This weekend had literally been a blur.
Nothing but rain,lightning, shopping, and sick kids!
And today I am cleaning out!
We have company coming so I better get this house in shape man!
And today I am cleaning out!
We have company coming so I better get this house in shape man!
So, no fun scrapbooking for me....however,
I did not forget my faithful blog friends.

I have oodles of fun name brand goodies
from K&CO, Teresa Collins, Karen Foster and more!
So leave me a comment here and let me know
how your weekday went!
Monday morning....the blah Monday
I will send this package out to one
lucky scrapbooker!
Oh and Tifany, your package is on it's way!
~Have a great day!~

I have oodles of fun name brand goodies
from K&CO, Teresa Collins, Karen Foster and more!
So leave me a comment here and let me know
how your weekday went!
Monday morning....the blah Monday
I will send this package out to one
lucky scrapbooker!
Oh and Tifany, your package is on it's way!
~Have a great day!~
Oh Pinky, that would be an awesome RAK! I had A BLAST this weekend thanks to Debby and friends who made a great all day fun filled crop in Greenville SC. Monday is blah but I'll be packing for our beach trip on Tuesday so I don't mind too much. Happy RAKing!
#2219 Jenn J
Looks like a fun RAK!
My weekend is not over.....we woke up to SNOW!
We're having a birthday supper tonight for one of my sons friends. Everything is under control.
We're supposed to be rounding up the buffalo to sell, but it's now too wet for that!
I've cleaned my craft room in the hopes that the weather will smarten up! Thanks for the chance to win!
The weather has been gorgeous here for the last few days.
My weekend was busy with outside chores. In the greenhouse I repotted about 40 tomato plants that I had started from seed, & I also took most of the flowers that I started in the greenhouse & planted them in various flower beds. I repotted 7 flower pots either because they were ready for larger pots or they were replaced because they didn't survive our hard winter this year. I also pulled some weeds, & fed the wild birds.
Inside I cut some strips of material to make my 1st quilt squares for a Fiskateer thing and now it's time to make dinner.
It has been raining, raining, and raining here in AL. My daughter's softball tournament was rained out on Sat, rescheduled for Sun, got rained out again, but it allowed my daughter to attend her girl scouts' skating party. The tournament is now scheduled for Mon afternoon, and no rain is in the forecast. Maybe we'll get to complete the games! :)
Low keyed. Like always, but I found that I needed to get my Facebook account together, so I could talk to you..heehee
Hi Pinky- I had a great weekend. I have been cleaning out also. Glad to see you doing so good!!!
You are so sweet, always giving away stuff! My weekend was spent getting the kids new shoes and clothes. And for once, I bought nothing for myself- that's a first! Wait, does Mac lipstick count??? xOxO
Having a good weekend - it is a long weekend here so still have one day left! Took the kids to IMAX Monster vs. Aliens today for WAY TOO MUCH MONEY! Hoping to scrap tonight - have a great one!
Wahoo! Thanks! I'm looking forward to it!
This week I am getting ready for a trip we are taking to Kentucky to visit my husband's brother and his wife...hopefully I don't go crazy traveling with three kids. Hope you have a wonderful week!
I had a very relaxing weekend. I made a couple of cards, did 3 layouts and did a little shopping on Saturday. Today I went to church, had a leisurely breakfast afterwards with my brother and niece. After which I came home took a nap and I plan to spend the evening working on my "cupcake" ATC's I'm involved in. Thanks for a chance to help you clean out some stuff. LOL!
Well,Pinky you know I Love you and I haven't won anything from you yet,I'm a true follower.I even saw purple hair somewhere,lol Thanks for another chance to win.
looks like a great rak...some awesome stuff there...i had a houseful of company for the weekend...stayed up ways to for the monday holiday...i have to go to work
My weekend has gone extremely fast. Spent the weekend attending graduation parties and church. Looking forward to summer break and having some time off.
We had a great weekend in Greenville, and I got to meet so many amazing fiskateers! What a fun RAK! My monday will be filled with baby shower plans for a friend of mine, and getting ready for a class I'm teaching this week on cooking.
Ugh! My weekend has consisted of making up final exams for my courses I am teaching. I spent 5 1/2 hours on Saturday at the school making up English exams and 4 hours today making up another exam. Tomorrow is a holiday here but guess where I will be!?! Yup, at the school making up MATH exams...yucky!!! But at least when it's finished I don't have to worry about them any more...heehee. Wish I could be shopping this weekend :( lol...hugs!!
