Good morning!!!!! Happy Thursday!!
I have to share this picture with you before I get to my crafts today.
Last night we planted the corn and hubby broke the rake.
He sent me inside because I was freezing...and he knocked on the window...
"Do we have duct tape??" I said..."I don't think so"
He knocked again..."YES we do, please go look!"

Oh yes we had Duck Tape LOL Leopard print Duck Tape! bwhahaha
He didn't care and a few minutes later knocked on the window with a big
old southern eatin' grin LOL
I could not resist sharing. :)
Also yesterday I made my Chicken Eggs For Sale sign!
You know its the old reliable tools I always turn too when I incorporate
crafting into my daily life, and I have to say my Purple Cows Laminator
is one I fall back on again and again!

I create the ENTIRE sign with my Cricut Imagine, Core'dinations Card Stock
and Glue Arts Extreme Adhesive. Even the paper is printed with my Imagine.

I assembled the entire thing as you know since I was laminating
it couldn't be layered much, so I kept it simple.

But its so cute!!!
Anyways...then I laminated it! :)

Now I am going to put it on a post and stick it in the yard!
I am going to make a little wooden one for the door eventually.
But I really needed a weatherproof sign for the yard.
So I am here with a smile today and excited about the corn too! :)
Happy Thursday everyone!
Thanks for coming by to say hello, I love ya for it1
That sign is awesome
The rake makes me laugh
Thanks for the great post!
Love the rake! Fabulous! So wish I lived near you. Do you know how much I pay for a stinkin' dozen of free range, farm fresh eggs?
Thanks for the chuckle this morning Pinky!!!! I needed it. I always love reading your posts although I may not comment every day!!!
BTW.....beatiful sign!!!! Love the colors.
Your sign turned out so "good ol' fashioned" GREAT! Wish I could buy my eggs from you! Tell your hubby we all know he is a manly man and not leopard duck taped rack would ever change that. LOL!!!
LOVE the sign! Looks amazing :) Also, I think the rake could use a little Hello Kitty Duct Tape up the handle, LOL! I think I'm hiding all my hubby's "normal" duct tape!
Love your chicken eggs sign, it is so cute. Shucks I would pay someone 3.00 an egg if they would gather them for me. Hope you sell a lot of eggs.
Look at that. You now have a designer rake. ;)
I really like your sign. hope you sell lots of eggs.
Cute stuff. I love the rake.
knocking on wood, keeping my fingers crossed that I finally fixed the problem of not being able to see your blog!!! I think it was the java script issue on my computer! Fingers crossed!
I love the leopard rake!!! Very cute sign too! Fresh eggs are the best!
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