Happy Friday!!! I am so happy it is finally Friday!
I had the best mails yesterday, this sweet card from Denise in Florida,
and I definitely wanted to showcase it because she is so talented
but not all over blog land. Isn't this card super fun?!
I love the color combo and the cupcake theme.

She even heat embossed the front starbursts,
and placed and extra cupcake inside.
Her work always amazes me, she is the queen of 2 page layouts.

And I received this card from the gal who won the Cuttlebug on
my blog a couple weeks ago! Kelly S. SOOOO sweet! :)

I love the stamp and the beautiful color combo.
I am very blessed to have such sweet friends from all over the world.
Thank you all so much!
I just had to share the work of 2 talented "every day" scrappers!
Ok on to the winner of the Travel Album.

Pinky, your son is the spitting image of you. I never realized how much until I saw this pic! He is a doll. It is only natural that the girls are starting to call!
Please Facebook or email me Jodie, I will get this album in the mail!
I will work on new giveaways next week, I have a feeling that a GLUE ARTS
giveaway is coming up! So be sure to check back next week!
Have a wonderful Friday my friends, and thank you again for stopping by.
Awww Cristal... you are too sweet! Thanks girlie friend <3
I'm in shock! I am honored that you would post my lowly card on your blog! I think this is like the upteeth time you MADE MY DAY!
Well Happy Birthday Ms. Crystal...You share your special day with my son Zackary who will be turning 16 ..OMG I cant handle it ...lol Well , Enjoy your day Monday! Hugs!
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