Good morning my scrappy friends all over the place!
Yesterday baseball began in the Hobbs home...and what a night it was!
Fun for the whole family and it is so interesting and exciting to watch
these boys grow into young men who make me so proud.
Today I have a personal layout to share with you,

as always my life is pretty much no holds barred because I genuinely believe
if I share my story and life with others, then maybe it will help someone
who has been abused or maybe just give courage to one person to speak out.

This is that kind of layout for me. It is about 8 years ago, I was pregnant
with my first son and I knew my life must change, I was a wreck.
Insomnia, anxiety, hated myself, and in pain daily.
I needed to change in order to be a good mother.

I knew why I was a mess, I just did not know how to fix it, so this is what I did.
I started writing, and I wrote..and I wrote...and I cried...and I cried
some more...and I wrote and wrote and wrote. I forced myself to sit down
and write it all out. Everything from the abuse, to how it made me feel
...I even wrote how I wanted to die as a child because
of the unbearable pain of the abuse.

I took it all and I put it in the form of a small biography and my husband helped
me to make 100 copies and I gave it to every person I knew.
I decided that I was done with being ashamed, done with hiding abuse,
done with feeling like a victim. I was DONE with the lies.

Yes it was extreme but it FREED me. Not a little bit, no it FREED ME!
It freed me from the hold that the abusers had over me and the shame I felt.
It was the scariest thing I have ever done in my life, I lost some friends
but I gained respect, respect from my friends and respect for myself.
Here I sit almost 9 years later and not one regret.
I have had maybe 150 to 200 woman in these 8 years come
to me and tell me that they appreciated me being so open an it
does help them to feel like they are not alone anymore.
That is why I am to this day so impassioned about being open
about real life and abuse because it is real. It's horrible and it's hard to
talk about and hear about but it happens every day.
This is why I scrap everything, even the hard stuff. Because it is me
I am not perfect, I am a survivor and I am proud to be alive today. :)
Ok on to fun stuff right?? hehe
Winner of the SPRING FLOWERS!!!

Cool giveaway and glad your boys are doing better. :)
And drum roll....
Winner of the NEW D-Stress TOOL!!!!

I just love your style and your journaling is always so real!! I LOVE that!! I just became a follower of your blog and I'm so excited to see what new things you have up your sleeves to show us!!
Ladies please email me your address so I can mail these out.
I love my friends from all over the world and
I thank YOU all for stopping by.
You all make my life a better place. I sit down at night
and I read all the amazing comments and I laugh, giggle and
even cry it is amazing and I have you to thank for it!
Wow Pinky. What a strong woman you are to have come through what you have and to be able to share such a raw truth with us. {{{HUGS}}} to you my friend!
Congratulations to the winners!
Yes, incredible strong woman.
YIPPEE, I'm a winner. I'll email you.
Thanks a bunch. :)
wow, you are an amazing woman. Way to go -- Stand strong and let your voice be heard. THAT'S the way to not let someone beat you down. I've never been abused (but I have been a victim of a brutal rape), but I can imagine how hard this was to talk about it. I can't talk about my story at all, I applaud yours and your ability to share it! I truly hope your blog does help someone, there are a lot of women out there that need to hear your story.
Bless your little heart and keep up being strong and BEING HEARD!
Wow! Such an awesome layout. After leaving a rough marriage, I was told by a counsellor that the best way to deal with my feelings was to write them out. I did a lot of letter writing even though I didn't mail them, it still helped me sort through my feelings. As did keeping a journal. I'm not sure I could scrap them but applaud you for doing so. Keep it up! TFS & congrats to the winners.
girl you ROCK xoxo
You are AMAZING!! The layout is amazing as well. You are such an inspiration. Hugs!
That's only one of the reasons I admire you, that no holds barred attitude! That and the fact that you survived it all!
Congrats to Susies and Valerie!
You are an amazing woman, Pinky! That's why we all love you :)
You are an inspiration to all! I love that you feel so free to talk about your experiences with the hope of freeing another! Love this layout! So many great little details that make it so stunning! TFS! And congrats to the winners!!!
congrats you guys! enjoy your goodies!
I love that you do everything big and bold - even when it is scary. Keep being real because you are empowering women!
Writing a book and actually giving it to people that you know!! Love it.
Blessings to you and your family.
P.S. Congrats ladies on being picked :)
you are so strong that you wrote it all rock!
Congrats to the winners!
Pinky, you are amazing! Kudos to you for your courage to overcome, and kudos to your hubby for helping you.
Pinky, you are an amazing person! I am so happy to follow you because you ARE honest, and I like that in a person!
I Love your blog....I wrote about your blog on my blog...heee heee. All I have to say is THANKS for the inspiration!
congrats to the winners! your layout is beautiful. Your personal story is inspiring to all of us. Thank you for the courage to share it and letting your beauty shine for us!
Congrats to the winners, and congrats to you Pinky for coming to where you are today and putting the past behind you. I am a firm believer that holding on to past hurts only hurts you! Have a good day.
girlfriend if you lost friends over that I wouldn't consider them friends to begin with. Why in god's name wouldn't they still be your friends nothing that happened to you was your fault. I'd be honored to be considered a friend of yours. I love the way you deal with things head on.
You are a real WOMAN. A true honor to our sex. I sure hope I get to meet you someday in my lifetime. Thank you for all you do to inspire me creatively and emotionally.
What a strong post to share with all of us. You are an inspiration not only with your art, but with your strength and heart.
girl ~ you're so inspiring with your powerful words and i love that you just 'lay it all out' on the table! you go girl! it's so great to see such truthfulness and honestly in your work! love ya!
Pinky you are a truly inspirational person, your layout is amazing and if this is the way that you found peace then who dare to criticize you for it. As you say you have helped many people and that alone is a great accomplishment.
Congrats to both the winners, enjoy.
Kim xXx
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