WOW, it is Tuesday and I am just pooped!
I have been 4.5 days with no internet,
I think I might die if I have to do that again! LOL
We left for Kentucky and went to a cabin
in the woods, it was nice but I miss my online buds so bad!
So any guesses as to what we did in KY?
This is a clue...
Let me just tell you, I am NOT a girly girl
I can camp/fish/drink, all that stuff.
But caving...Oh my...caving is NOT my friend.
I cannot explain it, but those tight spaces and bending and ducking through?
I was in tears.
Something snapped inside me and I almost
cried uncontrollably.
The only thing that saved me was someone shouting out
"it's OPEN up here!! Just a couple more feet!!"
And we took the kids/elderly tour! LOL
But as you can see I got a picture of a BAT (on accident)
you are not supposed to photograph them but I
accidentally got one and did not see it until I got home.
Did I mention that a bat SHIT ON MY HEAD????
The ONLY one in the group who got shit on too!!
Did I also mention, that halfway through they told us to look up and
they shined a light on about 500 to 1000 Cave spiders and Cave crickets that
look like a spider and cricket had babies and freakishly
mutated?? OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is plain WRONG!
Why did you not point those out BEFORE I had my hands on the cave
and they could jump down eating my children whole!!??
No, this pink haired princess is NOT a cave woman by any means!

Of course the boys loved the cave
and Andrew too, so I figure it is a GREAT father/son activity
and mom can always hit the gift shop and just feel the AC
coming out of the mouth of the cave, while the boys explore.
Sorry, no scrap stuff this week, I do have pictures to share,
hope y'all do not mind. We have been on the go for sure.
I have a couple more stories to share but I have gone on long enough.
~Hope you get a chance to drop by and say HI~
~Thanks for keeping up with me!~
I think I might die if I have to do that again! LOL
We left for Kentucky and went to a cabin
in the woods, it was nice but I miss my online buds so bad!
So any guesses as to what we did in KY?
This is a clue...

I can camp/fish/drink, all that stuff.
But caving...Oh my...caving is NOT my friend.
I cannot explain it, but those tight spaces and bending and ducking through?
I was in tears.
Something snapped inside me and I almost
cried uncontrollably.
The only thing that saved me was someone shouting out
"it's OPEN up here!! Just a couple more feet!!"
And we took the kids/elderly tour! LOL
But as you can see I got a picture of a BAT (on accident)
you are not supposed to photograph them but I
accidentally got one and did not see it until I got home.

The ONLY one in the group who got shit on too!!
Did I also mention, that halfway through they told us to look up and
they shined a light on about 500 to 1000 Cave spiders and Cave crickets that
look like a spider and cricket had babies and freakishly
mutated?? OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is plain WRONG!
Why did you not point those out BEFORE I had my hands on the cave
and they could jump down eating my children whole!!??
No, this pink haired princess is NOT a cave woman by any means!

Of course the boys loved the cave
and Andrew too, so I figure it is a GREAT father/son activity
and mom can always hit the gift shop and just feel the AC
coming out of the mouth of the cave, while the boys explore.
Sorry, no scrap stuff this week, I do have pictures to share,
hope y'all do not mind. We have been on the go for sure.
I have a couple more stories to share but I have gone on long enough.
~Hope you get a chance to drop by and say HI~
~Thanks for keeping up with me!~
OMG, I am about to die right now!!! If I would have been in there....I promise you I would have had a massive PANIC ATTACK!!!! Oh Lord, just the thought of those creatures in there makes my skin crawl. You are brave, oh so brave!!!! No way...Bat POOPIE...Heaven help you!!!!!! I commend you Miss Pinky and would have been standing there to give you a big HUG for completing such a task, minus getting Bat Poop on me!!! Smiles :)
Oh my what an experience!!!!! all the yuckiness aside, it does sound kind of cool. You're a brave Mom!
Pinky, I just had to laugh. I can not do fish and stuff (total gross out) but yet I love to go into caves. don't ask me why. Thanks for the pictures of the cave. Looks like it would have been fun. Glad to hear that you are having a good time.
I am not good with caves either. I'm okay if I can see the light at the end of the tunnel lol but if I can't, then I'm not going in there unless it's really wide open, like a living room lol. & if it was full of spiders then I can tell you that I would be the one running over the top of everybody to get out of there.
Ugh, now you've creeped me out for the day lol.
Wow you all have been Busy! I actually like going through the caves, however, fishing, camping isn't my thing. Mainly because of allergies and yuck, touch the bait, yea right. You're a brave Lady too take it all on. Always wear a baseball hat, it's muy importante when outside with birds and in caves with bats and creey crawly insects. I've had to learn that the hard way.
LOL too funny girl! I would have enjoyed it myself. WEll maybe not the bat poo.
Does your camera make a noise when you click it? That was the problem when I was told about not taking pictures of bats. The sound was too high and would hurt them.
That is just not my idea of a good time either. But then again I hate to camp too--so there you go. But being pooped on--NASTY!! I am so sorry. The pictures are great though!!
Yeah, doesn't sound like my cup of tea either!! I'll keep you company in the gift shop :)
Girl I have been laughing so loud Roger came in here and wanted to know what I was doing!!!! LOL...i am not a girly girly either but Lord knows caving is not for me either....eeeekkkkkkk bats and bat poop no way...Great pics though I admire you doing that with your guys though...
OMG Pinky I have been to that same cave...they do it on purpose...They wait til the last freakin second to say.."oh by the way"...Cave To funny!!
OMG, you can make a story so funny. Well for a pink haired woman you're tops.
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