Monday, November 17, 2008

~Maniac Monday!~RAK Closed* (:

Thelma and Louise made it back from RENO to Nashville.... with some Orange Glitter!
Thanks Angela!

Cherrie, Aymee and which one is Pinky?? hehe
The Three Amigos!

Well did y'all miss me?
I have been SWAMPED this weekend/week.
Last couple weeks I had a HUGE dress order come in then preparing for the
BEST scrapping event I have ever been to! The Nashville Fiskateer Fisk-A-Friendzy!

And wow it was SOOOOOO much better than I ever anticipated!
First of all having Cherrie and Aymee fly in was wonderful and visiting with them for 4 days
just made it so special.
Then meeting REBECCA the Lead Fiskateer just made it so much more special.
I know Fiskars did the online Fiskateers for promotion,
but they created something so special.

Not only a place for crafters to come and learn and chat BUT a place to meet your local scrapbookers and create a lifetime of friendships.
I don't think that has a price tag.
I am HOPING praying they do it again next year!
But I know it had to be terribly expensive!!

I know how hard Rebecca worked on it and how hard people
who volunteered worked as well!

Now I bet you are wondering what the heck this is on my blog?
Well, this is the PAGE KIT Including STAMPS that sat on every seat in the house!
And guess what? I have 1 to giveaway!
Yes, you have a chance at getting one of these AWESOME
LIL DAVIS kits too!

So what I want you to do is leave me a comment AND remember how very special
Fiskars and LIL Davis is.
They do care about their customers! They really do!
And you know I firmly believe in passing on the crafty LOVE so make sure to use this kit to pass on some crafting LOVE and whether it be a CARD or an outright gift...make sure to Practice RANDOM ACTS OF CRAFTING!

I will announce a WINNER on WED!

It truly was a once in a lifetime experience! And my hat is OFF to Rebecca and everyone who worked so hard to put it together!
Have a Beautiful Crafty Day!


javawava said...

I agree! I was at the Hershey event and it exceeded my expectations by a million miles.

BTW, love your blog. You rock!

Fiskateer #1598

Tracey said...

Glad you had a fabulous time Pinky!!

And what awesome candy!! Thanks for a shot at it!

Michelle said...

What a fun event and a fun time you must have had with your friends!

Sandra said...

I am so glad you had fun, and to meet up with some of the Just Scrappin girls was just the icing on the cake

Hugs from NZ

Deanna said...

Good times, good times!

Loved to win that blog candy!

Tona said...

Sounds like you had a fantastic time, Pinky. I love the picture of you & your 2 amigas. If they have another FiskaFriendzy next year, I'm going. Thanks for the chance at a great RAK.

JuliesAddiction said...

Congrats on your visit!! It is alot of fun to meet your online friends isnt it!!

Sounds like you had a great event!!

Yaritza said...

I wish I could of make it to one of the events. Maybe next year. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to win such an awesome RAK. Those stamps look awesome.

Donna said...

Pinky it sounds like you had a awesome time with friends old and new. I really do hope that they do one close to me next year lol! It is so nice of you to share, Thank you.

Kelly B Rutherford said...

Hey girl!! Sure did miss you guys online while you were gone playing, but completely understand. Fiskars and LIL Davis are the best!! Can't wait to hear all about yall's great time!!

Nikki said...

cute pic of you girls! Sounds like you had a ton of fun! What an awesome giveaway too! How sweet of you!

Laurajean said...

WOW....looks like you girls had a BLAST of a time...what a great way to get together and have a great weekend ;)
btw, love the flamingos ;)

Barb said...

Pinky u seem to have the time of ur live..i wish i could attend one of those events...i haven't been a fiskateer for long but it's become agreat of my life.

scrappygal said...

Oh little Davis has always been one of my favorites since way back when...

That is surely a great RAK ! Good luck 2 all !

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Wish I could have been there -- each event sounded so special! Hopefully I can be there too next year! -Brenda #3635

Leslie said...

So glad you had just a fun time this past weekend. It is always great to get together with old friends and meet new ones.

It is so nice of you to share this little extra you came home with. You are so sweet!

Patty Williams said... much fun y'all had! I sure wish I could of been there. I knew Nashville would be rockin' all over town!

I love that Lil Davis set, sure could use it!

Thanks for the chance!
Patty 2832

Carla said...

WOW looks like you guys had a great time, and the RAK looks really cool too, thanks for letting all of us have a shot at such a cool RAK...

Michelle said...

sounds like alot of fun you all had!Fiskateers ROCK!!thanks for the chance at the cool goodies!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a great time! That RAK looks awesome!

pattyb said...

I wasn't able to go to a Fiska-fenzy but I went to Scrapfest and met Angela, Rebbeca and Cheryl. And you're right on. They are amazing human beings and I love getting the chance to know them better through the website. I also love the two Jo's, Wendy and Kelly and I bet they have the same amazing spirit that the other leads have.

Every event I have been involved in sponsored by Fiskars has been over the top amazing. They are a gracious company to their customers and anyone within ten feet of their customers. I do my best to keep this company thriving, I think they are deserving of much praise.

