The boys are on the mend but not all the way yet.
I am over this 2 weeks sick spell.
OK now about this LO
I had a challenge to do a LO using a SONG about a friend,
so I chose Dolores, and LauraJean,
Dolores is one of those women I totally respect.
She is strong, she is family oriented and she is a no BS kind of gal.
I can trust her to tell me the truth about a LO
or about anything else.

She has a handicapped son and she loves him so much, I feel her
love through everything she says and does.
I am so honored to know her.
These type of people get me through the week!
~Have a beautiful Monday~
Oh OHHHHH I know....I have some Cosmo Cricket Rub-ons!!!
Leave a comment here , let me know how your Monday was and I will put your name in
for a chance at the rub-ons!
That's great that you scrapped a page about your friend. :)
I am having a great week so far.
Great LOs Pinky. My Monday was ordinary and uneventful and now I am getting to scrapbook so ALL is well!!!
great los....my monday was pretty full...a baked a cake for my moms bday today:)
What a wonderful tribute to your friend! Glad your boys are on the mend, too!
My Monday had it's ups and downs. Good news is that most of the downs got fixed. Better news I got some really cute buttons & 2 older Fiskars border punches at 40%off. Still looking for newer stuff though.
great LO! lets see what i did today was go to school, then to work at the animal hospital then came home (sooooo tired)and took a nap, then woke up and went to the grocery store, and grilled burgers and hot dogs, and now we are watching Heroes! i love that show!
my monday was crappy i have a head cold but all together i accomplished a lot i finished a jean blanket its on Jacis profile and we had company for supper
My Monday drug A$$ I couldnt get motivated to save my life..So the kids and I walked to the Lib. and checked out some books :P XoXo Niki_Ray
I love the pearl accents you used, that looks so cool! My Monday was good, I got to finish up some layouts for an online crop I did over the weekend and also got to spend some time with a couple of girlfriends. Great day! lol
Hey! What an awesome page about your friend. Good luck with your sick family. It's been such a tough season, and allergies aren't helping either. My Monday was packed. I have officially started my first garden, and I'm so excited. I dug lines today to stabilize my "raised garden" walls, and dragged my two tired, nap deprived children with me everywhere. By the end they were so worn out, I think we were all ready for a break!
My Monday was pretty selfish...I got my hand on a book I have been waiting a year to come out and I finished reading it today. Now I have to catch up on cleaning.
I had a good Monday. Got caught up on some chores, & made 2 cards. Now, I'm trying to finish a gift that I need to get shipped off soon.
Loved your layout about your friend.
It's a great until I had to dive head first into my homework. I hate Statistics. Everytime I leave the table I have a huge headache.
Oh, I did called and reserve my spot for the local crop on National Scrapbooking Day! I can;t wait.
Well Mondays are the day I do what I have been putting off doing all the week before. Basically I just cleaned house worked on laundry. Have a great week.
Well Mondays are the day I do what I have been putting off doing all the week before. Basically I just cleaned house worked on laundry. Have a great week.
Great layout! I bet you made your friend's day doing a layout in her honor.
You don't want to know about my Monday...YIKES....very stressful!!!!...I just can't wait until April 15th!! Whoohoo!!
Monday was pretty average really back at work and all that boring stuff, but was better when I got home and had a play in my craft room - that makes everything better lol.
Well... my Monday was a lazy day... the Hubby had off and my son had school. We chilled out at home with my daughter and my son after he got home. Now tomorrow... well that will be a different story.
I spent most of the day doing a Pulmonary Function Test at the Hospital and the results are not what I had hoped for and now I am worried, so Munday SUCKED!!!! But Tuesday is here and it is another day to do good!!!!
Monday was a great day for me. It was the only down day I will have in this business trip..Spent a great deal of time online..time on Tally pointing everyone and time reading a book...I NEEDE this day !
I LOVE the layout you did on Delores. I love her...it is a wonderful tribute page..and even though I am a day early.. Congrats on making it onto the SPring Design Team at Tally..I know you will make it and am looking forward to what you will have for us!
