The kids are back to school and I am on a roll this morning!
I wanted you to see what I got a couple weeks ago from a relative
it made me chuckle and I thought maybe you could use a chuckle too!
It is a PINK HAIRED Scrub Brush LOL!

And while I was googling for the image I ran across a Pink Haired Mom Blog
Now mind you she is not as PINK HAIRED as I am, and I have more kids.
But it was funny to run across it anyways.
The pink hair is alot newer than mine it's fun watching her
explore the pink life LOL
Here is a quote from her profile
Hello I sport Hot Pink Hair! I tend to have a lot of white trashy type moments, even got the "white Trash" bumper sticker, on my fridge of course.
Funny right?
Ok, enough silly talk...getting down to business!
The RAK...I gotz some fun flowers waiting for a new home!
And the winner is #4 which is...
Booth and say Hi and take a picture of my stuff LOL
I wish I was going...I wish I wish...BUT I will be going to Chicago
it's planned and I am ready to go!
Also if you are anywhere near Kentucky...
Scrapbook Village have the Cave City Convention Center and will
be hosting an ALL day crop and classes.
In May...I will be there teaching so be sure to sign up!
~Have a great Tuesday everyone~
~Thanks for popping by~
See y'all tomorrow with actual crafting! LOL
Very sweet! I had been thinking about buying one of the old school badge makers before, this makes so much more sense.
Also, love the plain white flowers, I can color them any way I want with the copic airbrush. Saturday, January 16, 2010