Tuesday, January 4, 2011

~I-Top Blog Hop!! Fun gift ideas~

Good morning my HOPPY FRIENDS! :)

You know the Imaginisce i-top Blog Hop is running this week!!!!

I have a fun little gift projects today to share on this hop.
I love to make big wonderful elaborate gifts as much as the next person,
but let's face it...I have 3 kids, 10 chickens, a dog and a husband.
They inhibit my non-stop craftiness sometimes LOL
So I came up with this sweet and inexpensive gift for the acquaintance
or maybe a neighbor on your list.
Maybe even one of the hundred teachers
you have in your children's school.
A sweet handy ~COUTURE MAGNET SET~
That's right it's COUTURE ...Pinky Couture in fact!*wink* hehe
I used my awesome handy dandy i-top of course. And the magnet daddies,
(I love the hand made touch fabric gives these),
and the Garden Party embellishments for the holders.
These were fun, easy, and functional too~
You know you can win a brand new i-top prize plus a big prize
on Friday if you check in every day this week! :)
So go check out the next blog...

The next stop on this blog hop is...the amazing Melinda!

~Happy Tuesday and thank for hopping by~


Karen AKA Soccerboyzmom said...

Those are really cute Pinky.

AmyJRockstar said...

I am in love with these! They are so cute and you used all my favorite colors! This would make an awesome blog candy too. ;) *hint, hint*.
XO ~ Amy Jo (dedicated follower)
amyjrockstar @ gmail dot com

Anne P said...

What a super duper idea. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Glora said...

Awesome, it would be so fun to make magnets out of these. I love this idea. TFS.

Anonymous said...

This is a great idea Pinky! Thanks for sharing....10 chickens, now that's work!

GabyCreates.com said...

Super adorable Pinky what a great idea! Gaby

Sophia said...

Totaling loving these...cuteness!

Desirée-ScrapDees said...

wow these are so sweet, i like to use these for my scrapbook!

Melissa said...

Love your cute little gifts of Magnets....simple easy handmade gifts are best, and always cherished.Happy New Year to you and your family

Sam said...

Great idea, very cute!

gypsylcm said...

What fun looking magnets!

BrendaB said...

What a great idea! Never thought of using fabric with the i-Top, and I love that you used flannel.

Year 2 said...

LOves a handy dandy i-Top!

These are fantastic as a gift for teachers - I would definitely use them!

Lurrrrrrrrrrrrrving it!

Unknown said...

Too cute, I'm always using magnets to hang things on my fridge they would be perfect!!

The Scrapbook Speedway said...

those are adorable and so cute!

Unknown said...

We have magnetic In-out boards this Idea is perfect for custom markers. Thanks so much.

Mary Pat Siehl said...

oh i love these--super super cute!

Sue said...

What a cute idea! I need to get me some magnets now for my I-Top!

Lynn said...

so cute. I luv getting new ideas. thanks for sharing.

nygator95 at gmail dot com

Lynn said...

so cute. I luv getting new ideas. thanks for sharing.

nygator95 at gmail dot com

sam said...

what a fun idea! love how they look, so sweet and cute!

Melfield said...

These are just gorgeous Pinky! Such a sweet gift idea.....love it - Melx http://melfield.blogspot.com

DeeDee Catron said...

Super cute colors - and lovin' that they can be ANY fabric you want. And the containers.. great finishing touch!

Colleen said...

Cute little magnets. I can think of all kinds of ways to use them.

kristy said...

Love the teacher gift idea.. I'm always looking for those.

Anonymous said...

What a cute idea...thanx for the inspiration..:)


Drayia said...

Very cute and they would be perfect for older children in their lockers at school. You always amaze me with your ideas. Thanks for sharing Pinky.

pdrnc said...

Adorable idea. Love the look of the flannel.

ruth said...

Such a cute idea!

KarenB said...

I love the softness of the flannel - what an adorable gift those magnets are. I'd be thrilled to receive something like that :)

Laura Church said...

These are so cute. They would make fantastic wedding favors! Done up in your colours. Fun!

Jodi Geers said...

What a cute and fun gift idea!

Janet's Joy said...

What a great idea! They would look so cute on my frig!

Kim said...

How Sweet! I just love them!
kfordyce6638 at gmail dot com

LadybugCarrie said...

What a great idea! Thanks for sharing! :-)

Laurie (Wally) said...

Ohhh Pinky these are really cute.. what a great gift idea..

