Wednesday, March 18, 2009

~Thirsty Thursday...or should I say RAK Thursday!~

Boy it has been a while since I have RAK'd,
in fact I just mailed out the last RAK yesterday!.
But I could not pass up these Thickers on Clearance
at Hobby Lobby yesterday. WOOHOO!

So, leave me a comment and send a friend over to say hey,
I will randomly choose a winner tomorrow night.

I promise this LO is not an angry LO
It looks that way but really it is just sad.
I mourn the loss of family and my childhood sometimes.
I move past it but occasionally a photograph reminds me

~Have a great RAK day~


Michelle said...

Hi Pinky - I saw this lo earlier on the other website you posted it on, sorry, I forgot the name. Anyhow, I like it. I like that you have such a positive and creative way of venting and dealing with your pain. And by the way, I still LOVE your hair!!!!

Michelle H.

deb famularo said...

You are inspiring me to be more real on some of my layouts- i need to get some emotions out on paper, in a creative way. I love everything about that and I admire you!

Melanie Stanczyk said...

What a creative way to express your feelings. Love that!

My friend Deb (Miss. Sparkling Scrapbooks) sent me to your blog. So glad she did too, cause it ROCKS!

Maggi said...

This is a very effecting layout. I love the way you express things!

kiwithekreator said...

you are such a sweetie...givin' stuff away and e'erthang!

Karen Brooks said...

You know how I feel about your work - it rocks! I love that you aren't afraid to put yourself out there - I know you get lots of criticism and sometimes it isn't so nice but keep scrapping "YOUR STYLE" and screw anyone else!!! Great job honey!

Kray said...

Don't ever stop scrapping your feelings....I get so much inspiration from it and I know others do as well.

You have made me think of this type of abuse...I personally, have not gone through what you have and will not pretend to know....but, you have inspired in helping my 13 year old stepdaughter and help her make the right choices w/ boys. So far we are close and communicate...easier to talk to me sometimes than mom/dad.

There were a couple red flags on a boy she liked and I want her to recognize them.

You are truly an inspiration

Jocelyn said...

Pinky, you are an inspiration to all of us!!!! Please never stop scrapping your feelings and emotions. I have not reached that place in my life yet, but you inspire me everyday!!!! Thanks for your wonderful RAKS and I just love to visit with you!!!!! Happy Thursday!

Anonymous said...

Wow - those are some great goodies your sharin there girl!!!

You know I love your LO's - you always rock em!!!!

Darlene said...

I love how you just put it out there. You rock!

cool goodies! I wish my HL would put Thickers on clearance...........

V Colbourne said...

Howdy!! I saw this LO with the other DT unlucky creations-- LOVE IT!!!!! Hope you have a great day :)

Tona said...

Love this layout. I think it's so great that we can use our scrapbooking as both a form of therapy, (letting out the feelings), and also to document the good & the bad & bring it into the light instead of shoved under the bed to be forgotten. I really admire what you do.
It's a good thing I don't live near a Hobby Lobby, I would be in the poor house Lol.

Unknown said...

OOOO Great Thickers and the stamp! :D OOOOO

Yes, I like that LO. :D Its great!

Rox-Ann said...

Your layouts are so moving Pinky love them. Thanks for the chance at a great rak! You rock as usual!

Chelle said...

i love how open you are on your layouts! thanks for the chance to win the RAK!

connie said...

I think your work is awesome. It amazes me how much you can put in one LO.

Bamabel said...

Fabulous sista!

pattyb said...

Thanks for teaching me to use my hobby as an outlet to express all my feelings..good and bad. It's helped me alot. Thanks for another fabulous giveaway too!

Taffy said...

You have completely outdone yourself again. I love the Background paper you've used! I love it.

Again, great job as usual.

Ziggyeor said...

oh wow I love how you can get it all out on paper like that and I like that you used the black electrical tape to ancor the photos!


Harley Dee said...

Love how you scrap the bad.. courage! :D

Jenn said...

it's fantastic how you scrap about the "real" stuff...thanks for sharing!

petunia670 said...

This is really original, great way to express your feelings. Ziggy sent me!


Amanda Winchester said...

I love how you are able to express yourself in your LOs...the good, the bad, everything. I'm not sure I would be able to do so in your situation. Your work is always so inspiring; thanks so much for sharing it with all of us!

NikiRay said...

What a great page Pinky..Like alway great work I am loving this wood effect..gotta have some of that :) TY XoXo Niki_Ray

Unknown said...

LOVE IT! Ain't it funny...sometimes i really want to say that to people...but I bite my tongue. This is a great way to 'get it out!'. ♥ (Ziggy sent me!)

Unknown said...

I love that layout! Memories aren't always pretty...our pages should reflect that. Great job. I'm glad ziggy introduced me to your blog :)

Liway said...

I love your layout Pinky!!! Ziggy sent me over too!! I've bookmarked your site - you're my kinda gal!!! :)

Donna C said...

TRUE GRIT ! LOVE your layout and that you have the guts to put your feelings down on paper ! Thank Ziggy for sending me here :-)