Monday, February 9, 2009

~These Stamps ROCK~RAK~

Yes, I have been waiting to put up a RAK because I am a broke ass fool! LOL
But I found these on clearance and may I just say they ROCK!
So I picked them up thinking they would make a great RAK.
This is a LARGE set of Acrylic Stamps from Making Memories, the Fa La La line.
Calendar stamps.
So leave a comment here and if you refer a friend to my blog then you will get 2 entries!
Have fun! I will choose a name on Wednesday!
Happy Valentine's Day to all my Blog friends. You all are the reason I keep posting!
Thank you!


Jenn said...

These stamps do ROCK! I need to make an advent calendar (wanted to do it this year, but had no time) and these stamps would be perfect.

I hear ya about being broke, it's no fun. Happy early Valentine's Day.

Nikki said...

oohhh, no kidding those rock!!! i hear ya 'boit being broke, i'm holding on until return day, lol

Chelle said...

those stamps rock! you are so generous to still give RAKs while being broke. thanks for the chance to win it!

Michelle said...

Love the new pic on your blog.
Have a super Valentines Day!

javawava said...

They do ROCK. Yeah, I feel your broke-ness too!

Anonymous said...

Those stamps do ROCK! And so do you for doing a RAK in this economy.

V Colbourne said...

I agree--- they do rock!!!! And I think we all are affected with this "broke" so much for the chance to win

Michelle Frae Cummings said...

fun RAK! thanks for a chance!

Elizabeth Sanchez said...

those are super cute!

Darlene said...

those stamps are too cool!

Happy V-day to you, too!

Jenn said...

It's a sassafras lass bunny stamp, stamped onto sassafras lass sunshine lollipops paper with black cardstock for the ears and paw, easy peasy!

michele said...

these stamps are a rockin RAK...but please, leave me out of the RAK as I get way too many goodies over at JS. I just love your beautiful soul and stoped by to say hi.

Ziggyeor said...

oh those are awsome :D thanks for the RAK I know your pain LOL.


AbbieTorroll said...

WOW those are WAY cool!!! I haven't seen those!! LOVE them! and love your blog girl!! Happy V day!

just lisa said...

Sweet rak - as always!!

Hope you have a happy valentine's Day Cristal!!

scrappin_mom3 said...

I feel ya gf-- no money here either!! I just spent the lsat of my scrappy stash on peachy keen stamps! And those stamps do rock!

Karen Poirier-Brode said...

Fun RAK! I will read your blog faithfully even if you do not have a give away. Always nice to check in with you!

Kray said...

Yes...these stamps rock! Thanks for doing the RAK

Susi said...

Love them! Must tell my daughter to take a look!

Karin Leveillee said...

Wow - those are some beautiful stamps. Thanks for being so generous.

StampinCathy said...

What a fun Rockin Stamp set. I would love to play with these. How sweet of you to think of us and being broke like all of us. You ROCK! Thanks for a chance.

Jocelyn said...

Oh those stamps do ROCK!!!! I want them, I need them! :)))))))

Jingle said...

Those are great! What a fun collection!

Scrappy Doo 2 u said...

Hey girl ROCK IT w/those Stamps! They really do rock and how much cooler is that ... they were on clearance! Sign me up cause I love em! Hate that you're broke, but I think it's a sign of the times w/most people right now. Broke Sucks Butt!

Mrs. Karen said...

Hey girl! Gosh I miss you guys! Bill is sleeping now so I am surfing the internet, should be doing the laundry but hey it will be there later.

I love these stamps too. I'm just getting into stamping and I love seeing new stuff!. By the way, of course you are listed on my blog!
Karen (aka Baseballmom)

Erin Glee said...

You are so sweet to give a Rockin' RAK when you can't really afford it! Can I cry on your shoulder for just a second while I mourn my car that didn't pass Smog and is not worth fixing? WAHHH! Ah, thank you , I feel better.
I don't share your love of Horror movies, but I love the red paint dripping down for effect on your lo a few days ago~creepy!

Luv2scrap1968 said...

Pinky, I have to agree with everyone!! They do ROCK!! Awful sweet of you to offer this as an RAK!!!!!

Melissa in MN said...

Hi there, These stamps really rock.
But I was sent by Jingle at AMR, so if this comment is picked, please send the stamps to Jingle instead. She needs a little sunshine right now.
Melissa in MN

Harley Dee said...

I know all about being broke, lol!! Jingle sent me too :)

arielle said...

Cute Stamps! Love the new pic!
Being broke does suck, our only hope is our tax refund right now to get us caught up.

Lisamariemlt said...

You are way to kind to rak those stamps They really do rock, your blog rocks too. Keeping my fingers crossed they might find their way to my scrap area. Hugs me

Rox-Ann said...

Cool stamps Pinky! Love your blog!

Cindy said...

Well sometimes it doesn't matter if your broke. Cute Cute stamps. Oh and Jingle sent me too.

Denise said...

From one broke ass fool to another, those are cool stamps!

Jingle sent me.

Amber (tink13) said...

Very cool stamps.

Jingle also sent me.


Cori-Lyn said...

I finally put the link to your blog on mine...only because I didn't want to share you!! Isn't that sad?! Great RAK - you rock!

Ann Arbogast said...

I think everyone is ass broke right about now.
We got our tax return checks and are still broke. Well, not really...some of the money was put into savings for maintenance on my car. So when I get time I have to go spend my money on my car. Not fun stuff.

Tona said...

Those stamps look pretty nice. I haven't seen those around here.

CraftyRia said...

Those are very cute stamps!

Jingle sent me, thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Those are cool stamps... It would rock to add them to my collection...
Yes, know the broke thing I just borrowed gas money from my kids so I could get to work the rest of the week...