Good morning my amazingly talented crafty friends.
It sure is getting colder out there, I cannot believe it was 80
the other day and it is 30 this morning!
Bring out the Hello Kitty fleece PJ pants!
I have been playing alot with different mediums lately
and this was a new experiment for me.
I made what was supposed to be a fabric mini album
cover but ended up being a wall hanging.

I will have a full video tutorial up on November 8th
at a very fun site! *will share later*

Anyways I found out that if you want to glitter Mod Podge
a fabric sheet on chipboard, it's a great idea to do it BEFORE you sew
it on and not after LOL Or at least underneath and let it dry before,
if you don't it will really try to warp from the moisture.
Crafty lesson #658 hahaha
Also when cutting fabric with your Cricut, a regular blade works fine
but a deep blade works better! :)
I LOVE crafting!!!!!! Love it! It makes me smile every single day.
Ok on to the Ba Da Bing BLING winner....

What a cool product would love to get my hands on one in every color! LOL Check out the site and liked on FB, and I now follow Clear Acrylic- love those albums, very cute idea.
Thanks for a chance to win so awesome candy as always,
tabitha4cm at yahoo dot com
Now for the Clear Scraps Mixable album
you still have time to win, I will throw a random winner
out on Sunday!!!!!!!!!
The post is here
I am off to bake bread today, I made 2 lasagnas
last night, it's that time of year again ♥♥♥
~Happy Friday Y'all~
~Thanks for popping by~
that is so cool, love all the glitter
Love this cute!!
Congrats to the winner!!
It is chilly here and I LOVE IT!!! GO away warm temps...I am ready to break out the UGGS!!!!
Have a great Halloween Weekend!!!
WooHoo That's me!! Thanks Pinky YOU ROCK- well always do not just because I won. Heehee. Thanks again for a some candy. ;0)
I love this. I really love it. Just say'n.
Love those little froggies. Too damn cute. Thanks for the tip about the deep blade, I've been thinking about getting one of those.
This is super cute...and thanks for the tips (I think I will have to go back and dig for the other 280...I missed some)! :)
Okay, you're making me hungry! Cute wall hanging and thanks for the tip!!!
Sweet card!
That is so cute and glitteriffic! LOVE it! :)
You know how you keep thinking of a project you want to do, but you just can't quite visualize the final product in your head? Pinky, you just gave me my visualization! This is adorable and exactly what I want to do for holiday gifts! Thank you so much! It is just beautiful.
And, congratulations to Tabitha for the win! Have fun!
This looks great as a wall hanging!!
Congratulations to Tabitha.
Kim xXx
Love your projects...& it has Fiska birds on it :)
Congrats to Tabitha!
I love this wall hanging!! I can't wait for the video to see how you have done it!!
Very cute wall hanging!
You are a gal after my own heart... It's time for my HK fleece pants too... They should make all things HK available in adult sizes. Did you see the HK Dr. Martens? amaze me with your ideas..and this project is no exception!
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