Friday, October 1, 2010

~It's the 1st! My favorite day + new VIDEO Tutorial & GIVEAWAY!!!!!~

Good morning!!!!!!!

AHHHHH I love the first of the month.
It is officially time to share my Scrapbooking From The Inside Out
layouts that I worked so hard on. You know I love their kits!

The theme of the kit this month is...
I love that, so many interpretations.

Here is my first layout Strange Girl and her Purpose
I HATE this photo of me, and I never share it but I thought
I would scrap it anyways. I feel like the girl on the Steampunk paper
like a strange girl...but I always have purpose.
I love the abstract theme of this kit and these pages...
I did all 5 layouts in 1 day, I was completely 100% inspired
by the Steampunk and for some reason it all flowed.

Cannot wait to share another one tomorrow!
Meanwhile, I did make the video tutorial for this vintage ring!
Here it is! :) Now go make your own and show me pictures!!!

Ok now for the GIVEAWAY....Guess what Imaginisce is doing??
They are giving away EVERYTHING in this video!!!

To one lucky blog comment...BUT you have to comment on MY blog here
and be a follower....easy peasy!!
I might even be able to talk them into
an extra package of flowers for one extra lucky winner!!!! :)
Always thinking of the fans man!

~Happy Friday!!!!!!!~
~Hope it's a great one....have a beautiful day!~


Laura Church said...

I loved your ring, great video! I think a crucial step is the glossy accents, makes it sooo much more than just a paper flower. I have a dinner dance to attend in November and I Most definitely need one of these for my outfit. I'm hitting my LSS today to get these supplies. I think black would be very elegant, or a colour to coordinate with whatever I'm gonna wear. Better get working on that too.

LadybugCarrie said...

LOVE the ring! What a super great idea! Thank you for the great video! :-)

chignon said...

Thanks for the tutorial PInky! I really love the idea of a changeable ring! Now I need the i-top!

Kelly Massman said...

Love those flowers!

Cathy said...

Great tutorial Pinky....your enthusiasm for the products you use is contagious. Seriously...yours is the first I-top work I've watched and I never thought I needed one till now.

Kath said...

Cute ring! I'm loving flowers so much lately.

Amy aka: ropergirl3 said...

Awww Pinky I love that photo of you, you look relax actually.!
He I would love to win that prize, that tool is amazing!!!

Mary-Beth said...

Pinky, I had never heard of this company til I 'met' you and it's so fun to see what they do! Now I'll have to see if my lss stocks it! lol
Great tute and love the ring!!!

Pammejo said...

wonderful job on the video and your layout is amazing. Love, love the ring, I am a mega fan of glossy accenterful, you did an ama

Pammejo said...

You did a wonderful job on the video and your layout is amazing. Love, love the ring, I am a mega fan of glossy accent

K said...

That ring is sooooooo cute ... I want one in black & red now, lol. Love how you can add or remove the layers in an instant.

Jodi Geers said...

Oh my goodness! I wanted this tool before but now I have to have it! What a cool idea! I love it! Your video was very easy to follow and to understand. Thank you! Jodi

Anonymous said...

I think this looks like a ton of fun! Are the rings adjustable....or will they come in kids sizes??

z_bina67 at hotmail dot com

ScrapMomOf2 said...

WOW! Love that layout!! I love your video! Seriously . . . how cool is that ring!?! Love the Snap Daddies! Must get some!! My girls are going to LOVE them!! :)

Beth said...

Snap rings....I didn't get it until I watched your video! My DD will be amazed at how many rings she can have! Don't have any scrap stores near me, will need to find some of those!

Unknown said...

Hey Sabine, they are adjustable!

Anonymous said...

oh em gee!!! LOVIN' this ring!! thank you so very much for the video, as it will come in handy once I have gathered all of my supplies to create a ton of them on my own!!! thanks for inspiring!

Sophia said...

I totally loved everything on your video. Love that ring, too gorgeous for words...please pick me ♥♥♥

Scrapthat said...

FUN! Great job on your vid! TFS!

Julie said...

the page and pics are awesome! and i LOVE the ring!! i wanna make some!!!

