always stalk your blog b/c I think you are amazingly creative! (I just never comment. ;) )

littlen said...

great giveaway. i'm a follower.

Dana Paper Memories4u said...

What a great giveaway!!! I would love to win this for my daughter's class room. She's a school teacher at a small school that doesn't have $$ for all the extras teachers need so the extras come out of the teachers pockets. This would be perfect for her classroom and the size is great so it doesn't take up much space. THanks for the chance to win. I'm a faitful follower.
papermemories4u@ yahoo.com

Ann-Kathryn said...

I follow your blog! :)

Ann-Kathryn said...

I shared via blogger.

Ann-Kathryn said...

I shared via Facebook.

Ann-Kathryn said...

I would love to have one of these! I have been wanting to have one for about 5 years now but I just can't afford it. But I sure could afford a Free one!

connie said...

Pinky what an awesome giveaway! I have been a follower for a long time! Would love to win. Thanks for a chance!

pange said...

what a super prize got to have a go a

CheckerBeads said...

wow- amazing giveaway! I am a follower!


Papel Scissors said...

i am a follower...thanks for the givewaway!!

arlsmom aka Lynda said...

Oh yeah...I'm a blog follower!!! Fantastic giveaway!!!

arlsmom aka Lynda said...

shared on FB too!!!

Moondust47 said...

I don't want to enter to win. I already have an Expression, but I wanted to say that I think it is great of you to do this. You are a very thoughtful bloggy host! Kudos!

Paper Sewn Visions said...

I'm a blog stalker opps I mean a follower. Have been for some time now. Thank you for the chance to win.

Lucy said...

I follow your blog and check it out every day! I love your creations and this giveaway is awesome because my Cricut (the original) doesn't cut properly anymore. New blade, new mat, etc. I guess it got overused. So, Thanks so much for the chance :) Off to post it on FB.

Lucy said...

I just told Jill about your fantastic giveaway!

Holly said...

I've been a follower of your blog, and I am posting to facebook with a link. I would love to win, have been wanting to try one for a long time! Thanks for the chance!

Lucy said...

Now that I posted it on FB, what if one of my friends win instead of me!!!

Rebecca Keppel said...

I follow your blog and I posted on Twitter!

Tigerrlyli said...

What a GREAT giveaway. My daughter (she's 9) has been dying for one of these. I am a follower and I have shared this on facebook.

JoshuaO said...

This Is So Cool of you thank you

Angi Barrs said...

I follow your wonderful blog. Fabby giveaway!

Jessi said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog. I am a blog stalker and love seeing all of your projects :) Thanks for the chance to win!!!

tagsbyjess at hotmail dot com

Savannah O'Gwynn said...

OH WOW! You are tooooo sweet:) Thanks so much for the chance to win:) I love visiting your blog--I RSS feed and joined on the side as well! I also shared this on twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/jb_designs/status/101089370890698752

Thanks for the chance to win:) sbmmhoover at yahoo dot com

Ina said...

I found the comment section.. My bad.. anyway, I posted on my blog as well as my facebook, twice. I love ur Blog (and ur Pink hair)and will keep an eye out to see if I win.. The question I have for you is, what do I do with a Cricut? I'm a Newbie, and don't have a clue what to do. I thought I'd take up Crafting, and what I see is wonderful.. but looks expensive. Oh well...we'll see.

Kelly Sas said...

I would love to own a Cricut, especially when I see all the amazing things you make using it!

Kelly Sas said...

You KNOW I stalk, I mean follow your blog through google! :)

Brooke Showalter said...

Awesome giveaway! I follow your blog on Blogger and belong to your blog via Google Friend Connect. I also shared on FB!

Brooke Bumgardner
brookeb811 at gmail dot com

Ms. Petersen said...

Wowsa! A Cricut! That is amazing. Thank you so much for the chance to win it. I am now a follower, and have posted a pic of your candy on my blog at: http://paperluvver.blogspot.com/. Again, thanks so much! I's a fabulous candy!

Hollyk said...

I have been stalking you blog for awhile. :) Would love to win the Cricut.

Sue D said...

Wow what a fabulous giveaway! I am a follower.
slrdowney at hotmail dot com

Pinque Scrapbooking said...

Been a follower for sometime now! I would love to win this awesome prize! Shared on my FB - Pinque Scrapbooking

Unknown said...

I am already a follower and love your blog. Thanks for the great give away.

Unknown said...

I love this give away and I love and follow your blog.

J said...

I am a follower of your blog already.
justina1218 at aim dot com

A Shannon Bowen said...

How great would this be to win? I am dying to have one - even more so now that I have poked around your blog and gotten inspired! I will be back, for sure!

Kathy said...

WoW what a great giveawy!! I am now a follower! Good luck with your site, I am enjoying getting to know it

Anonymous said...