Great RAK love the stamp! I spent the weekend in the SUN, we had 80's all weekend, and i'm now redish in color.. It's been a nice break from the rain here in the NW!! Happy Sunday! Fiskateer 3943
Hey pinky that is an awesome RAK! My weekend is not over! I am going to work from home from the next two weeks before I go on my maternity leave! I have 6 weeks left! I am so excited and my parents are coming this wednesday:) all the way from india!! I am going to see them after two years!! So excitement packed week !!!
Oh Pinky, what a wonderful rak that you have put together!! On Saturday I had 9 friends over for breakfast and thenm in the afternoon we picked up my 10 yr old granddaughter to spend the night. We spent about 6 hours in my scraproom making stuff for a "craft sale " that she wants to have to raise money for my nephew that has cancer. We got about 18 different things made...not too bad for 6 hours. Thanks for the chance to win.
My weekend was spent working. (I work in local TV news.) The big stories were Military Appreciation Day on Saturday & today was a church that has been broken into 6 times recently!
i didnt have much of a weekend. did nothing saturday due to rain until i went to work at 5pm, then didnt get off til 6am (when i was supposed to get off around midnight)i was so tired i ended up sleeping til 3pm. me and my husband did go tot the movies this evening though.
Great RAK Pinky! I love the military emblishments in the back. :-) Here is Seattle we had our first real batch of sunshine for the year. The weather finally got into the upper 60s. Woo hoo! Lots and lots of yard work was done. But, don't you just love a good rain storm?
Let's just say.....I hope this coming week is so much better! Positive thinking I will have.
Hope your boys will start feeling better soon. Your family just can't seem to shake the illnesses this year!
We actually had a nice weekend! Sunshine and Warm! It was so nice. We played outside with Carter, and had a blast. I am having a great Monday so far, but it is only 5:52am.
We are in our last week of school! Yah!
The weather was a bit chilly here yesterday, and I partied all weekend!!!! I had a Big ole surprise Birthday you can't beat that!!! Have a great Monday!!!
you want me to come do your scrap room for you? i can, we could trade out some sewing for some organizing.....
Good morning, I hope the rain has cleared up and the kiddos are better today! We had a great weekend with friends from Canada, so much fun! AND I got to try out a Cricut for the first time! lol AND I got my very first sewing machine! lol Big weekend for me! hee hee
Oh man Tina, that is what I spent the last 2 weeks doing, cleaning out my scrap room! I can see the floor and it is cleared out now! Dammit woman! LOL
My weekend was BUSY! Graduation Party Saturday and Sunday spent cleaning, washing and cooking while is stormed outside.
My little sister graduated from college yesterday so we spent a wonderful day celebrating with her! It was busy, but a very nice family time!
This is one sweet RAK! You are going to make 1 stamper day with this fabulous candy. This weekend was raining for us, and for Monday so be awesome and sunny. About time! Planning on having some fun creating and doing a little outside. Thanks for a chance.
I am TOTALLY confused...of course THAT is nothing new! lol! I keep reading all these awesome tales from the weekend, but I think you were asking about our Monday? I am such a dork that I HAVE to be reading your post wrong. Either way, I'll cover both! lol! Great weekend spent with my man in Georgia. Lousy weather, but who cares when you have a sweetheart of a guy by your side. Monday...not as much fun! Work is kicking my butt today, but hey, it is just one day! Tomorrow will have to be better! Thanks for the chance at winning such a FAB-O RAK!!!
Another fun RAK!! Well we didn't have to much rain here this weekend so that meant YARD WORK! does it suck. lol But after that i got to sit and scrap guilt free, so i completed my 1st ever spoolie!!! Good luck gettin your house in shape for the company
no need for the RAK but just stopping by to say hi to one of my favorite JS girls! I hate blah Mondays!
looks like a fun Rak, everyone is sick in tnis house, voices are down to a whisper, we all have sore throats.. not a very good weekend on this side off the globe. and had visitors yesterday afternoon.. I hope they did not catch our flu.. Because it's no fun.. Mariah #2457
What a great RAK! MY weekend was so busy, I had to travel out of town to babysit the grandkids. My 2 year old granddaughter was being pottytrained so all weekend it was, "I go Pee!" and run to the potty chair. Now I am back to my usual routine of teaching school! Have a great day!
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