StampinCathy said...

Great tutorial Pinky. Your page is just stunning and love all the fun stuff you added.

Jackie said...

Oh how wonderful, great video! I'm already a follower of both blogs :)

Lillian Child said...

That ring is so fabulous and the video was great! Love how you are thinking outside the box on this one!

Scrapalooza said...

Great video & awesome giveaway! Thanks for being you. :)

Khristen said...

Rockin' ring! As always, you inspire me. That layout is fab, again, as always! Thanks for the chance to win some goodies :)

sandyh50 said...

Wonderful! I think your layout is awesome too!

ChristyR said...

awesome PInky! Love the ring, love the video, love your flower and love the snaps!

CKMommy said...

LOVE those flowers!! Beautiful ring! Great job Pinky :)

Chelle said...

Love the video..the rings look so easy.

Terri said...

Once again you ROCKED it!!!! FAB project - way too FUN!! Also, I LOVE the photo of you on your layout!!!

Anne Temple said...

Awesome tutorial Pinky. Thanks for giving us a heads up over at Challenge Masters.

Laurajean said...

HOLY Smokes chick...I absolutely LOVE this ring..its just gorgeous :) Great are such an inspiration :)

Chris in CT said...

Awesome tutorial! Didn't think I needed an i-top tool, but now I see that do!

Jen Cro said...

That is such a fun project. I will be looking for those rings. They would also make fun gifts. Thanks for sharing.

Pamela said...

Wow, these are beautiful. I wish I could be that creative, you always make things look great:) Can't get those products here:(

Amarilys said...

awesome tutorial and ring! thanks for sharing and I will definitely be making one of these in the future!

ksuscrapper said...

Beautiful ring Cristal!!!! I love it!! :)

Leah said...

lol your title rhymes lol
awesome ring of course - super super cute!

Patty Williams said...

Awww Snap ! Those are cute !

Are the rings adjustable or come in different sizes ?

Unknown said...

They are adjustable Patty

Susan... said...

great ring Pinky - LOVE the layers!

Thanks for showing the petal-rolling technique, that's a great tip!

I definitely need an iTop!!!! Thanks for the chance to win one!

Papel Scissors said...

looking forward to watching the tutorial!

Patty Williams said...

Thanks ! I have big fingers but DD aren't as big !

Would even make cute napkin rings or party favors !

Helen said...

That would be totally fun to win!! Thanks for the chance--love your ring :-)

DandoisLion DeLights said...

First, I love that steampunk page. Gorgeous. Second, I love that ring, super gorgeous. Third, your video was great!

Elisa K said...

OMG Miranda would sooooooooooooooo love this.... Yeah ok so would I... lol Love it and your ring is so pretty.... hehe


Melissa said...

Great tutorial! So many techniques in one video, my head is full of ideas. Thank you!

Scrapycandy said...

Creativity is your middle name. I hope I can come up with something someday that matches this.

Bobbi said...

I love your layout. The butterfly border is beautiful. I love this ring too. Hope I can win the pack to make it, if not, I know what is getting added to my list for anniversary present. TFS

Jenny B in Indy said...

Very pretty! Very unique idea, too!

Rebe0485 said...

Pinky~ I'm so excited about making rings! The tutorial was wonderful and makes me wanna go pick up some and make rings for all my nieces!!!

Precious Memories Scrapbooking & More said...

Love it!! & wow what a giveaway! fingers crossed.

Amber (bambi64) said...

You've done it again, Pinky! too cool!

Vicki said...

Love the ring and the layout. Great video. Thanks for sharing and the chance to win.

Desiree' Clary said...

I just subscribed to ur blog, gorgeous! =] I too like you feel like a strange grrrl. I think if we felt that way as a child... we always will. <3 Being strange isn't a bad thing, as I'm sure you know! Love the ring [had no clue about this until I read ur post about it on]! Thanx for sharing. I LOVE ur layout! Thanx for always inspiring and being a bit of awesomeness in this world! <3

Michelle said...

