Alright fellow crafters, you know I design for PURPLE COWS,
they are having a HUGE contest you can find info here
That is going to be just ONE of the prizes for the CRAFTY ENTRIES
(I am not able to win that one but YOU are!!)
But the DT have a seperate contest and the grand prize is
2000.00!!!! How do I win? I have to send
the MOST people over to FOLLOW this blog
OR Their new facebook fan page
Type in PURPLE COWS in the search of Facebook, then
then comment PINKY SENT ME!
Now you don't think I would ask you to help without
RAK-ing do you??????
I have THREE Raks to begin with and believe me I will be RAK-ing all month long!
The first 3 RAKS are....
2 complete scrapbook ALBUM KITS INCLUDING ALBUMS!
So even if the kits are not your's a FREE album!
and a Package including a Page Kit, a Freestyle Mouse (Purple Cows) and a Corner PUNCH!
Each prize valued over 30.00!!!!
All you have to do is PIMP me out!!!!
Post on your Facebook page!
Your Friends, Your Family!!!!
Just send them right here to leave a comment...
The one who gets the most comments will receive a 10.00 Michael's gift card plus a prize here
then 2 others will randomly receive one of the prizes!!!!!
This FIRST set runs through November 10th!!!!!!
I rarely ask for help like this, but since this is only between 10 girls, I have
a real chance, so please help me as much as possible!
I appreciate it so much!
~Have a great day!~
Back to regular scrapbooking tomorrow
That is going to be just ONE of the prizes for the CRAFTY ENTRIES
(I am not able to win that one but YOU are!!)
But the DT have a seperate contest and the grand prize is
2000.00!!!! How do I win? I have to send
the MOST people over to FOLLOW this blog
OR Their new facebook fan page
Type in PURPLE COWS in the search of Facebook, then
then comment PINKY SENT ME!
Now you don't think I would ask you to help without
RAK-ing do you??????
I have THREE Raks to begin with and believe me I will be RAK-ing all month long!
The first 3 RAKS are....
2 complete scrapbook ALBUM KITS INCLUDING ALBUMS!
So even if the kits are not your's a FREE album!
and a Package including a Page Kit, a Freestyle Mouse (Purple Cows) and a Corner PUNCH!
Each prize valued over 30.00!!!!

All you have to do is PIMP me out!!!!
Post on your Facebook page!
Your Friends, Your Family!!!!
Just send them right here to leave a comment...
The one who gets the most comments will receive a 10.00 Michael's gift card plus a prize here
then 2 others will randomly receive one of the prizes!!!!!
This FIRST set runs through November 10th!!!!!!
I rarely ask for help like this, but since this is only between 10 girls, I have
a real chance, so please help me as much as possible!
I appreciate it so much!
~Have a great day!~
Back to regular scrapbooking tomorrow
Wow good luck..
good luck. hope you win.
Wow! I would LOVE a free-style mouse! I don't have one yet and have been absolutly DIEING to have one! I am inviting some people, hopefully they'll hop over!
I would so appreciate it if anyone became a follower on my blog. I plan to have a big rak when I reach 30 followers!
oops! I also left a blog post about it here-
Whoo hoo!!! Good luck to all!
Great prizes!! Good luck to ya!!!
i posted it on my facebook... and signed up as well. Good luck in the contest!
OK, I'm obviously under a rock - what is a freestyle mouse? I've posted on my blog hoping to get ya some traffic as well as followed on the PC blog and commented. Great prizes!!!
Oh a FREESTYLE Mouse is a cutter that you use your regular blades in (purple cows snap blades) and it cuts however you want. FREESTYLE! :)
The blades all work with the trimmers and it can use any of the blades including scalloped/'s cool and it cuts like butter! It cuts Acrylic amazingly!
Ok, so I'm posting on my bloggie and my facebook right now!! YEAH for Pinky!!
Best of luck to you!!! :-)
Good luck to you!
Good luck to you. Well a RAK from you is really generous...although I supported you even without it:)
Good luck Pinky. I signed up to follow them and also posed on facebook.
I am now a follower of their blog, and will post on my blog for you.
I became a follower!
How do they know that you sent me over there?
Those cards are just too cute!
Purple Cows will know if you leave a quick comment saying PINKY SENT ME!
Thanks for your support!
I became a follower of the Purple Cow blog, wow. I also left a message on my facebook. Good luck, hope you win.
Colleen F sent me to check you out :)
dang girl, you are off and running! Wait up! LOL!
Good luck!!!
Good luck to you! I've signed on as a follower here and at Purple Cows and posted a link to your awesome candy on my sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win!
Colleen F sent me. Great site. I became a follower of the Purple Cow. Good luck!
WOW! Great Giveaway!
and I have become a folower :)
wow! fun stuff!
Great giveaway - lots of luck to you!!! I'll send people your way :).
Awesome opportunity, Pinky! I'll post about ya on FB and even a quick little mention on my blog (even though it's a food blog!).
WOW!!! What an awesome giveaway!!!! Sorry I dont have a blog but I can post you on Facebook. Someone sure would be happy with this one and makes a great early Christmas present!!!
I became a follower and will post on my blog for you!
Good Luck!!!
Awesome contest!! Hope you win!!
I became a follower of the blog and I think FB but I couldn't find them on FB to tell them Pinky sent me. I did on the blog. Hopefully that's enough. Good Luck!
THis sounds like a lot of fun...good luck to you!
Okay...I posted on Facebook AND AMR, so hopefully you will get LOTS of people heading this way!
I tweeted and FB ya' and I signed up for PC FB page. Good luck chica!!!
I posted on PC the other day that Pinky sent me. I will do it again today also!
Good Luck! I have become a follower of the purple cows blog and said you sent me, trying to join the facebook group but its down right now!
I became a fan on FB and said you sent me. Good Luck
I also posted on my blog here
hey good luck. will post and follow the blog for you!!!
Awesome!!!!! I'm a follower and love prizes!!
Good luck! Hugs,moni
Girl, it looks like you've got a darn good chance reading the other comments on the Facebook page! good luck
I joined the FB page and now I'm following this blog and the Purple Cow one! I'll post on my blog, too! Good luck!
became a facebook fan too:) and left a comment for you.
just became a follower, found you on fiskateers...good luck on the contest...will add your contest to my blog and mention it on my facebook cause who doesnt love free stuff
Wow girl, good luck!
GOOD LUCK PINKY! I will make sure I leave a comment for ya!
I am a follower of Purple Cows and would like to enter the contest.
Good Luck!!!! I just became a fan of the FB page, i was sure to tell them you sent me!!
I left a comment and I am now a follower of Purple Cows! It was a pleasure meeting you I cannot wait to see your next project. Miranda
Pick me Pick me!!!!
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