Rox-Ann said...

Wow awesome photo of the 3 amigos sounds like you had a wonderful time. thanks for the chance to win an awesome kit! You are always so very generous!

Elizabeth Sanchez said...

look at how adorable you look with your cute hair!!!! you don't look at all like you were sick for like what? two months was it?? hahahaaa

paper bag create said...

How exciting was that! Thank you for sharing your goodies with us Pinky! I would love to win! have a great evening!

D's Paper Studio said...

I would love this kit. I enjoyed the Cloud 9 one at Hershey....I really love my Lil' Davis lines. Fiskars truly truly ROCK the HOUSE!

Mrs Pretzel said...

AWESOME!! Love my fiskars!

Mama Tuttle said...

Pinky, it sounds as if you had a fantastic time! I'm so happy for you! That kit looks awesome, and I know that I could pay it forward to some of my scrappy friends!!

Vanessa Johnson said...

It sounds like you had a great time! What an awesome event to go to!

Joan Shanks said...

I wish that I lived close enough so that I could have been their.It looked like you had fun.Thanks for giving us a chance to win this.

Joan Fiskateer #808

# 4386 said...

It would have been great to be in thick of all the fun. But it looks like you had lots of extremely fun. Thanks for giving us a chance to win a great and awesome RAK!!!

Sandi said...

I wish I lived close to events like this! Sounds like FUN, FUN, FUN!!!!!!!!!!

THANKS for a shot at some scrappy LOVE!!!

kristine said...

wow you look like you had a blast and im soo jealous lol

Heather Plank said...

Wow Pinky sounds like an awesome time! I'd love to win your prize! And just in time for card making season!
I hope one of these events comes by my way sometime... I saw where someone posted it was at Hershey? Hershey PA? And I missed it ???

Unknown said...

Yes, they had one at Hershey PA, Queen Mary CA, Virginia City NV, and Nashville, TN and one other place

Karen Sue said...

Glad you had such a great time.
thats one great RAK, would sure make some wonderful cards for friends.

Scrappy Doo 2 u said...

Hey Hot Stuff... missed ya! Awesome pictures, I hope to see more of and the gals craftin it up! They are such awesome companies and how generous of them to offer the goodies! Thanks for this awesome opportunity.

Just Jess said...

Wow you are so lucky you got to attend! Glad to hear you had a blast :) I soo wish Fiskars could start something in Canada *insert pouty face* Proud fiskateer #1868!

Where's the boots?

Chris C said...

Wow it sounds like you had a fabulous time, I so wish they did international visits lol. Yes they are very generous and I really do believe that they care about their customers (the Fisk-a-teers is a great example of this).

Anonymous said...

I am so glad y'all had a good time and wow what a kit! I have formed some new friendships through fisk-a-teers and I am thankful to YOU for suggesting I sign up!So far all my experiences there have been good ones.

MightyMoM said...

I missed reading your blog last week! So glad you're back and had such a good time. It sounds like such an awesome event. Thanks for bringing something back to share. You rock!

kate blue said...

I know you had a totally awesome time! I can't wait to see more pictures! I pray they do it again next year; we had a ball!
KateB F # 4529

Tish said...

WOW. This weekend sounds like an event to remember! So sad I could not go.

OMG! They gave out these great kits??! How cool is that. This is simply AWESOME.

I would just LOVE to get this kit ... I love to make things and send out RAKs.


Erin Glee said...

I'm so glad you had a great time at the event with your friends~ Yay Fiskars and 'Lil Davis!
Thanks for the chance, Pinky!

Unknown said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful time!!

Marla said...

Lil Davis is great a company and how fun it would be too win some goodies.

melody said... glad you had an awesome time chickie! and how kewl that is to meet your friends...whohoo! love that pic of you and the *pinks*! yummy candy, too!'ve been busy chickie!

Kray said...

I am so glad you amigas had such a great time...I am anxiously waiting to hear from Aymee.


BethW said...

Was just chatting with one of the Kiwis about how fantastic things have been going for the Fiskatters lately. It is incredible-the generosity of Fiskars is mind blowing. How lucky are we to have found such a wonderful group!

Unknown said...

Wow, how incredible is that?! It is so cool! I wish they would do one in Portland, Oregon! Seriously! It would be so cool. :D

That is an awesome RAK thanks so much for giving it away! You're too splendid. Yes, SPLENDID. :D

Debbie said...

So glad you girls had fun! Can't wait to hear more about it!

Jona Panesa said...

you three look like triplets there. so glad you, aymee and cherrie had a blast!!! that's a wonderful kit to have.

Cindy said...

Good to hear you had a great time this weekend and WOW ! what a great giveaway too !!

doverdi said...

So glad to hear that you had such a blast. I'm "orange" with envy! lol I so wish that I could have gone....oh well, hopefully there will be another chance next year.

Deb said...

Soooo pleased you had such a fab time Cristal, you deserve it hun. Fiskars have come up trumps yet again with this fantastic event.
Deb x x

LisaM said...

Glad you had a great time Cristal! Great pic!

michele said...

so glad the three amigos had a blast spending time together. I told you the friendzy would be a blast!