LOL, sorry Pinky but you always make these things look so darn easy. I would love to make rings and I didn't even know the I-Top could do that. What a great idea for Christmas gifts. Pick me Pinky. :o)

ShoppingTamii said...

glad you did a tutorial for the beautiful ring!!!

It's Jenn! said...

Beautiful layout, and beautiful pic =) Thanks for the tut. And I love love LOVE anything Imaginisce, I sure do hope I win this one!

{VICKI} said...

I'm a follower now.
thanks for sharing

Dawnll said...

Love the video sweetie- always like to hear your accent, it is very faint.
I have been a stalker of imaginisce for a long time.Love the products, I need to cave in and get the I-top and some products. My daughter would love these rings.

Kim. said...

Great layout, very inspiring. I love the video (as I said on yesterday's comment) and am already a follower of yours and imaginisce. Have a great weekend.
Kim xXx

Teresa Jaye said...

The new Imaginisce snaps and flowers are unbelievable! I don't know how they think up all this cool stuff! Your video was great! Hope you son feels better soon. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

beulahmom said...

Great video! Thanks for sharing!

Staci Compher said...

first love the pic of you!! always beautiful on the inside and out!! and girl the ring is awesome..!!

Rachel said...

what a fun new product!

Melissa D. said...

What a wonderful use of the i-top! Thank you for the idea!

Renee77 said...

Thanks for taking the time to make this video to share with us all. Thanks!!!

Jacquie Hart said...

Oh love this video and the new goodies! I hope I win! Imanginesce is one of my fav product lines!

Stephanie said...

I've been wanting to learn how to make these rings. Thanks for the tutorial, SURELY making one of these after work will make this crappy day better! :)
Thanks dear.

Kreations by Kristina said...

Those rings are super cute!! Great job with the video!!


Diana Waite said...

this is SOOOO cool! Great video--SO helpful!

Angela said...

Hello, Pinky! Stopped by from Imaginisce. That cocktail ring video rocks! What a fun girls night project that will be! Thanks for sharing!

Scrapfaire said...

That ring is AWESOME and so right up my alley! The i-top is always sold out at my LSS so I would love the chance to play with this baby...I didn't even know about the snap rings yet !!!! Hugs and thanks so much for sharing!

Scrapfaire said...

That ring is AWESOME and so right up my alley! The i-top is always sold out at my LSS so I would love the chance to play with this baby...I didn't even know about the snap rings yet !!!! Hugs and thanks so much for sharing!

Jeannie from said...

What a great job! I love the video, love the product...yep I want it all!!!

Blingdazzler said...

I just came over here from Imaginisce Blog....I LOVE what you have done! I can't for all of this stuff to be available in stores!!

Betsy said...

I love the ring and the tutorial...can't wait to see this stuff in stores!!

Kathy said...

I'm a new follower! Love the tutorial! I can't wait to be able to make these for my teenage daughter. Thanks for sharing!

BarefootFairyMum said...

I can't wait to make some of these. Good luck to everyone! Popping over to Imaginisce to comment!

Becky said...

Okay so today has been a super lucky day so can I luck up again cause I would LOVE to try my hand at making these

Manhattan Mandie said...

Great video, Pinky!!! I love, love, love that ring! I saw all of that stuff at CHA and got soooo excited! Can't wait to get my hands on some :) And your SFTIO layout is so cool! Steampunk is such a cool line. Can't wait to see what else you made with your kit!

Charlotte Cornett said...

LOVE THE RING!!!! your creations are AMAZING!! Thank you!

Heather Landry said...

SUCH a cool tutorial! Thank you so much for sharing Pinky! I always love your videos, but I think this one is my fav evah!

Tona said...

Love your layout & the ring. Thanks for the video.
I've never seen 1 of those petal tools before. I'll have to keep my eye out for 1 of those.

Hollyk said...

Love the ring and the video. Also love the LO it is so eleglant.

Nicole Laird said...

I LOVE that lady with the wings!!! And those gears are always some of my faves!! Beautiful LO my dear!!

The ring...there aren't words. It's way beyond fabulous!

I so wanna win!!!

Eva said...

