Good morning all you beautiful crafty people!
It is going to be a great day because finally my hubby has a day off!
He has been working 15-17 hour days all week which means
momma is working 16-18 hour days, I think we all need a day off!
Remember the MY MEMORIES Book? HERE
Well, I have had so much fun making those mini 5X7 pages!
Have you made any yet??
I want to see them. Here is one I made last night.
He has been working 15-17 hour days all week which means
momma is working 16-18 hour days, I think we all need a day off!
Remember the MY MEMORIES Book? HERE
Well, I have had so much fun making those mini 5X7 pages!
Have you made any yet??
I want to see them. Here is one I made last night.

go to my MY MEMORIES book and flip through and see this picture
and remember this moment, so I went ahead and scrapped a mini page of it.
I love this whole thing! I cannot wait to take it when I travel.
Are you wondering what these are??
Guess what?? They are called GIMMECLIPS
and I was sharing them with a gf in NY who called me this week
and said "Hey what are those hair clips called? I found them in Target!!"
She had bought them for her daughter.
I love them....they are from the same company that makes Imaginisce.

#1 BOOKS....I have recently began to read again
(I used to read so much before I had children but the time really slipped
away after they were born) I have found my love of reading once again.
I loved reading Shutter Island last week and Heart Shaped Box *happy*
and as tired as we feel how can I not be thankful
for his job especially in this economy.

This stuff makes me happy, what else can I say?
After a huge scare this week with the school sending home
lice letters, and shaving the boys heads...we found out we are lice free!
WOOT! And my amazing cooperative boys who don't mind
shaving their heads and sporting the new cool bald look!

Last but not least we had a traumatic incident this week
Poor little Gage (seen above) who has been clinging on to
4 front teeth instead of two, well daddy popped out those 2
bottom teeth and it was a horrible mess, but thank heavens
for brave boys, brave daddies and rich tooth fairies!!!
your very first teeth, did you know the Tooth Fairy leaves you
One 5.00 bill
One 1.00 bill
One quarter
One Dime
One Nickel
One Penny
Many the Tooth Fairy has been investing well! LOL
That's it for me today, have a GREAT day!
~Thank YOU for stopping by I love ya for it!~
Awwww poor Gage! I went thru that with one of mine....he had a tooth just barely there but would scream and throw a fit everytime we tried to get near him to pluck it. Finally we got ahold of him and he screamed bloody murder....we didn't even touch it and it flew out of his mouth and under the refrigerator....he still swore we "hurt him" even tho I never touched the stupid about, Also been thru the whole lice thing. UGH!!! Unfortunately one of mine DID have critters and with 5 boys you can imagine the cleaning, washing, disinfecting spree we had. So I keep my kiddos hair very short on purpose, at least until they get out of grade school, which seems to be the home of the cooties....LOL.
Well, I sure am glad that my sons and grandsons are beyond the tooth fairy. Of course with your new pay guidlines...they may want to start again! lol Is Gage going to invest? lol TFS
Beautiful mini LO!!! Must def go to Target & check out those Gimme Clips!!!
Poor thing...I was the worst when I was little...hated having anyone touch my mouth!! Just think, once they're out, they don't come back!!
Happy rest day
Omg, Shutter Island is a BOOK?? I'm sooo excited! It's the same as the movie that just came out, right? Oh, and thanks for letting me know about Joe Hill's newest book, just ordered it from Amazon, along with Stephen King's new audiobook UR! Happiness is headed my way in a UPS box, for sure, lol!
Yay for being lice-free (and loose tooth free? lol)! Hope you're having a great weekend, Pinky! :)
Pinky - I love the small snapshot page. Hey Girl! I'm a Bare Minerals fanatic myself. I stopped at the store in Chicago yesterday and got my fix
Who you have been a busy lady. Sound like you have a tough guy threre with the teeth thing glad it all worked out :) Hope you have a good rest of the weekend XoXo Niki_Ray
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