Kelly said...

These little magnets are sooo cute!! What a great idea!

Dot said...

Super cute!!

Me-Ma Kim said...

VERY CUTE!! I think they turned out AWESOME!! I am SOOO HOPING to win me an i-top this week!! Of course, I follwer/stalk you! LOL! Have a GREAT Day,
Me-Ma Kim

Sue said...

Super cute!! I love he softness of them!

Scrappymama Elaine said...

cute, cute, cute, didn't know they had magnets! tfs! esigmon@cox.net

It's Jenn! said...

Stinkin adorable! I love the comfy, cute fabric you covered them with!

Scrapthat said...

love the fuzzy flannel! Very cute :)

Jingle said...

What a great idea! Very cute!

Ashly Margritz said...

great idea!!! love the look of fabric. Thanks for the idea, now i just need an itop :)

Sherri Everett Thompson said...

These magnets are so cute! What a great (and manageable) gift idea!

Jodi said...

These are so super cute!!!

Amanda said...

Super cute!!

amandawoodau at hotmail dot com

Khristen said...

Um, loving these! So simple so beautiful! TFS, Pinky!

Amanda said...

OMG, your flannel magnets are FABULOUS!!! What a super fun gift..


PamSpradlin said...

These magnets are super cute. And that fabric works really well for the magnets. Thank you for sharing.

Kath said...

How fun are those! And everybody needs magnets!

Chelle said...

The magnets are a great idea.

Ann Edwards said...

Very cute gift idea!

Prettiful Creations said...

I love these...I also love that they are magnets..they are great.

Auntie Em said...

What a cute and happy idea! Little pressies like these that can be used all year 'round are sweet reminders all year.
Thanks for sharing! :o)

Becky Moore said...

What a cute idea Pinky! You always come up with great ideas!

Karen Pinsonat said...

What a cute little gift!

Debbie said...

What a cute idea! Love the colors and fabric! As for the chickens, 10 is easy - a piece of cake. I use to have 100!!!!

Amanda said...

Absolutely adorable! My first time visiting your blog...I will be back! :)

Jan Garber said...

The flannel looks so soft and sweet on the brads! I would use that rather than paper any day! Perfect! Always love to hear about your menagerie (I have two dogs, two parrots,and a large fish tank...)

Kimberly S said...

How pretty those are! I am just amazed now seeing everything that can be done with the I-top, I had no idea. :)

Dawn said...


CheckerBeads said...

Those are awesome! Love the flanner, and love that they are magnets!!


Kristal said...

What a cute idea! TFS

Amy said...

Super cute Pinky, love the flannel!!!!!!!!

Bobbi said...

How cute this would be for a little gift or even as the tag to your gift. I am going to have to try using fabric. TFS

Pammejo said...

Very cute magnets. I just did my link for the repurpose/reuse challenge that you gave us. http://pammejo-scrapbookflair.blogspot.com/

Kelly Sas said...

Love the idea of using fabric with the i-top magnets and yours turned out so pinkaliciously perfect!

Melissa D. said...

It doesn't get much cuter than that! What a fabulous idea!

Lesabe said...

Such a cute idea =) Awesome as always!

tonny said...

What a sweet idea,thnak you

Carol W. said...

What a great idea! TFS


Eva said...

Cristal, these are just too cute!! Love your sweet packaging, too!!!

Tanya said...

Love these! Great idea :)

Dawn, RI said...

I think this is just awesome. I Want one, anyone want to call my husband and tell him? Dawn RI
abosoffit @hotmail dot com

Precious Memories Scrapbooking & More said...

OMGosh!!!! I love it... that is a fantastic gift!

Staci412 at optonline dot net

Unknown said...

I love it girl!!! What a great gift idea!

yougotmel said...

that is a great idea.....quick and easy!!

Rhonda Miller said...

What a great gift idea. Thanks for sharing.

Vicki said...

Pinky these are great. What a wonder gift these make.

My Hideaway said...

Love this idea. Everyone can use magnets right? Super cute!


{VICKI} said...

What a sweet surprise

connie said...

Pinky these are so cute! great idea. I NEED AN I-TOP!!

Aphra Bolyer said...

Couture is right, girlee! These are so, so cute. And the packaging is the icing on the cake. :)

Anonymous said...

Really cute magnets! I love following your blog because you are super creative!

Lara said...

Magnets are one thing I want to try when i get my itop ;)

Kelly Massman said...

What a sweet idea!!!

