Good morning all your beautiful Bloggers.
What a long week this has been, I am so thankful it is the weekend.
I am sitting here this morning with my boys at the Dr.
for immunizations (don't worry they are not sick again!)
And reflecting on this week.
As always I am a huge advocate of abuse survivors
and my door is always open for anyone who needs to talk about
that or anything else, and this week came to full head for sure.
In our neighborhood, recently was had a rape of a child (5),
by another child (15)in the neighborhood.
Very disturbing and horrible and sad.
Yesterday I had the opportunity to speak with the mother
of the victim, she was so very sad, lonely
and absolutely devastated of course.
I found myself passing on the knowledge and experience of my
life, trying to comfort her as she was in tears blaming herself.
Letting her know that the entire
neighborhood was standing with her & for her.
As I sit here and share this with you,
I feel the tears welling simply remembering her pain.
I never realized how very isolated she would feel, truly
believing that we all hated her for reporting it.
I would encourage anyone who knows of a
to just take the initiative to step over,
knock on the door and say
"I am here for YOU, we stand with you!"
You don't have to indulge in the details,
you just have to be there.
UNTIL people decide to stand up and
"BE THERE" those secrets and those victims will
remain strong and present.
I see the rapist family bullying and abusing those victims
and it makes me so sad and sick, not only
for the victim but for the child who raped and
the situation of the family.
The immense relief on her face and in her tears pretty much said it all.
I wish I had listened to my instincts 1 month ago
and knocked on her door, and said..."It's OK we are here".
Stupidly I felt like she would want room and privacy
but instead I made her feel like
she was isolated and disliked.
BIG lesson learned yesterday for me.
My big mouth NEEDS to be open more often LOL
I know this is normally a crafty blog but I also share my life and
am open about my abuse and survival.
Hope y'all can handle it :)
I luvs ya!
Ok on to more fun stuff...
TODAY is World Card Making Day (apparently) LOL
So Treasured Scrapbooking is having a MINI CROP
Here is my card and I even have a challenge up!
There is a good prize too!
So come play!
OK on to the RAK I know you are waiting LOL
I have these Thickers in WHITE to give away.

Same as usual, leave a comment
and be a follower and you have a chance!
I will draw a random name on Monday Don't forget to check back,
I have some more goodies setting here. :)\
~Have a great weekend~
~Thank you for stopping by~
What a long week this has been, I am so thankful it is the weekend.
I am sitting here this morning with my boys at the Dr.
for immunizations (don't worry they are not sick again!)
And reflecting on this week.
As always I am a huge advocate of abuse survivors
and my door is always open for anyone who needs to talk about
that or anything else, and this week came to full head for sure.
In our neighborhood, recently was had a rape of a child (5),
by another child (15)in the neighborhood.
Very disturbing and horrible and sad.
Yesterday I had the opportunity to speak with the mother
of the victim, she was so very sad, lonely
and absolutely devastated of course.
I found myself passing on the knowledge and experience of my
life, trying to comfort her as she was in tears blaming herself.
Letting her know that the entire
neighborhood was standing with her & for her.
As I sit here and share this with you,
I feel the tears welling simply remembering her pain.
I never realized how very isolated she would feel, truly
believing that we all hated her for reporting it.
I would encourage anyone who knows of a
to just take the initiative to step over,
knock on the door and say
"I am here for YOU, we stand with you!"
You don't have to indulge in the details,
you just have to be there.
UNTIL people decide to stand up and
"BE THERE" those secrets and those victims will
remain strong and present.
I see the rapist family bullying and abusing those victims
and it makes me so sad and sick, not only
for the victim but for the child who raped and
the situation of the family.
The immense relief on her face and in her tears pretty much said it all.
I wish I had listened to my instincts 1 month ago
and knocked on her door, and said..."It's OK we are here".
Stupidly I felt like she would want room and privacy
but instead I made her feel like
she was isolated and disliked.
BIG lesson learned yesterday for me.
My big mouth NEEDS to be open more often LOL
I know this is normally a crafty blog but I also share my life and
am open about my abuse and survival.
Hope y'all can handle it :)
I luvs ya!
Ok on to more fun stuff...
TODAY is World Card Making Day (apparently) LOL
So Treasured Scrapbooking is having a MINI CROP
Here is my card and I even have a challenge up!
There is a good prize too!

OK on to the RAK I know you are waiting LOL
I have these Thickers in WHITE to give away.
