Thursday, March 4, 2010

~The bigger picture~

Good morning my friends.
Amidst tending to sick babies this week
I had some lovely news.
Have you heard of ConKerr Cancer?
It is an AMAZING charity that distributes pillowcases to hospitals
for children all over the US.

“ConKerr Cancer: A Case for Smiles” was started when Ryan Kerr was diagnosed with a rare form of bone cancer at the age of twelve. Despite his illness - and many, many trips to the hospital - Ryan lived a full life of school, sports and friends. To make his hospital room cheerier, his mom Cindy began making fun, whimsical pillowcases to brighten up his day and put a smile on his face. Ryan liked them so much that Cindy started making pillowcases for the other children in the Oncology Unit. In a short time, the pillowcase project grew in amazing ways and has provided more than 160,000 pillowcases to sick children. Thousands of volunteers from across North America and South Africa have joined in so that ConKerr has more than 100 chapters serving over 150 hospitals.

This wonderful charity was introduced to me and the other
Fiskateers by the amazing Rebecca Peck, and she
really put a fire in me and the other Fiskateers to join in and help.
I was making pillowcases and found out they did not have a coordinator for
the Nashville area, after speaking with Cindy, I will be getting my
coordinator package sometime next week!
I am so looking forward to this journey, even hubby is excited to help.
You can go to the website and find a place to drop off pillowcases
you can donate fabric, you can just cut them if you want to!

So please do check it out, and you WILL be hearing more from
this Middle TN gal very soon!

One more layout from my emotional DT work at
Scrapbooking From The Inside Out
I am almost afraid to share this touches so deep
and I worry it will detour people and my craft work....but this is me
and my life 100% :) so I go on...
I get so many of those comments
"wow interesting" but you know me
it is not an angry layout it is just reality.
I never understood how having 6 children did not help my mother
to stand strong and stop abusing, because for me the love of my children
would never allow me to continue that abuse.
I guess her pain ran a little too deep. I don't think
I am capable of understanding it completely.
I do feel an enormous amount of sorrow for her but also
there is always some sadness in my heart that I cannot explain to
someone who has always had a mother since I never did.
Anyways, that's me today...just wondering and reflecting.
This has been the MOST intense series of layouts I have ever done.
I wish I could say all this to my parents, but since they are not
available to listen I guess My scrapbook is a great place to put it all.

That's it for me today...I hope you look into ConKerr
I know all you crafty people can make a huge difference!
Off to my sick boys, wish me luck! hehe

~Have a great day~
~Thank you for stopping by and being so kind~


AmesOx said...

Pinky!! Your LO is beautiful and heartfelt. I can totally realate to it and know it takes such strength to just walk away....but sometimes that is what we have to do. Reading your journaling brought me to tears, it's powerful. I know you said you would like to say those things to your parents, but I have, just recently, and what hurts the most is that there was no sense of regret, no maybe it is better left on a LO in the end. You are amazing and it truly is their loss.

Michelle Ramsay said...

Pinky, you are such an amazimg person and an inspiration to anyone else who reads this and has been through a similar experience. This certainly brought tears to my eyes and your hubby and boys are so lucky to have such a wonderful, loving and caring mom in you considering what you have had to go through. Sometimes writing things like this takes a little weight off the heart. Keep well.

MoMo sprnany said...

I also think this is an absolutly amazing lo. I can not only completely understand where you are coming from, I also understand the need to walk much so it's been a huge issue in my life...all my life. I hope this lo was theraputic for you. I am still trying to reach a place of pure unbiased fairness and honesty about my own disturbed child have truly inspired me...needless to say look for my personal therapy lo soon...and Thank you for being willing to share your wounds in the form of your inspirational talent!

deb famularo said...

You are such a kind soul- giving your time for the pillowcases is so wonderful. And you already know how I feel about this layout and you! You have such a beautiful gift, and you express yourself so well, be it happy feelings or sad feelings. That is what scrapbooking is all about. And you have inspired me to do a similar layout because I think I need to "get it out!" So thank you for sharing your story- you're helping a lot of us out there! hugs....xOxO

NikiRay said...

Congrats again on ConKerr what exciting news. If I knew how to Your LO is amazing. I think it is great that your able to overcome. All of the things that happen to us in our past(even if they totally suck) is what makes us the people we are today. I dont know about everyone else but I think you rock and its thier loss that they dont have a totally kick ass daughter and 3 grandchildern and hubby :) in their lives. You have so some much love and caring in you I dont understand why they wouldnt want to be a part of that. But again what might have brought us down in one life what makes us stronger in the next. My abuse was a "lifetime ago for me..but it is what makes me stronger now. :) Hope you have a good morning and keep on creating your are such an inspirational gal and I love ya for that XoXo Niki_Ray

Dawnll said...

Pinky you have just touched my heart more then you will ever know.
Thank you for sharing such a personal layout. I felt you were speaking for me ...I have written this letter several times but never done anything with it.
What a wonderful way to put it on a layout for myself.
Girl you are so special for helping so many of us and hopefully healing yourself along the way.

Unknown said...

Wow crazy relief waking up to such amazing support! Thank you all so much :)

Cori-Lyn said...

You, my girl, a such a huge inspiration. Your layout brought me to tears, not for the sadness but for your bravery and courage. You were meant to do great things in your life - and inspire is definitely one of them.

Tona said...

Wow. Another amazing, powerful layout.
That's wonderful that you're even more involved with ConnKerr cancer.

nancy said...

It's been the most intense month for me, too... it was a good topic! And I love how you are so honest on your layouts.

Hobbyaholic said...

Wow!!! Your LO is amazingly interesting. I was sucked in from the title. You are truly a very brave and inspiring scrapper.

Thanks for sharing.

Melinda Spinks said...

Thankyou... for being you.
Thankyou... for revealing your heart.
Thankyou... for standing strong.
Thankyou... for loving after never feeling love.
Thankyou... the world is a better place with you in it!

StampinCathy said...

Your pages are just fabulous and so inspiring. I just love the colors and journaling you did. WoW! I would be pickled PINK if I won this sweet candy. Thanks for a chance.

LaaLaa said...

I absolutely LOVE your page, your words are similar to the ones I would write... many hugs from Italy and thank you for sharing!