Pamk said...

very cute and these would be very easy to tailor to your recipient. I like

ddinak said...

Aren't those just as cute as can be! I think these would be great for teachers! Thanks for sharing!

hilde janbroers said...

they are amazing Pinky!! love them!

Auntie Ang said...

Wow that is so versatile I loved yesterday hop and today is so much fun outside the box thinking. fun , fun, fun.

Tabitha said...

Great idea, Pinky! Love this. Thanks for sharing. I need to get ahold of some of that fabric, it is beautiful.
tabitha4cm at yahoo dot com

Jenn said...

Very cute! Thanks for the idea...always looking for cute teacher gifts!

Martine said...

those are very pretty!!

Larissa Heskett said...

What a cute idea!! I am LOVING THESE!! Thanks so much for sharing!! =) I can't wait for more fun!! Have a FABULOUS WEEK!! =)

ShoppingTamii said...

LOVE 'EM!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ooooh, love the use of fabric with the i-Top daddies.

ClassicZippo said...

The magnets are super cute and so versatile!

Court said...

LOVE it Pinky! I still want to snuggle those magnets! :)

Rhonda Van Ginkel said...

I love how soft and pretty these turned out! What a fun and quick gift to create too!!!

Loooove my I-Top!!!

ellen s. said...

get out! tooo cute and clever!

Snips and Snails said...

The magnets are super cute! Anyone would love to have them on their fridge.

lesleyw1 said...

So cute, and not too time consuming love it!

Ann said...

You gotta love a simple gift idea. These are really pretty, too.

Leti EM said...

These came out really cute!

Victoria H said...

These are really cute!

Reneeleeak said...

What a great gift idea!
Thanks for sharing with us.
reneeleeak at yahoo dot com

The Dinner Spot said...

They are super cute. Possibilities are endless.

Jill P said...

Great Ideas! Thanks for sharing! Hopping on....

Manhattan Mandie said...

Love this idea, Pinky! I am also DROOLING over that gorgeous fabric! I want to reach thru my computer screen and touch it :) LOVE it!

GiGi said...

I love how you used the flannel! They turned out so cute!!

joni said...

So adorable! I love that they are magnetic! TFS!

Marla said...

Very fun gift ideas Pinky!! Love the fabric you used!!

Hollyk said...

Super cute idea Pinky!!

tomiannie said...

Aw, those are really sweet!

Karen Kontrath said...

Love the flannel fabric, I have some left over from a quilt. Thanks for the great idea

Molly said...

I'd like to take a moment of everyone's time to ask you to nominate Cristal/Pinkie for her blog in this year's Eleventh Annual Weblog Awards: The 2011 Bloggies! http://2011.bloggi.es She surely belongs as a nominee in the category of Best Art, Craft, or Design Weblog"!!!! Let's show our girl some love and take the time to fill out a ballot. You only need to come up with two other blogs in some category to win. Join me in nominating Cristal/Pinkie, won't you??? She won't pimp herself, but I will!!! <3

LisiB said...

These are super cute and a fabulous idea!!!!! Thanks for sharing this.

Tona said...

I love the look of the felt fabric on the magnets.

SherriB said...

These magnets turned out so cute. I love this I-top and what it can do!


Elizabeth Terry said...

Those are soo cute..i have totally resisted this tool..need to get a handle on the tools i have..and using them..but really it's a new year..i should learn something new, right?

Denise Bryant said...

Very sweet magnets!

Princess said...

These are adorable! Wow, the gears are sure ticking as to how to create fabulous magnets. Thanks for sharing the inspiration.

The itop has certainly zoomed to the top of the wish list/must have list!

LesleyfromWI said...

Super cute gift idea. I would love it if someone gave me this. Thanks for sharing.

M.J. said...

These are super cute!

Scrappers' Ranch said...

Hey Pinky~

These are really adorable! Loving the colors you used.
Bonnie C

The Drizzled Apple said...

Love the flannel, and I'm all over the hand made maganets! Super Cute!

Aimee said...

Wow, those are so cute!! I can't wait to try it!

aw62101 at hotmail dot com

VinDeeLoo said...

O how cute. I am wanting to make some magnets. This would be perfect.

vndlewis at rocketmail dot com

Karen S. said...

What a great idea! I definitely "need" an I-top!

HeidiK said...

I never would have thought of making magnets. The possibilities are endless! Thank you for sharing this awesome idea. The magnets are too cute!!

