All the hating on Pinky going on! LOL
I knwo its just 2 people Raising a ruckus but Jiminy Cricket....seems like they would have better things to do than hate on me for giving away a RAK! Should I quit? What do the people who count think? My faithful sweet blog viewers?

And these are just a FEW of the handmade flowers I gave away last week and finally finished them this weekend! I had a ball making them ands it was so FUN to see the great response to my being published on Fiskateers and having that great tutorial up! There were OVER 120 comments on that ONE Blog!!!!
WOOHOOO Thanks to YOU My friends and I do think of you all as friends!
Now for what you have been waiting for!
If you see your name here PLEASE contact me for your prize info!
The RIC RAC stamp WINNER is!

me me me! and i am the first poster! way nice of you by the way:0)
After the day I had and the doggin yesterday I had a wonderful call today!
My husband got a 300.00 bonus for being a great employee and he is taking momma to dinner! How fun and unexpected it made me cry!
Have a beautiful DAY
Yikes why would someone be that lame meaning scrap bitch? Anyway... thanks for the chance! They are so fun! I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
September 28, 2008 9:45 PM