Girl, your layout is GORGEOUS!!! I love that G45 collection, too! But I came here to tell you how amazing you are with your ring clever, creative and GORGEOUS!!! Love it, and must have it!

Jen said...

That ring is awesome! Thanks for such a great tutorial on the new Imaginisce products.

Heather said...

Cool layout! I think it's a great picture!

Lola said...

Love the ring. I so out of the loop I have not seen. Flowerw in the cupcake.

arlsmom aka Lynda said...

You are totally rockin the ring lady!!! LOVE it and the video...

tallulah1 said...

How fun !!!
Loved your video !
No where around here to see that stuff! Looks like I would love it !

EileenMV said...

Your ring is gorgeous!!! Great job on the video - love it! I am now a follower of your blog.

thriftycrafter said...

Love it, just think how many changes you could have in an evening too. Well done terrific idea.

{raisingAlexis} said...

Your steampunk page is AWESOME! Incredible!

The tutorial is great too!

Samantha Taylor said...

Great video, and what a wonderful idea! Thanks for sharing your creativity!

Marla said...

Pinky - Another great video tutorial from you. I love those flowers. The I-top looks like a cool tool that would be very versatile to use.

Anonymous said...

What a fun ring! Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

i adore your ring.. so beautiful. you did a great job on the video too..

Ashley Brown said...

Great video Pinky! I love the ring, I already have plans to make some for my sister and I!!

Michelle Frae Cummings said...

I would love to win this kit! Such a beautiful ring!

Rhonda Van Ginkel said...

First of all, I loooooove your SFIO layout!!! I need to get my hands on some of that paper!

Your ring is uber-fabulous and I can not believe how totally generous and awesome Imaginisce is to do this kind of giveaway!!! WOW O WOWWW!!!

Rebecca Keppel said...

Fabulous video! I love that ring!
:) Rebecca Keppel

scrapbookinglife said...

Wow! Great video and I love the ring!

Caitlin Russell said...

Loved the video!!! The ring was beautiful and just looked like so much fun to make! Totally want one of these hehe!! Love the LO as well, always have loved your work and the emotion you put into everything.


mindy gallagher said...

Great ring as usual :D The changeable part is very cool. thanks!!! you are the best :D

Steph B said...

That ring is fabulous!! Thank you for the video!!

Summer Braxton said...

Fun the snap rings. So genius!

Kray said...

Loved it, loved it, loved it!!! Thanks for sharing!

Mrs. Karen said...

LOVE THE RING! Oh my, I want to climb inside your brain! You are so talented!!! I love you!

Nana Nassar said...

Awesome guys just can't stop creating....GREAT! xoxoxo

Unknown said...

Pinky! LOVE this stuff, you're videos are always the best! I need to get that i-top!

Unknown said...

Pinky! LOVE this! You make the best videos. And I really need to get my hands on one of those i-tops!

BethW said...

Your layout is nothing short of stunning! Christmas is coming I definitely need me all those goodies so I can make some presents!

Barb said...

I love the way you displayed the ring in the cluster of "pearls". Reminded me of something you would put on a wedding veil. Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

love it pinky-your ring is adorable just like you
Sara (SF)

Dot said...

Thanks for posting another great tutorial! Such a quick and beautiful rings!!

Scrappy Doo 2 u said...

Oh my Pinky ... I love how you just flow with ideas and creativity! I absolutely adore the rings. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! Keep the amazing ideas coming! :) LOVE YA!

Gloria said...

love the tutorial!!!! now if only my number will pull up. lol lol wow you got lots of posts girl.

sucor said...

A changable ring! What a neat idea!Awesome video!

Denise Bryant said...

Fabulous ring! Thanks for sharing with us.... I really want the i-top now!

TracyM #6773 said...

You always make THE MOST fun videos Pinky - thank you for sharing this cool new Imaginisce product with us :)

Great layout and well done on getting FIVE done in one day!!!

all the days of our life said...

Great tutorial, I've been a follower since for ever, Just love your work. This ring is amazing, sure would wear it our with the girls and maybe the hubby if he is real nice.

Great give away.

Wendy said...