Im already a follower- this is so super nice of you!! If I win, I am going to send it to my BF, who is with out her cricut... she made a move across the country last year and had to leave everything!! I would love to be able to gift this to her!!!
THanks Pinky!!

Pendra said...

Wow... what an amazing giveaway! I just won a Cricut Expression, but if I win... I will give this to my Grandaughters! They are my constant scrapping partners! We have never had a machine before... it is gonna be a whole new world when I get mine! Thanks for the chance to win... I am now a follower! Come visit me too!

Pendra said...

I have posted and linked on my blog about your great giveaway! Thanks again!

Pendra said...

I shared this on my FB!
pendrasfaceplace on FB

Pendra said...

I forgot to tell you I also "Like" on FB!

Unknown said...

LOL "Like" what on Facebook? I don't have a fan page?

Carolina said...

Great! I am a follower and I am sharing it in FB right now!

Michelle said...

what a flipping fab prize giveaway you are too good to your stalkers I mean followers!!! thanks for the chance i already stalk (i mean follow you) and will post it on my fb/twitter!! good luck ladies!!xoxo

Kathy said...

Whoo hoo, Pinky, you are AWESOME! What a great giveaway. I don't own any die cut machine except the Slice, and i would LOVE to win this Cricut! thanks for the chance....I am already a follower and I have posted this link on my FB page!

Sukie said...

Such a cool giveaway, I think I could use it to donate to my sister's classroom. She is a Kindergarten teacher and could really use this for her classroom. Thanks for the opportunity to win it!

scrappindhilly at gmail dot com

joni said...

Hey Pinky!!! Wow, you are so generous and so appreciative!!!! You know I'm a follower...for a long time!!!! I'm going to post this on my blog too! Love reading about all your adventures with your boys and chickens and I just love your dresses and tops! You are a bit of a funky Martha Stewart...only nicer! :)

Zoey and the furballs said...

Holy cannoli, what an amazing giveaway! It's so generous. I have a cricut but my husband's cousin is just frothing at the mouth she wants one so bad, but they are pinching pennies right now. I would love to win this for her.

Jill Rugg said...

WOW-what a great prize-I am a follower!

Lisa P said...

What an amazing chance to win a Cricut. I am a follower of your blog and love what you do. I also shared on twitter and hope some other's come follow you too.

callyannc said...

Are you kidding? I was just telling my mom I need another one so I can cut more at a time! Thanks so much for the chance to win and I love your blog. Super cool. I posted your giveaway on my blog
new follower

callyannc said...

Hi! I also posted on Facebook too!
Thanks CallyAnn

Sara V said...

hi pinky-long time no see
hope you are doing well
I'll share on my site www.pieceofscrap.org and FB
come by and say hi sometime

jjocarlson said...

Hi I am a new follower! I look forward to seeing your creations and learning from them.


Terri said...

Hi Pinky.. What a GREAT giveaway.. You are so generous!! My goodness, this is so BIG! Thank you for the chance. I am a blog stalker/follower and LOVE everything that you do. Off to post this on my blog now.. Thanks Pinky..
Terri of Two Pink Peas
Terrico3 at ameritech dot net

Terri said...

Hi Pinky.. I added your giveaway to my blog on my sidebar. You can find it at www.twopinkpeas.blogspot.com. Thanks so much.. Off to let my facebook followers know now. Terri of Two Pink Peas
Terrico3 at ameritech dot net

Shelley Frady said...

Wow, this is an awesome giveaway! I followed you on google connect

Shelley Frady said...

I shared this on my FB page too!

Lisamariemlt said...

hey girl
you know me
love your blog
love your posts of Facebook
gonna leave a comment and keep my fingers crossed
what fun Taylor and I could have creating!!!

Littlehamsterz said...

I'm following you ^^ and I have posted your candy on my sidebar on my blog!

Thanks for the chance at Cricut ^^ It would be awesome to own one!

Anonymous said...

Hi there, I just sent a request to your FB page. I have joined here as well. Love your blog. Love your creativity. I live in New Zealand. If I won, I am happy to pay shipping.

Unknown said...

what an awesome giveaway - I've been a follower for a long time

ScrapBazaar said...

I'm a new follower. I need to win this cricut! What a great giveaway!

ScrapBazaar said...

I post about your giveaway on my Facebook profil.

ScrapBazaar said...

I post about your giveaway on Twitter.

Kaizen Fashion Project said...

GFC Blog follower!

heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

Kaizen Fashion Project said...

Would be so AMAZING to win this! Thanks so much for the chance to! Cheers!

heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

Kaizen Fashion Project said...


heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

Kaizen Fashion Project said...


heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

Vollya said...

thank you for the chance!!
i'm in!!

sweetangie2011 said...

well I am a new and Happy follower, i posted to my facebook and tweeted about it, my bday is the Sept 4th and this would be a great bday present.

