Oh man! I had the most comments EVER for that Christmas Kit! I wish I had 86 to give out I feel so bad only choosing one but I only have one kit....so I put everyone's ID/name in Randome.org and the first one that popped up was...
Jennifer said...

Glad you had fun!!

- jennifer
- amyB
- carla
- marla
- dolores
- letsscrapdDT
- jillene
- sandy
- vanessa
- deanna
- scrappinmom3
- julie
- callista
- sara
- jona
- pattyB
- debby
- nanbeth
- gloria
- scrappygal
- pattyw
- jenn
- deb
- karenb
- weze
- roxann
- mightymom
- stephanie
- donna
- liz
- tona
- amanda
- georgina
- tuttle
- lisa
- kate
- michelle8:01
- cindy
- nancy
- tracey8:01
- nikki8:20pm
- jill
- michele
- nikki
- stacey
- connie
- doverdi
- kimbeth
- denise
- yaritza
- justjess
- eringlee
- sheri
- jingle
- sandi
- scrappymom
- michelle8:36pm
- jennie
- barb
- melody
- chrisc
- kimmie
- laurajean
- robin
- brenda
- sandra
- joan
- heather
- lee
- coco
- leslie
- adrienne
- rachel
- kristine
- scrappydoo
- javawava
- kelly
- lisam
- lizzie
- kray
- tish
- karinD
- michelle
- joyheart
- debbiefitz
- mandianie
Timestamp: 2008-11-19 12:44:14 UTC
Congrats to the winner... and thanks for the link - going to check out those challenges...
and - because I adore coming over to see what your up to I've decided to give you an award - check out my blog for more details.
Congrats to the winner!! At least I was 7th and not last!!
Congrats Jennifer! You have the best blog Pinky. It's always fun to stop by for a visit.
Pinky, you're the best! Thanks! Off to check out those challenges!
Congrats Jennifer! And thanks Pinky! I can't wait to get my goodies! :) YAY!
you gotta stop telling us about all these wonderful places...I'm spending too much time looking at all these great sites and not enough time scrapping!! LOL!! Seriously thanks for all the info!! It's great seeing so many new and fresh things!
WOW...what a great giveaway you had and congrats to the winner!!!! I love those Little Davis things...I have to check out Dreamgirls again, too.
Congrats!!! Fun kit!
Now metal and mask....that sounds like a great challenge.
Congrats to the winner....
Sounds like a lot of fun
You are soo sweet and I love that you keep sharin all these great places to visit!!!
Hey girie, I just wanted to let you know that I am passing on an award to your Blog, check out my blog for the details!
Woohoo Congratulations....You ROCK Ms. Pinky ;)
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