Good morning to all my crafty friends!
I was able to sneak in some crafty time yesterday while my
boy napped a little after his Dr. appointment.
I had been wanting to make these door hangers for a couple
weeks now. They don't take too long to make.
I used the chipboard birds from Clear Scraps
and the Cottage Christmas Imaginisce papers/i-rock/rub-ons.

and lots...and lots...and lots...of glitter! LOL
Now I tried to get the perfect shit but it is grey and heavy
rain this week so I could not get it on the actual door handle.

BUT now I am ready for the holidays! :)
I did discover something...glitter the edges AFTER you
use the rub-ons, not before. Just an FYI if you decide to make one.
I wanted to share with you all the amazing kindness of other crafters.
Yesterday was a terribly trying day, Sunday night
(when everything is closed) my son's Nebulizer machine for his
breathing, it stopped working. For me as his mom it was
a huge panic moment. If he does not have this when he is sick
he turns blue and it is an ER visit right away.
Well a friend saw my Facebook post and called me up and told me
she had a spare, so hubs ran to get it and we made it through the night.
Then on Monday we spent most of the day chasing Dr.'s
and they gave him medicine/shots etc....
he does have Bronchitis and a lung infection.
So it has been a VERY difficult week/ weekend for me.
Honestly...I am exhausted.
But I arrived home Monday night to find 2 boxes on my porch,
one from my friend in LA, Gloria, the other from an address I did not know.
I opened the box from Gloria and it was miles of VINTAGE lace
Oh my goodness it was amazing to say the least.
I was fawning over that for 15 minutes then I realized I should
open the second box.
The second box was from one of the Gypsy winners
Chris. It had the SWEETEST note, and a beautiful
I MEAN BEAUTIFUL hand made card with a brand new
Martha Stewart Punch! Now I NEVER expect gifts in return
for the giveaways, because I am very blessed with crafty supplies
for my work, but I have to say the note and card and everything
just touched my heart so much.
I will take pictures and share the card tomorrow, it is amazing!
Blessings come in the most unexpected ways sometimes.
Be sure to bless a friend this week, I know I will.
I have a GREAT giveaway today...a brand new Cricut Cartridge.
I am REALLY trying to reach 1500 followers by Christmas
and this is just the beginning. You won't believe
what I have in store *hint* store for you!
But for now this is the prize! I will leave it open until SUNDAY
A Sentimentals Cricut Cartridge
one of my absolute favorites!
You will love it too!
So be a FOLLOWER, leave a comment and on Sunday we will
have one lucky winner! ♥
~Happy Tuesday y'all!~
~Thanks for popping by and listening to me ramble~
Oh I just love your projects for today, they are beautiful. I love the holidays so filled with family, friends and creativity galore. Thanks for a chance for an amazing giveaway. I am definitely a follower.
I hope your son is feeling better soon!
Thanksfor this awesome giveaway!!
I am so glad you loved your lace my pink friend. I hope Gage is up and running and on his way to good health this morning. Have a very pleased day. Oh and enjoy that dark brown special treat in your box. lol
omg and I forgot that bird is gorgeous.
Good friends are worth their weight in gold. Your projects are awesome and I love the tip about the glitter!! Thanks for another great giveaway!
Have a wonderful day.
omg and I forgot that bird is gorgeous.
Where to begin? Love your beautiful project - it's glitteriffic :) I sure hope G is feeling better, I know it's rough when they are sick, especially with breathing issues! I will continue sending friends to your blog :) I hope you make 1500 soon!!!
hope your son is feeling better..I have a son with asthma ..I know it can be very scary !
thanks for the chance to win !
So glad to here that all turned out well with Gage. I know it is a hard time when the little ones are sick..Lots of love and prayers your way Pinky. Good luck to the winner of this amazing Cricut looks so fun. Have a wonderful morning...lots of XoXo always Niki_Ray
I'm glad you made it through such a rough week! Your bird is just gorgeous! I'll definitely be trying one!
Oh Pinky Glad things are getting better. Hugs girlie. That project is awesome. And what a great giveaway.
Love your bird!! I've got a friend I will send your way for a new follower, she is new to the whole blogging thing :) Thanks!
Phenis2031 at yahoo dot com
Please do not enter me in the prize drawing - I don't own a Cricut, nor any or my crafty friends - I just wanted to say you are such a great mom and that I will be praying for your son to recover from this latest bought of illness
Thanks so much Kelly ♥
Love your door hangings, they are just too cute. I hear you about the nebulizer, it is scary when your child can't breath and the machine is the only thing that will help them. thanks again for sharing your projects.