Unknown said...

these are so cute - love the soft fabric

Julie said...

Simple and sweet magnets like these are the perfect little gift to give out! Much more personal than a gift card...though I'm never one to turn down one from Starbucks.LOL

juliemccrary at hotmail dot com

Kathy said...

Such a cute idea, Pinky...I mean, after all, who doesn't have a fridge covered with magnets!!!!!!

KellyG said...

Love those! They turned out so cute with the flannel!

Karen said...

Love the magnets. They'd look great in my scrap room *wink*

Liz said...

Very cute idea Cristal. Love the idea and the your work is wonderful.

Jennifer said...


What a wonderful gift! I love those magnets!!! :)

Thank you so much for sharing,

partridgelu at yahoo dot com

Steph B said...

I love these, very cool!!

Cynthia Baldwin said...

So creative and cute! Thanks for sharing your idea!

JennyKozar said...

I love this soft and pretty fabric. Great idea.

scrapperbecka said...

Love the idead Pinky, TFS

TeacherMom said...

I am a teacher......can you please send me some???? hee hee Or better yet, I can win the i-top and bundle and then I could make myself some of these cute, cute creations. Thanks for sharing.
gaudet5 at rogers dot com

Kathy said...

Love your custom magnets! I haven't had a chance to use the Magnet Daddies yet. Thanks for sharing!

Glynis said...

Super cute!! What a fun idea :O)

Jona Panesa said...

oh so duper cute Cristal!

Lizzie Laine said...

So very cute!!
I am a new follower, looking forward to checking out your blog.

thanks for sharing


Amy C said...

Such a cute gift idea!! I wouldn't mind a few of these for my own fridge. I just love how you can customize them to match anything. Thanks for sharing!!

Steph Ackerman said...

These are adorable.

Brittney said...

I love that you used fabric. I wasn't really sure on the I-Top until I saw these - they're gorgeous. Now I MUST have one, LOL

Paper Dolls said...

These are beautiful and would look gorgeous on any outfit or layout, too! Thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas with us!!

Martha galvez said...

I just love how you made these! Love the material, Great Job!

Auntie Ang said...

Those are cute magnets I love the idea of fabric that tool is way universal

HeatherC said...

I am diggin' your couture magnets Pinky. I am definitely going to do this.

Tonya said...

What a great little gift to have on hand, they are adorable!

Unknown said...

Love these! What a great idea for teacher gifts. :-D

Manders said...

Great magnets

Dyna said...

Another genius way to use that nifty I-Top tool. Imaginisce you rock!! Never can have enough cute magnets on the fridge. Love the magnet idea. Thanks for sharing!!

Kimmarie Baker said...

They are so cute! Love the way the fabric looks. I need me one of these!

mommyof5kidz said...

Those magnets are gorgeous! I want some! LOL. I love the tiny magnets like that for the kids projects to be displayed on the creative show board....(my fridge! LOL) THANK YOU for showing these today!!!!

Carrie said...

These are absolutely adorable! And so easy! I can definitely see myself making these. Thanks for a great idea!

Anonymous said...

Great job girl! So cute and easy! I am gonna take your challenge over at "I" this month..i seriously need to ALTER something. Thanks for the challenge. Hugs

allreddesign said...

I love the flannel i-tops...so cute!! Great job!

Kim. said...

These are really cute and a wonderful gift idea.
Kim xXx

Got2BCrafting said...

OMGoodness.... I absolutely, positively LOVE LOVE these!! That fabric is just darling! Thank you so much for sharing this fun idea!
got2bcrafting at gmail dotcom

shanna13 said...

I loved your magnets! TFS Susan shanna13@frontiernet.net

Totally Twisted Cards said...

Simply adorable magnet buttons! TFS

stacy at mycraftingtime dot com

chignon said...

Great gift idea Pinky! Now I am planning to make some to use in my library, I was just wishing I had more magnets for my whiteboard today. Now I have to do some itop shopping!

Kim M said...

You always come up with such clever projects and this is another winner, what a great gift idea.

Heather DG said...

How fun - thank you for sharing! I'm thinking this is going to be a necessary New Year purchase!

stefeni said...

I didn't know they had magnets for these! I've always liked the material look instead of paper. Very couture :)

spunkycrayon at yahoo dot com

Brett said...

Hmm ... I'm thinking the magnet board in my craft room needs some of these! Cute!

Fleursbydesign said...

These are so cute - what a great little gift!