Sunday, March 29, 2009

~Fiskateer Pride~

Everyone knows I am an avid Fiskateer!
I love being a Fiskateer and I often joke about bringing the PINK
to the very ORANGE Fiskateers.
Well this week they asked us to take a picture in orange to
say Bon Voyage to Angela, so I edited a picture of me
and turned my hair orange!
Just for fun, but I like it!
I think if Fiskars will hire me, I will color my hair orange!!!! hahaha

Now this is not my usual style LO
and frankly I don't really like it.
BUT it makes me smile and I love the edited picture. hehehe

If you have not become a Fiskateer, let me tell you that you should!
Being a Fiskateer means, having input on new tools (your opinion counts!)
Sharing your craftiness with other friendly down home crafters.
Great crops and fun easy projects.
Everything from sewing to paper crafting is covered, and these girls are friendly!
email one of the leads, I have met Wendy Jo and Rebecca in person.
They are sweethearts!

It is one of my favorite places to play.
~Have a beautiful day~


Erin Glee said...

Girl, you look great with orange hair,too! You are right about the LO~ too "clean"... not the funky-fun-you we all know best, but Fiskateer Pride run deep!

Terri said...

Cristal - I just LOVE your blog!! I have you in my blog reader & even though I don't comment, I wanted you to know I do LOVE reading your blog!!! Thanks, girl!!

Jocelyn said...

Girlie, I love the edit to the pic and the orange looks FABULOUS. You make me want to go out and get wild with my hair color!!!! I adore the LO, the colors are wonderful and it shows another side to your craft!!!!!Have a wonderful weekend! Hope you are feeling better, I am tired too and off to another party today, celebrating a 50th Birthday of a dear friend and you know what that means, mine is coming soon. I refuse to celebrate this Birthday, I am holding at 40....... :))))))

kelly said...

haha love the orange but love the pink too lol

Darlene said...

i am totally loving this orange! Too cool!

aimee said...

LOVE the orange! i think you would look good in purple too. :)

Kray said...

I actually really like this can still see the would be fun for a day to go w/ orange hair.

sandyh50 said...

LOve your post today, makes me proud to be a Fiskateer!

sandy #4165

Tona said...

You do look good in orange. They should hire you.
I don't know why you don't care for this layout. I love it.

Tracey Taylor said...

This is totally adorable. You are so much fun.

Stephanie said...

this is a great LO!
I too LOVE being a Fiskateer!

Noel said...

I saw this on the f board and I was like "what...she dyed her hair orange??" So I had to hop over and see if there was any news on a new hair color. Looks fun!! :)

Valerie said...

From one fiskateer to another, your LO is very fun and I love your orange hair.

Anonymous said...

not many people can pull off "orange", but you do it very well! Love your blog! Also, would love to know what that vintage paper is at the bottom of your blog, where you scraped a house. It is beautiful paper. Surfred into the blogfrom the Fiskateer website. Please enter me in the contest! \

Unknown said...

You know That paper is K@Company paper.

deb famularo said...

this edited picture is SO cool!!!!!
Love the layout!xOxO