I would love to have this cartridge. I don't have it and it won't come down in price :( Thanks for the chance to win. I hope your son feels better. Love all your projects.
susanpollock37 at yahoo dot com
Oh I hope your son is feeling better soon. Your door hanger is beautiful & aren't us crafty folk the best, so generous and kind hearted! Take care.
xxx. Staci
What a wonderful act of kindness from your friend Pinky!!! You do so much for others that it doesn't surprise me that you get some kindness back. Thank you for the chance to win!!
Already a follower :). Hope your son is better quickly. Mine gets the same way if he gets sick. I will keep him in my prayers.
I'm glad your son is okay...praying he feels completely better really soon!
Well, I'm already a loyal follower - thanks for the chance to win this cartridge. I've been wanting it for a LONG time. Love the the door hanger - you might check the word "Shot" in your post LOL - hope your little one is feeling better soon!
I hope your son is feeling better soon, Pinky.
Love your door hanger. Thanks for this awesome giveaway!!
Hope your son gets better soon and that your week is calmer than your weekend. thanks for the chance to win.
Your projects are gorgeous (as always hee hee) and I'm sooo sorry that you had such a ruff weekend. Hope your little fellow gets to feeling better soon! Would love to win this cartridge!! I'm a follower and good luck reaching 1500!! Thanks!
Tobusyscrapping at bellsouth dot net
I just love your holiday project. I hope your son is feeling better soon. Defintely a follower and thanks for the chance at an awesome giveaway.
What a beautiful door hanger, just love it. hope you baby feels better soon, it is hard when our babies are sick and we feel helpless to help them. He will be better soon i am sure. :)
Oh sweet girl, I do hope things start improving for your little guy, I will certainly keep him in my prayers - I know first hand how hard that is. Loved your door hangers, so pretty. Hope the rest of your week is peace-filled.
Glad to hear that you were able to get another machine for your son! Hope he heals quickly! You're such a great mommy!!! Love your always..they are super cute! And how nice that Gloria sent something that she knew you'd love...true friends can't be beat! Can't wait to see what you do next!
I hope this week is a quieter / less stressful one for you.
The snail on the cartridge is sooooooooo cute!
I'm so sorry to hear you had such a bad week with your little guy. It's wonderful to know that your "internet family" is there and what a blessing to get a spare! Praying your family get better and some sleep!
Hugs - Jen
Poor little guy! I hope your son starts feeling better soon. That must have been terrifying when his nebulizer broke. You will all be in my thoughts this week, I know that!! Oh, and by the way, that bird is gorgeous!
Really cute door hangers. Sorry to hear you've had a rough few days...I think you need some warm tea, a cozy fire and some good music to relax to.
I love birds are on the cards and your project is a great
I am already a follower and will spread the word about your blog quest!! What gorgeous projects you have for us today! Thanks so much for sharing your talents with us!
I am already a follower. Love that bird...wouldn't that be cute on a Christmas tree? Hope your son is feeling better.
I have been eyeing that Sentimentals cartridge for a while now! I am a follower and really look forward to your posts each day!
What a scary night for you! My son uses a nebulizar too. Hope his antibiotics kick in right away and he gets some relief.
TFS I love the bird! I am a new follower and would love to win this, thanks!
I love your projects Cristal! Thanks for the chance to win this cartridge, I would love to add it to my library!! Good luck hitting 1500 followers, your blog is amazing!
BEAUTIFUL as always!! I would LOVE to win that cartridge, so I could give it to my Daughter!! Thanks BUNCHES for the chance. Have a GREAT Day,
Me-Ma Kim who just loves your *shot*!! hehe
I'll send some of my friends to your blog to help you reach your goal. Just love your blog, so inspirational, cant wait to see more of your work. Thanks for the chance at a great giveaway.
I am sorry you had such a bad weekend Thank goodness for friends, those are lifes blessings!
I am glad, that I follow u can't wait to see more projects! Denise
YAY!! I am not sure why I was not a follower before, especially since part of my morning routine is to check your blog everyday.....
Just want to say that I hope your son feels much better real soon!!
(Please don't include me in the drawing for the cart...I already own it and love it!).
Thanks for all your inspiration!
I subscribed through my email to the blog posts but could not figure out how to be a follower until just today. So now not only do I subscribe through my email but I also am a follower through google. With that said, thank you for such great blog content, I love reading the posts, etc. The cartridge giveaway is also a big plus. Good Luck to everyone!!! Have a crafty day!!!
Sorry you have had such a trying week with a sick little one. I haven't been following your blog very long so maybe I missed something but does he have asthma? I know the machine you talked about is used for that, isn't it? Poor little one. Hope your week gets better.