Same as usual, leave a comment
and be a follower and you have a chance!
I will draw a random name on Monday Don't forget to check back,
I have some more goodies setting here. :)\
~Have a great weekend~
~Thank you for stopping by~
Wow Pinky! What a inspiring story! Sometimes God can just pop up out of nowhere and tell you to do something that we just are stubborn enough not to do. Then we see what good it could've done to the hurting. Keep it up girl.
Great rak! as horrible as it seems, I don't have a single sheet of thickers in my craft room. =( Hope that will change soon!
Pinky - you were put on this planet for a purpose - big hugs
Pinky you do need to keep talking to those who have been abused! The stats say one out of every three women have been sexually abused. When I am in a room of people I often look around and wonder who is suffering right now with the pain of being abused. I can relate. Thank you for sharing. It helps all of us.
Luvin the card! the colors are great! I am already of follower but I love thickers!!! Hope I win! ;o)
wow pinky, you are one awesome person. (((hugs)))
Pinky, great story. Thanks for the Card Day reminder, LOL! Super card.
Oh man I feel so sorry for your whole neighborhood. The victims' family had every right to report the abuse. I am so glad that they did. Not only can they now get their little girl the help that she will need but the abuser's family needs to get their child help also. They can't pretend it didn't happen or he will grow up believe that it was okay and then he will do it again. It hurts when I see parents not doing what is best for their kids because they are afraid of the "shame" or "embarresment" of the family. That just allows the behavior to continue. Glad you are there to help the familys along.
Moving story and I am so glad that you did knock on your neighbors door to offer your support!!! So sad :( Love your card and so glad they boys are well!!! Have a great day!!! :)
You are an inspiration to all who read your blog. You have a heart of gold. Thanks for telling your story and don't beat yourself up about yesterday, It is always in God's time and it was God's time yesterday that you go and visit. God's blessings!!
Cute card and thanks for comforting your neighbor. Keeping things bottled up inside never help.
Have a good day at the zoo.
I am becoming a follower.
Happy World Card Making Day!!!
Thanks for sharing your stories of survival. As a victim too, I know how important it is to be heard.
Anyway, I love thickers! Thanks for the chance to win.
Also, I'm giving away Cosmo Cricket on my blog if you want to play too.
How sad for the little victim & her family. I'm so glad that you reached out to the mom.
Loved your card by the way ;)
hey girlie
you are sucha strong woman who is amazing as a friend and person in the community
how amazing for you to open up and share
so many will read, learn, and hopefuly step up if the need is there
lov yah girlie
Wow Cristal, that brought tears in my eyes. Poor Mom. It is so definitely not her or her child's fault. She has every right to report it....she needed to. That other child needs to be stopped.
I read a short while ago that you said the abuser is at home....I can't believe that! He should be in juvey or something.
I am glad God has put you in this Mother's life. She needs that lifeline right now.
Are you planning on keeping in touch with her after you move? I think that will be good for her if you can.
Also, have you ever thought about volunteering at some type of crisis hotline or anything? You would be great at that.
Oh, poor heart breaks for her!
Yes, I will stay in touch if she wants me to.
I gave her every number I had and offered a friendship.
I don't volunteer right now, I used to at a Rape clinic. But now I have kids and so much going on. It's not a good time. I plan on it again one day.
Thanks for all your supportive comments!
That is so so sad and in sooooo many ways. You are fabulous for being there for that poor woman, and sharing your story with her!! Keep on doing what you do :)
Love your card and the thickers :)
Pinky, just from reading your BLOG, I can tell you are an AMAZING LADY! I have become a follower, not just for the freebies, but for the INSPIRATION you have and give! Hugs to ya'!
you are such a wonderful person, pinky! your strength gives her others strength and i am so glad you reached out to her! i will keep that child in my prayers, and the mother too. i too was the victim of abuse and it is hard not only to deal with it, but to speak about it as well. thank you for being so open and giving others the opportunity to share their traumas as well.
i love the project as fall is my favorite season! those colors are just gorgeous together! i always love your work! and thickers are one of my loves right now! so fun to use! hugs!
hey pinky...I feel sad for the 5 yr does do a lot of damage...I am a survivor myself so I know its a tough thing to go through...I dont know what do these perverts get from abusing such a small child...I will pray for the little girl and her family..
What a horrible thing to happen.
You are a wondrful person and anyone is lucky to have you in their lives!! (((HUGS)))
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