I have really been using lace for that vintage feel in my Layouts Lately. I love old vintage lace and other items. This lace I used was from my husband's Grandmother, she left me all her sewing supplies when she passed on and I cannot let it go, but it makes GREAT scraping embellishments especially for those pages I want to add extra love on. This is my step mom or EX step mom...she has been a phenomenal influence in my life.

So how do we feel about pink on BOY Layouts?? WELL, since I scrap with NO RULES I love it!
This is a LO from a mother's heart anyways so its all good!
All my boys not only love pink but wear it!
Which in Oregon wasn't really thought about but apparently in Tennessee, it's a whole nother story LOL I even had a man tell me last week...
"I guess I am not a secure man because I won't be wearing no girly PINK"
I told him..."Well I guess you are not secure as a man, better think about that!"
Just drives me nuts men get so worked up over the color PINK, I mean for gosh sakes their tongue ain't BLUE! BWHAHA!
Thank YOU for stopping by and have a beautiful day..
OH and I will be mailing all those flowers out tomorrow
absolutely gorgeous layouts, and how lucky you got all those vintage supplies!!
btw - I love tagged your blog... it's easy and happy, so check it out!
Love the lo with your stepmom, the lace was a great touch. I like scrapping with pink so my hubby has tons of pink pages.
I got the letters in yesterday, THANK YOU!!!! Can't wait to use them!!!
I see men wear pink hear in Ohio all the time - its great !!!!!!!!! Im glad to see pink on a boy LO cause I do it!!!
I love your vintage layout, it's just gorgeous. loving the pink on the layout
yeah totally kids around here wear pink all the time! I love that last layout with the butterfly and the lace it it simply beautiful! :D
Here in Dallas -- I see more men wearing pink & purple than women. Love me some Metrosexuals! :)
BEAUTIFUL SISTAH!! love these!! especially your 'boy' LO.. andddd, TOUGH men wear PINK! so THERE!!! ha ha =)
lol I love useing pink everywhere... even on my son's pages!!! you can totally make it work! (tim gun voice)
My nephew is 13 years old and he loves pink polo shirts. I think he owns about 10. Oh and the light yellow color polo shirts too.
Haha, you go with the pink manly LO! (Love his haircut BTW!) I dried off my DS with a pink towel and DH had to say something smart. I should do a pink LO just for him!
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