Laura Vasconcelos said...

Hello! I loved you blog! Thanks for the chance. I always dreamed of having a machine like this, but in Brazil it is very difficult to find and still very expensive, I hope to be the winner. I´m already imagining the amount of work will I do with a machine like this so wonderful. Disclosed in the sidebar of my blog by date, is there. I love to visit new friends.
Blog: http://www.lauravasc.blogspot.com/
Hugs and success!!!

Frankie Jane said...

Thanks for the Giveaway :) The school in Homer, Alaska where I work would LOVE this.

Frankie Jane said...

Thanks for the giveaway...the staff at the school I work at would love this :)

Sarah Moura said...

Hi Pinky! I loved this giveaway! Thanks for this opportunity to win!!!I posted in my sidebar!
Follower: Sarah Moura
Email: sarahmouraa@gmail.com
Blog: http://sarahfazendoarte.blogspot.com/


Инна_A said...

Thanks for the chance http://innaaugsburger.blogspot.com/

Lynn (delphinoid) said...

Wow, what fabulous candy! Thank you for the chance to win. :) X X

I'm a new follower, I've shared on Facebook and Twitter and also added a link on the Sidebar of my Blog.

Please visit my blog: Delphinoid’s Cards and Craft

Please visit my profile on Twitter

ally said...

following and sharing

Katya Tarasova said...

I linked it on sidebar

Bunnyfreak said...

Great giveaway. I posted on twitter (buckeyecub)

kbkbks2 said...

I totally love all your courage and your crafty ideas. I follow and share on facebook, would love to win for my 8 yr old grandaughter, she is a beginning scrapper and loves my scrap room...thanks Pinky

PamSpradlin said...

I do follow your blog.
I have shared.
And you are amazing to do this.

littlen said...

Great giveaway. Fingers crossed here.

littlen said...

I'm a long time follower. Thanks for sharing all your amazing talent.

littlen said...

I posted your giveaway on my blog.

Nitasha said...

Of course, I'm a follower (love your blog) and I would love to win this cute Cricut because we just started planning my little cousin's 5th birthday party which is a Candyland theme and I can just imagine the cuteness that can be created with this baby!!! Thanks so much for the chance to win!

Nitasha said...

I posted about your awesome giveaway on my blog:

Wanda said...

what a generous giveaway!!! I'm a follower of your blog!!!
best regards,

Regena said...

Hey Pinky... thanks so much for the awesome giveaway. Im a follower and i posted the link on my blog sidebar

sonyaeverding said...

I am a new follower and posted on facebook. Love the cricut. Thanks for chance to win.

Crie Artezzanato said...

Hi.. Beautiful and beautiful candy! I want it!!!!God bless me I want a cricut!!!!!

I am your follower- crie artezzanato.

I posted the link on my blog sidebar www.crieartezzanato.blogspot.com and on facebook https://www.facebook.com/PinkyHobbs#!/

Val Rodrigues

Ateliê Ana Bananna said...

I love.
I am brasilian, no inglish.

Estou disposta a pagar o frete se ganhar o sorteio.

Divulguei na lateral do my blog:








Neha Jain said...

hi...i am a new fololower here

Neha Jain said...

i am posting about this giveaway on my blog as well....pls count me in.... :)

n in case blogger didnt made me ur follower do let me knw pls pls

Neha Jain said...

posting on my sidebar as well about it

Elizabeth Sanchez said...

omg awesome!!!! of course i'll share on fb!

Elizabeth Sanchez said...

i tweeted the giveaway as well!!

Mika said...

Tweeted your blog post @mj_jewelry


Anonymous said...

Oh yes! Please include me in your giveaway, I am in Canada, I will pay shipping. I twittered your generous giveaway.

DrakeLathrop12 said...

following your blog! drakelathrop12@gmail.com

DrakeLathrop12 said...

Love the opportunities the cricut gives for everything! weddings, parties, thank yous and more!! Woohoo! drakelathrop12@gmail.com

DrakeLathrop12 said...

tweeted about this giveaway! drakelathrop12@gmail.com

Crafting Aberrigines said...

awesome candy Pinky ..
I love the fact that you are giving us a chance to win this candy ..have done the needful.
hugs.. :)


Terry said...

Lovely Giveaway and so generous of you! I added your giveaway to my sidebar and did add a link on Facebook. Thank you for the chance to win and have a lovely day!

Mika said...

Tweeted the blog post @mj_jewelry


Eva Laney said...

Woo-hooo what an awesome giveaway, I am a new follower and would love to win this.
Eva :0)
I have a giveaway on my blog right now

Eva Laney said...

I posted on Facebook.
Eva :0)
I have a giveaway on my blog right now

Debsydoo said...

WOW! great giveaway, following blog x