Good morning my crafty friends!
That's right...sometimes crafting goes bad LOL
I was working on this project with my YuDu this week and
adding some flowers and flourishes with white in and
wouldn't you know it???

Not only was the screen bad (from using it so much) and it left a mark
but also the white ink bottle broke in my hand!! LOL

I am happy I took pictures before I ruined it....OI!
I really have to stop being so hard on myself and just let it go...
I thought I would share with you the pre-mess outfit!! :)
Anyways, I am knee deep in inventory for Tally Scrapper
it all came yesterday and I am working to fill old orders.
Then off to Fed Ex and the PO. They are calling for snow tomorrow
and it looks like possibly 4" so I better get done now!
I hope you have better luck with your crafting today!!
~Have a wonderful Tuesday~
Very pretty outfit it is too bad that the ink cause such a problem. I had that happen on a project that was not ment to have pink glitter and the lid was not on right and it went everywhere. Not only did I have to start over but I had glitter all over me and it some how made its way into my clothes! Have fun with all that snow ours is finally starting to melt.
How sad if the outfit wasn't salvagable because it sure is beautiful. Your design is really neat. Have a great day!
Oh that stinks!!! it came out beautiful!!
Oh, Pinky, this was ADORABLE! I REALLY need to get out my YUDU and play with the stupid thing :)
Aww, that's such a shame! It is so cute. Glad you got pics of it.
Cute outfit, sorry it didn't work out for you. We are having snow right now...a storm last week dropped about 18 inches, followed by another storm 4 days later, giving us another 7 inches. So far, we have an inch today, they're calling for possibly 3...and another possible foot for Thursday! I think I am wanting the spring least my back is! Enough shoveling already!
What an adorable outfit. Too bad it didn't work all out. Sorry about that. But life happens, right! ;0) Hope you get everything done in time. Stay warm.
Oh Pinky that was so cute!!! Sorry, I also have had crafting catastrophe' happens!!! You just gotta keep going and put it behind you! Keep smiling chickie...its a new day! TFS
How sweet that baby outfit is.....
I hate when that happens but it's great you got photos.. Hang in there.. It's all gonna work out.
Oh, well, make lemonade...throw it all into a dye vat and who knows maybe it will look great!
This is just AWESOME! Sorry to hear about the ink spill. Maybe you can recycle it on one of your beautiful projects.
Gosh, Pinky! Sorry about the mishap!! The outfit is really cute!!!
I know about crafting going bad~Glad you got the pic though~so Pretty!!!!
ooooohhh so cute!!!!!
I'm sorry about your day that went bad. The outfit was so cute. I hope you will be able to duplicate it!
What an adorable outfit. So sorry that it got ruined.
The outfit is cute and I hope you were able to get the ink out with oxyclean?
What a sweet set....I know what ya mean about crafts gone bad. Except this time my little one helped..I once completed a layout and was waiting to photograph it the next morning. When I came in to get it (next day) I found it had been creatively altered...and in 2 pieces!! AHH..the joys of mommy-hood... Unfortunately I hadn't gotten a picture before the alteration.
The outfit turned out so cute. I am sorry that you had a mishap. Good luck with getting out all the orders before the snow gets to you.
Oh sadness:( The little outfit was so ADORABLE:) Oh well whats a girl to do!
What an adorable outfit, sorry it got ruined. Who knows, maybe if you had given it to the intended recipient they might have ruined it on the first wearing - I am jealous that you are supposed to get so much snow. I hope we have one good one that will let us stay home from work a day or so! We did have a nice snow the day after Christmas. Mostly cold weather. Hope you enjoy!!
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