Friday, August 21, 2009

~Quick video Friday, Purple Cows Laminator~

Good morning!
My boys are officially all in school!
I was getting my youngest ready last night, and
got to thinking about him gettign on and off the right bus and in the right class,
so I decided to pull out my Purple Cows 13" Laminator
and make a Backpack TAG with all his info on it.

Not only will it help the teachers keep track of him,
but it also gives me peace of mind...
After I made it I was tickled pink
and decided to make a how-to video
so you could make one too if you wanted!

It's not my usual scrapbooking stuff but it's fun and
easy, and my son lovvvveedd it!

~Hope you find something useful in my videos~
~Thanks for stopping by~
~Have a beautiful day~


Sara said...

Great idea! That is a great tool to have! It's now on my "wish list"! My "baby" goes to Kindergarten this Sept too!

Scrapfaire said...

Love the sound GREAT so hope ya'll are all back to "normal".


Crystal said...

i always love your videos pinky and i am so super glad the boys are feeling better! i hope you have an awesome weekend girl! hugs!

Georgina said...

So cute Cristal!! and what a great little laminator machine!

Leslie said...

Great idea! I've got two grands going off to 2nd grade.

Michelle Ramsay said...

Brilliant idea!