How awesome that someone close to you had a backup! Whew!
Love the door hanger and so glad you're friend had a machine to get your son through Sunday night. Hope the shot and medicines has him feeling better soon! Thanks for a chance to win.
I'm happy to hear that your son is on the mend (too many nights in the ER with DD and her asthma over the years). I know Chris and it doesn't surprise me in the least that she would send you a thank you for her prize...she is an amazing person :)
Your bird is gorgeous. Thoughts and well wishes for your son. I am a follower, thanks for the chance to win!
great project and best of luck reaching 1500 by Christmas.. thanks so much for the chance to win.
Love your Bird Hanger what a cute decoration. Sending a prayer your way for your son. It is so difficult when they are sick. Thanks for such a wonderful chance to win a new Cartridge, you can never have enough of them, LOL. Hugs girl atleast you dont have the snowstorm I am getting right now :)
ahhhh Pinky recheck the spelling for shot! LOL...
sooo glad Gage is feeling better...I want this cart sooo bad still on medical leave so I can't shop like I used!
Oh, I love the door hanger! beautiful! Thanks for the giveaway!
Oh, Pinky, that is so cute with the glitter! And hugs to your son!
Wow! what an awesome giveaway, from an awesome blogger. Hope you hit the 1500!!
Sure do hope your son's better soon. That must have been a panic moment when the Nebulizer quit. Thank goodness for friends.
wow ... I just love love LOVE the bird!!!
the lace sounds yummy too, take a picture so I can lust after it!
Thanks for a chance to win!
There is nothing scarier for a mom than a sick child. I'm glad you had some pleasant surprises to brighten your week! Your project for today is adorable (and thanks for the tip on the rub ons- glitter!)
Love your door hanger. I will keep your son in prayer! Thanks for a chance to win. I already am a stalker.
Love your projects and your posts. You always find something good to say, even in the most difficult of situations. Hope your son is feeling better soon.
Sorry you had a hard week so far! Love that birdie though, I mean LOVE it! I rarley enter giveaways, but would love to win this for my sister!
Ohhh Cristal I LOVEEEEE THE crafty project you posted that would so look great with my step mom christmas decor! Thanks for sharing! I hope your baby gets to feeling better soon!
Very nice project. I love all of the glitter. TFS!!
amandaremus at gmail dot com
Sorry you had such an awful week and I sure hope your son is feeling better! The bird is just beautiful! TFS
I hope that Gage starts feeling better real soon.
How wonderful that you got some great happy mail to brighten your day.
Of course you already know that I'm a follower. I can say that I knew you when ;) I've enjoyed watching your rise in the scrappy world!
LOVED your bird by the way.
Your hanging is beautiful, and I am happy everything worked out well for you son. I can't wait to see the thank you card, that was nice of her.
Thanks for the giveaways
That bird is absolutely beautiful!
I'm a follower and I love your giveaways and projects!
Beautiful project! I love glitter :) I'm definitely a follower! I love to check your blog every day!
I hope your son is feeling better soon! Thanks for sharing your gorgeous bird door hanger! I hope you hit 1500 followers soon!
Thanks for this awesome giveaway!!
Pinkalicious - I hope that your son is feeling better today. That was an amazing thing your friend did for you. I've been a follower before you even had 100 so I wish to the best of luck reaching your goal this week
What a beautiful bird. I hope your family is doing better today. Have a wonderful week.
Hope your little guy is up and around in a flash!
Love your door hanger! Very nice indeed.
Thanks for the chance at the give away!
Your project is absolutely beautiful. Thanks for the inspiration!! Hope your son is feeling better! Thanks for the chance--I have been wanting Sentimentals for a long time!!!
gaudet5 at rogers dot com
Hi Pinky, your crafts are so beautiful, I really enjoy watching to see what you're going to do next. I am a follower and I just want to thank you for the chance to win your great giveaway.
Another great project! Thank you for always sharing your creative ideas and thank you for the chance to win!
Love the home decor project.
what a wonderful birdie and awesome prize
I'm a follower, and you ROCK!
Hope your son is feeling better!
Your bird is beautiful. I hope you son feels better soon and your week gets better.
Hope your son is feeling better! It's always fun to get surprises in the mail!
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com
very cute!! i LOVE glitter =)
thanks for sharing! can't wait to see the card you got.
Hope your son feels better soon!
Beautiful door hanger! Love all the glitter! Thanks for another great give away! You are too generous!
oh my gosh, bless his little heart!! I don't know how you handle are a very strong woman and God will be your
strenght.. I will pray for him and all of your family. This gift would be wonderful in my craft room, the first thing I noticed was the owl.... I LOVE OWLS!!!