What a great idea! I can see the envy from my friends if I showed up wearing one of those rings! They are not really crafters, so they would never believe I made that myself! Thanks for sharing!

Kim said...

Wow, great stuff! Loved the video! It was neat to see how you curled the petals under---I usually try to wrap them around something--_I think I need a petal roller! LOL

Chantal Vandenberg said...

Love the ring!!! Wow!!! Awesome!!! You rock!!! :D

Cynthia Baldwin said...

So cute! I love that you can just use the snap to change up the jewelry. So cool...thanks for sharing!!

Jean said...

What creativity! The video was wonderful. Thank you for the inspiration.

Anonymous said...

love this! I think that a trip to my LSS this weekend is in store, just so I can make some of these! thanks for sharing such an awesome idea!

Laura said...

Love the video! Those rings look like a lot of fun to make.

Denise said...

Love them! My granddaughter and her friends would love them!

KellyG said...

Awesome ring and video! Love that layout also!

Katrina Hunt said...

Oh super cool ring Pinky!!!!!! Thanks for the video too...your videos always rock!!

Erin Gudge said...

I really love that steampunk stuff!

Great job on your tutorial, Cristal!

BlueCrayons said...

you rocked this ring and vid like no other. imaginese needs you always on there team. i love it all pinky. ty ty ty and ty imaginese.

Suzy Nurmainy said...

I LOVE you ring!!! it's awesome!!! I just bought the i-top can't wait to get the ring!! TFS :)

Kelly Sas said...

Thanks for listening (like you wouldn't!) and doing a tutorial - video no less - for us! So great and I would LOVE to win this because I know I will have a hard time finding them!!! I LOVE cocktail rings and I can see some great Christmas presents being made this year.

amymwz said...

Oh your video is great. I loved the new snaps. The flower tool is a definet must have!

Bart said...

You are amazing as usual! Thanks for the video and some great ideas!

Unknown said...

What a great tutorial and a beautiful ring. Thank you Pinky!

Crece said...

Fantastic tutorial Pinky, Love the idea of being able to change the ring with flowers, and thanks for showing me another reason to LOVE my I-Top!!!

Kate aka stinkydudette said...

That is such a beautiful ring!! Thanks for a great video...

Amanda said...

What a great video. Those new flowers are SOOOOO neat. I can't wait to try the snap dadies. Do you know it they will be making headbands with snaps too? or will we just have to find out own snaps to attatch to that kind of thing?

Unknown said...

There is headbands with snaps on them :) They are so fun! My next video!

Adriana Vanderhoeven said...

Wooow...Wooowww and Wooow, Great video, tutorial and beautiful work!!!!!!! In November, I have a 15th birthday, my niece ... but I live very far to get any of these materials and make this beautiful ring .. and seek between what I have and I can get to try to do something similar.
Thanks for sharing. Hugs from córdoba, Argentina
Adriana Vanderhoeven

Ginny said...

Ooooh I'd definatly love to have a chance to try out everything in that video!

Nitasha said...

Wow, wow, and wow! That ring is too cute! Great tutorial!

Anonymous said...

Great tutorial...thanks, love the ring :)

Wonder Woman said...

OMG Pinky-great video! I just paid $55 for a cocktail ring and yours looks better! Pick me!

Paper Playdate said...

Love this ring, thanks for the wonderful video. I can't wait to find and play with these new goodies!

SusanLotus said...

Great giveaway!
I´m already one of your followers
and now I´ll check the other site too...

Sarina Coffin said...

This is fabulous fabulous and did I mention fabulous?!!! Thanks for the video. I can not wait to make these for the Bridesmaids, Flowers Girls and Mothers at my sisters wedding in July 2011. Also to make some flashy ones for her bachelorette attendees, I am sure will be a hit!! I was even thinking about making a bunch of different ones and placing them in a basket for all the women to pick one as they enter the wedding hall, what a lovely keepsake gift they would be. Not to mention some added beauty in all the photos. :)


Blooberry56 said...

i LOVE that ring! So cool! Great vid!

ellen s. said...

oh how cool. i LOVE that it is a ring and not necklace. i am so not a necklace girl and keep seeing them. i would totally wear this. great video, too ;)

mishkismom said...

gorgeous ring fab tut! I am a follower..

cindyj said...

