Good morning my crafting friends!
As a crafter I know there are so many amazing people who craft
with HUGE hearts!
Last year so many of you donated clothing and money
to the Nashville flood victims**Thank you**
Also we were able to sew over 800 pillowcases for
Vanderbilt Children's Hospital **Thank YOU**
In that spirit, today I am asking you to step up
and hep out the crafting survivors of Joplin tornados.
PLEASE re-BLOG, TWEET, and Facebook this post!!!!!
I saw this when Nikki Sivils posted it.
And what an amazing idea!!!
Anyone who donates supplies and leaves a comment here
I am throwing your name in to WIN a Brand new Imaginisce D-stress tool!
This is an amazing cause, let's band together and help!
I am sending in a box today, I have items set aside
to give away on my blog but I think this time I will just ship them
straight to Nikki and we can all do without extra prizes
for a couple weeks! :)
♡♡I love the crafting community♡♡
I am on this one !!! I have a box full of goodies that I can send her - will get it ready for shipping today. Thank you for letting us know about this Pinky.
If there is aanyono like to sew out there too, the Humane society is in need of small fleece blankets. Lots of pets were injured during the storms and need to be kept warm after surgery. IT is called project Toto
Already started getting my stuff together yesterday when I saw Nikkis post on facebook. Going to the post office today. This is such an awesome thing for her to do!
What a fabulous idea!!!! I will start pulling some things together today! Thanks for drawing attention to this!
I saw this yesterday from Nikki too. It is an awesome thing to do. Thanks Pinky for throwing in something from you as well. I'll put this on my FB.
I saw this yesterday and already started to fill a box last night. Tomorrow I am having some friends over to scrap and plan on asking them to add to the box. What a great feeling it is to help people in need.
What a GREAT idea!! I have a box of scrapbooking goodies ready to pack up and send to her, I hope its a bright spot in their day!! Thanks so much for posting about this!!
This rocks, Pinky! Thanks for sharing this! I'm going to get together a box of goodies this weekend.
How great is this?!?!? I will go through my stuff today - I already know a few items on the list I have - and will package it up to go out on Monday. Nikki is so awesome for coming up with and organizing this! Thanks Pinky for sharing this so that I can do it - and for the chance to win a D-stress tool - I've been wanting/NEED one so bad!!!
Such a wonderful idea! I am going into my stash of giveaway gifts and package them up right away.
Thanks for sharing the info- you are always a sweetie.
How are the chickens doing in this weather?
blessings to you, Dawn ll
what an awesome thing to do I have a box of things I can get together to give!! I will post it on my blog too!!thanks Pinky! <3
This is on my list to do this weekend. I saw it on Nikki's blog yesterday.
I didn't see this yesterday, but tweeted it right now ... thanks for your contribution to this cause!
This is great idea of Nikki's - and thank you for helping to promote it!
I sent my box out last week. It's due to arrive by UPS tomorrow. Thank you so much for posting this.
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