Rest child!!!
Love,love, love that bird!!!!!
Friends are wonderful and they also know when you are down to bring you up.
The bird is fabulous and you are an inspiration to me.
Love your bird hanger it is awesome. Hope things are getting better for you and your family. Yes aren't friends wonderful?
I hope your son is feeling better today Pinky! and what wonderful surprises you received!
That is a cool cartridge. I really need to start shopping more for my Cricut.
I really hope your son is doing better!!! I'm just trying to catch up on my blogs a bit this morning :) I hope you have a wonderful day despite your early start!
I am already a follower and love your projects. Thanks for the chance to win this great cartridge.
I am so glad I found you! I visit everyday and just love all your projects! Your giveaways are great to! lol Thanks for the chance.
shewhodreamz at gmail dot com
So nice that people appreciate...
The bird is so so ccute...
Your work is lovely... I like peeking at it.
This is such a cute project! Thank you for your super generous giveaways!
that wall hanging is just gorgeous pinky! love it! and what a fab giveaway are just so sweet to all of your followers! what a big heart you have! hugs girl!
The hanger is beautiful. Glad that your son is feeling better.
Love the birds! I'm a follower! :) Love your stuff!
I hope your son feels better soon, it must be terrible for you all.
PS I think you mean shot not shit lol - thanks for the giggle.
Aww Pinky you must of been so worried for your son not having the nebuliser, I only wish I was in the states as I have one here that used to be my son's but he has finally grown out of it so it's not needed any more. I could not face getting rid of it just in case a situation like this arose. I wish your son a quick recovery, plenty of punnelling on back helps.
Love the bird, it makes a great ornament. Thanks for the chance to win too.
Kim xXx
This bird is just beautiful. TFS. Hope your son gets better soon. And thanks for the great giveaway.
Your bird is absolutely adorable. I love so much of your stuff!!!!! Thanks for the chance to win! Fiskateer #6463
What a beautiful vintage looking bird with a lot of style and class. Thank you for sharing! You always do such fun projects! I love following your blog!
I love your blog! Your work is truly fabulous and I admire your courage. I clicked over to your FB page. Hope all is well with your family and thank you for this wonderful giveaway! come up with such fabulous ideas and creations..and this bird is no it!
Love the door hangers! Beautiful :)
Such blessings! I'm already a follower! LOVE your style Pinky
I am a follower and I would love that new cartridge. I like your designs and visit your web site whenever I can get a few minutes.
I am already a follower and have been really wanting that cartridge! I would be thrilled to win! I have a friend with the same problem as your son and it can be Very scary. It is wonderful to have good people in your like and the more goodness you put out there, the more you receive. I have been proven this over and over and feel so blessed. Thank you for your blog and I'm glad your baby's ok. It's amazing how you keep up with everything online and yet are an awesome mom. Congrats on being you.
Hugs ~ Amy Jo or - I'd love to get a comment from you sometime. I know you're a super busy lady, but it would make my day!
oops! published my blog wrong. Sorry, it's ~ Thanks Dear.
That bird is beautiful!Thanks for a chance to win!
I love all of your projects and I really love your cute little bird door hanger. And, really, you just plain had me at glitter and rub-ons! lol
Love this sparkly bird! Thanks for the chance to win such a great prize. Here's to reaching 1500!!
love your door hanger! even great as tree oranment! Thanks for sharing. I'm already your follower. Hope your little guy feeling better.
I'm sorry about the health issues lately. I hope your son is 110% healthy again really really soon!
I don't own a Cricut but I did still blog about this giveaway on my blog today to share with others. :)
You rock Pinky!
I love your door hanger! Beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win!
It is so nice to receive surprises in the mail! Love your door hangers. So pretty! Hope your son is right as rain soon, thanks for the chance to win!
I am sooo in love with anything that has birds.. and you made it look perfect. Thanks for sharing all of your wonderful ideas with us and being so generous with your giveaways.
you are such a sweetheart! Thanks for the chance!
thanks for the chance of winning this awesome cartridge!
Wowsers! You do get a lot of traffic when you have a great giveaway. Thank you so much for all you do to have all of the fun prizes for us to have a chance to win! I am so happy I can be one of those people who will be able to say, "I remember when..." :-) I am so excited for you about all of the things you have worked so hard for, to be working out for you!
Hi Im a follower- Thanks for the giveaway- This would be my first cart!!! I hope to get a bug for christmas... Im pretty sure its a done deal!
Wow this bird is beautiful!!! you are so sweet to do this giveaway, thank you so much for the chance to win, good luck on getting to 1500 followers i am sure you will do it in no time!!!
brodiec88 at hotmail dot com
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