Beautiful page Pinky! I do love rubons. My Monday was good. I dropped off one daughter for school, ran tons of errands with little bee, picked up the older one, took them outside to play, baths, then off to choir practice until almost 10. It was great and exhausting.
Jenn J Fiskateer#2219
Hi Pinky!
I had a great Monday! I won a orange Xcase from Heys at Fiskateers! Then I lost my mitten walking home at lunch and found it on the walk back! LOL! I went to a different stamp class last night and learned how to do back ground paper with reinkers and marbles, that was fun!
Love your layout, it makes me stop and reflect on strong women. I think my daughter is such a person.
Enjoyed the tribute about your friend. I just happened upon your blog today, and love the scrapbook pages! MY MONDAY was great!
Boohoo Pinky...I love the layout of Dolores, and I know you HATE bright colors, but sniffsniff...where's my layout chickie!!!! LOL girl :)
You really ROCKED both of those layouts and I'm so honored that I was ONE of the people you picked to do....and of course Dolores' layout is rOCKin and I loves that girl too :0)
Oh yeah....don't put me in for the rubons...I just wanted to give ya some shit, girlfriend ;) Love Ya!!! And btw, you are the RAK queen girl!!!
Another great LO. I hope the boys are completely well soon. Monday was back to work for me then home.
Please don't include me for the rub-ons either. I just wanted to say what a wonderful post to read today. Dolores is a wonderful woman. LOVE this page. How very thoughtful of you to do this.
oh...and I can't wait to see LJ's page :)
Good Morning .. My monday was not so great,, Started a jacket that I have to finish today..and also laundary day..Mariah #2457
My monday was ok. I stayed with my husbands cousin. Good Food and Company:) But I missed my husband:) I couldn't scrapbook, I don't have my supplies with me.
My Monday was a bit sleepy! It was a rainy day, but I did get some stuff done at work, so that was good. Pretty uneventful, which, lately - is a very good thing! LOL!
I know I'm late -- just wanted to comment that my monday was a typical MONDAY. ughhhh! love your tribute to D. very nice! :)
You're rawken the DT thingie aren't ya?!?! Those are some awesome stuff WOMAN!!
Monday was awesome!!! Twas my 7th Anny! ate dinner (had wayy too much to drink) and called it a night after we watched Paranormal State! LOL
Lovely page!!! My Monday was great....after work (which was not too bad-- I'm a teacher BTW) I went ice fishing and had a little bonfire, it was so beautiful outside. I love Spring.
Love the page.
My Monday was horrible. I had to leave work early because my dog was sick and throwing up all over the house and the hubby who works graveyard was mad because the dog woke him up. So I spent the day cleaning up puke from the carpet. Ugh! I hope everyone else had a better day!
My monday was filled with scrapbooking, and more scrapbooking, lol
thanks for the chalnge.
My mondya was pretty good, I cleaned! It feels great to have most of it done.
Love that LO.
My Monday was mundane...
you know what I do, so rarely is it a great day here.
However, it's Tuesday and a family that ended up here due to a housefire, has left successfully today and I'm very happy for them! She got in here, did what she had to do and got out. That's always nice, but usually not the case. So happy Tuesday!
I hate Mondays!
This layout is just beautiful and so inspiring. I just love the colors.
My Monday was exciting, but a little sad. My youngest daughter turned 23....which I think makes me older too. LOL
Thanks for a chance at this sweet candy.
had dinner with an old co-worker whom I had not seen in seven years. It was good to catch up and the lasagna was fabulous!
Hi Pinky - aka Orangy!
That was a nice layout for your friend!
Monday was a work day for me - lots of status updates and documents to review and documents to write... oh and time/expenses to approve. Just a normal Monday!
"Monday, Monday..."
Thanks for sharing!
My monday was yucky - but I made it through!!!!
I'm having an ok week--not horrible but not the best. It started with a tornado in central Pennsylvania, luckily there was minimal damage to my home but some friends of mine were not so lucky.
Monday was very good and productive. I had a friend help me stuff all the goody bags for an upcoming scrapbooking retreat. Gotta love friends. Also I was tagged for a blog award this week, so I also wanted to tag your blog too because I love to read it when I have time. You are one talented lady. www.scrappeediane.blogspot.com
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