Dolores said...

Oh what a nice prize Cristal, I love it! So glad you all had a wonderful time

Let's Scrap Design Team said...

wow looks like you had a great time and what a cool giveaway!

Kimmie said...

I wish I was able to go but with two little boys the traveling to any of them was too far. I'm glad you had such a blast! I agree, Fiskars did do something magical!

weze said...

Unfortunately none of the events were anywhere near me in Wisconsin otherwise I would have been there! But I am lucky enuf to be able to to their warehouse sale in a few days to check it out. Fiskars is definitely a company that has a heart and I think that's why they have faithful & fun followers called Fiskateers! I am proud to be #3903

Karin Leveillee said...

Looks like you had a blast this weekend. Everyone works so hard for these events - even the ladies that help out on-line. I one day hope to be able to participate.

As for the RAK - OMG.... I love it, and would love to win it. Thanks for sharing with us like this - it's very thoughtful of you.

Misvish - aka Karin

Jingle said...

Fiskars is absolutely a kind and thoughtful company all around! I've seen nothing but greatness from them! Love the flamingos, btw!

Scrappymom said...

Man! I wish I could have come! It is closer to me than the other events....but work got in the way! :( I am glad that you had a great time, got to see your friends and meet Rebecca!

Thanks for sharing a kit! You are fabulous....always passing along the love!

Fiskateer #598

connie said...

sounds like a blast! I hope next year one is a little bit closer so I can attend one! I agree with you on Fiskars - they are the best.

Stacey said...

Sounds like you had a fabulous time! Those stamps rock!

Jillene said...

I am glad that you had a great time!! LOVE the picture!!

Jenn said...

Glad you had time with friends, it's important to take time out of our busy lives to do that. :)

Thanks for the chance to win some blog candy.

Gloria said...

wow pinky looks like yall had a blast. Maybe next year I can plan on coming we have family where you are. thanks for the chance at the goodies they look fabulous.

Turtlelady~Sandy said...

Great pics Pinky!!!
What an awesome RAK. I could really use these on the cards I need to get finished :=)
Turtlelady #1715

Robin said...

thank you for having such a rak.
glad you had fun in nashville.

Anonymous said...

Wow those are some lovely stamps. I haven't seen them around here. I agree with you on sharing the love and it's always nice to brighten someones day.

Unknown said...

Very fun. I love reading about the enjoyment of the events.
Jennie #414

michelle said...

Our event rocked too. I just wish that Thelma and Louise could have been there they would have enjoyed their time on the Queen Mary. . . you are a kid hearted woman and Fiskars is a kind hearted company!

AmyB said...

How generous of you! Thanks also so very much for posting the '411' on the Fisk MB. We need those details! It helps me feel a little like I was there.
Maybe they will have another, and we'll get to meet someday.
Fisk #1823

nancy said...

Sounds like you had a blast. It would be so much fun meeting all the people you chat with online. And what a blog prize! Thanks for the chance at it.

Liz said...

oh that is a great prize, you don't have to add me to the giveaway since I won your last one but I just wanted to say it's awesome! :) I'm glad you had a good time!

Georgina said...

Oh I love the pictures of you gals!! So glad you had a great time with Aymee and Cherrie!! Loving that Lil Davis Kit also..

Sara said...

LOVE those flamingos! Glad you had such a blast at the Friendzy...and totally jealous I couldn't travel to Nashville. Someday... ;)

Sara R. #1314

Anonymous said...

Woohoo... so glad you had a great time.

Denise said...

Cristal - glad you guys had a great time!! Wish I could have been there with you all, but I was in spirit!

That looks like an awesome kit!! And you are so sweet to share it with someone...

scrappin_mom3 said...

Cristal, you, Aymee and Cherrie look so C-UTE!! Sounds like you guys had a blast!! I can't wait to see what you guys did!!

Steph Ackerman said...

Glad you had a wonderful time. Looks awesome. Thanks for the chance for a giveaway, the candy looks yummy and would look so nice in my scrap room!!!

Karen Brooks said...

Fabulous pics of you girls - I so wish I could've been there with you!!! Darn our luck of losing our jobs this time of year due to a sell out!!! Hopefully next year I can make it!!! I am looking forward to the spring - all us girls in Gatlinburg!!! Yummy blog candy - thanks for sharing the love!!!

Jennifer said...

Glad you had fun!!

Nikki said...

Glad u had a great time! thanx for the chance at a fabulous RAK!!!!

just lisa said...

Glad it was such a wonderful experience for all of you Cristal - sounds like they did a top notch job!!!

So sweet of them and you to give a giveaway!!!

Bamabel said...

I would just like to say a big Thank you to them too! This weekend was amazing! I enjoyed it sooooo much! I know it had to be so much work! But it was all so appreciated!

Don't enter me in...already have this one! Hee hee...good luck to the rest of you girls!

rayasunshine said...

Pinky, I would love to win this. I didn't get to go to any of the Fiskar Friendzys and would treasure this kit. It is just so awesome!!!
Tkx for the chance to win :=)
Cicly #1835