LOVE the ring you made and who wouldn't LOVE to make some of these super cute rings??!! Thanks so much for the video how to! GREAT job! :) And thanks for the chance to win this package! Have a wonderful weekend!

Karen S. said...

Great projects! Thanks for the video and for the chance to win!

Tonia said...

I love these rings! What great Christmas gifts for the girls around the office! I have to try this out! The i-top was not something I thought that I needed until now! Great video!

Pamk said...

love that ring very pretty and makes a great xmas gift for the teen girls and others on my xmas list.

Iris said...

Pinky, So glad I discovered your blog today. That ring is awesome. Thanks for a chance to win. Iris

melody said...

holy scrappin're rawkin chickie ~ first off..that amazing! love the touch of wings! and that video.........whoa........kewl ring! you come up with the kewlest ideas

PamSpradlin said...

Great tutorial...your ring is absolutely cute!

Lisa K said...

I love it! What a great idea!!

Anonymous said...

OMG! That ring is amazing! I posted on 2Peas as well, but you have totally inspired me to go out and get an i-top tool! How cute would these be for favors at a dress-up party?

Anonymous said...

What a GREAT idea! Love the ring!You did an awesome job with the tutorial. Thanks for not having an annoying voice :-) LOL I watch a lot of you tube tutorials & so many have annoying voices, I cringe!!!

Unknown said...

ROFL Chequita! That was hilarious!

Corrie said...

great job, thanks for the tutorial.

AnneMaflan said...

I love your ring! My i-top is really going to get a workout when I start cranking out some of those beauties! :o)

Thank you so much for the tutorial and for sharing your amazing talents and art with us.

Princess said...

Awesome video. You make those flowers and ring kits super tempting!

Got here from Just Imagine blog. I think I'll browse your site now that I've found you!

Tracy Pea said...

HOLY MOLY is that cool!! I love how easy it is to put together, and it's so pretty! Those punch out flowers are a must have for sure!

TrayChic said...

I love this video! Such a cute project. I love that you can snap the flower off and switch it on to a headband or something else. I havent seen the rings or flowers from Imaginisce yet, but I'll keep an eye out. Hope I win these supplies!!

Bethany said...

Now why have I never heard of those snap thingys? LOVE THEM! Hope they show up in a store near me soon. What a fun idea!

Tari J said...

Love your ring and the new products. Thanks for sharing the video.

Sally Cranney said...

Amazing Pinky! What a darling ring with so much versatility! Love it!!!

Lisa Watson said...

that cocktail ring is GORGEOUS thanks for the video!

Unknown said...

you are so creative - thanks for the video. Awesome giveaway - I'm already a follower

Anonymous said...

Loved the ring!! I will have to stalk my LSS to see when they get all these products....seems like it takes a long time to find new products in Canada...thanks for the inspiration!

jeannine said...

Love your ring, so beautiful!!! I love that they can be mixed and matched to create a different look...what a fantabulous idea!!!

Allison Cope said...

Pinky... you are one clever chickie! Love this idea!!!

Chris C said...

Is there anything you cannot do???
the jewellery is fantastic.

Steph Ackerman said...

What a great idea, love the ring. Great video.

Lori W said...

wowza!! what a fabulous idea...and so cute! love the possibilities of this. Thanks for the opportunity to win! :)

Sheila Toppi said...

Oh boy, thanks a LOT!! I already have SOOOOO many things in my head planned and so many great supplies that I'll never finish them all in this lifetime, and now you've made me want to add this to the list!! LOL I never planned on getting an iTop...until now ROFL

deb famularo said...

Oh My God!
I have been dying on your blog over all you've recently made, but this ring, holy crap!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to have one! lol This is incredible Pinky!!! Would you please just come up with your own line already? And hire me too please!!! I'll work for free!!!!Or rings! lol

Yesi said...

Wow! great tutorial!! thanks for the chance :) Now following you :)