Well, my first official LIVE tornado sighting.
Crazy!!!! Crazy I tell ya!
I hope you will be praying for Murfreesboro,
because alot of damage has been done and 2 deaths have been reported already,
which means likely more are to come.
Never have I seen a tornado, living in Oregon gives one a false
sense of safety, then moving to TN hits you like
a cold wet fish of reality!
Crazy!!!! Crazy I tell ya!
I hope you will be praying for Murfreesboro,
because alot of damage has been done and 2 deaths have been reported already,
which means likely more are to come.
Never have I seen a tornado, living in Oregon gives one a false
sense of safety, then moving to TN hits you like
a cold wet fish of reality!
stay safe, girl!!
Girl, this is normal for Tennessee. Every Spring it is like this. All I can tell you from living here for 31 years, listen to the TV, radio and always find shelter when they come.
They are bad, and you never know when one will come. So please stay safe!
Hope everyone is okay? Tornado's can be a scary thing. But I guess if you grow up with them, you at least get used to them.
Be safe !!!
crap that is scary!!
Stay safe! Many prayers for those affected. I grew up in KY before moving to TX..been around the threat all my life. Seeing one and hearing one is something you NEVER forget.
ACK! stay safe. that is some scary stuff.
Oh man how scarey is that! I lived in Hawaii for a few years and had to live through a Hurricane...that was freaky to watch trees bend in half and hear the wind so loud!
I will be thinking about you and your family!
I saw this one the news and I was praying for all of you!!!! Wow, super scary!!!!! You are in my thoughts and prayers!
I thought about you yesterday and hoped that you were safe. I also posted to say prays for everyone that was effected by the storms.
So good to hear you are ok. I've been worried. We are here in Nashville and heard what was happening yesterday. Praying for all those around you.
Stay Safe!!!
Stay safe..and get your booty in the HOUSE! (sorry mom in me) I would be out there too flashing pics..lol Prayers and thoughts your way!!XoXo
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