Good morning with love from me and my family :)

I have the post for you today!
But first I wanted to share this picture that was sent to me
It is my good friend Liz who went to CHA
and stopped by the Purple Cows booth to say Hi!
The one in the red glasses is the awesome Vennita!
She is my Purple Cows Dt Coordinator and she is super fabulous.
She knew right away they were friends of mine LOL
The one in the red (the beautiful) is LIZ!
Fun connections to CHA, they assured me they took pictures
of my stuff at the Purple Cows booth and will be sending pictures.
ALSO I received a phone call yesterday from CHA
It was Vennita with RACHEL and NANCY from
Scrapbooking From The Inside Out!
Everyone has been so kind!
OK on to some news...
Guess who is going to have some of her work featured on the Imaginisce blog??
Me, yea me! hehehe And the ever talented Melinda!
Plus they are going to GIVEAWAY some goodies!
So head over and leave a comment and tell them PINKY said HI!
Just in case you forgot this is the Scooter's Vacation line of paper.
I am working on another Layout right now with it, I just
adore this line from Imaginisce!
Oh and here is the blog link,
if you have not checked out their blog just do it!
GREAT ideas, great giveaways and GREAT people!
Oh and if you have not seen it check out this new tool from Imaginisce!
I cannot wait to get my hands on this babay!
Nothing new to share today from my crazy head, I am going
down to the school and working for a bit.
Plus I am gearing up for HUGE reveals on the first!
So much fun stuff going on in February! I love the entire month!
~Have a beautiful day~
~Thank you for popping by~
But first I wanted to share this picture that was sent to me
It is my good friend Liz who went to CHA
and stopped by the Purple Cows booth to say Hi!

She is my Purple Cows Dt Coordinator and she is super fabulous.
She knew right away they were friends of mine LOL
The one in the red (the beautiful) is LIZ!
Fun connections to CHA, they assured me they took pictures
of my stuff at the Purple Cows booth and will be sending pictures.
ALSO I received a phone call yesterday from CHA
It was Vennita with RACHEL and NANCY from
Scrapbooking From The Inside Out!
Everyone has been so kind!
OK on to some news...
Guess who is going to have some of her work featured on the Imaginisce blog??
Me, yea me! hehehe And the ever talented Melinda!
Plus they are going to GIVEAWAY some goodies!
So head over and leave a comment and tell them PINKY said HI!
Just in case you forgot this is the Scooter's Vacation line of paper.

adore this line from Imaginisce!
Oh and here is the blog link,
if you have not checked out their blog just do it!
GREAT ideas, great giveaways and GREAT people!
Oh and if you have not seen it check out this new tool from Imaginisce!
I cannot wait to get my hands on this babay!

down to the school and working for a bit.
Plus I am gearing up for HUGE reveals on the first!
So much fun stuff going on in February! I love the entire month!
~Have a beautiful day~
~Thank you for popping by~
Just adore their things...but most of all adore you and that sweet little one in the photo...he is sooooo precious!!!
omg, your little guy is so cute, and I need me one of those bling tools, NOW! xOxO
Oh that heat setter looks awesome!
Beautiful work gf!! I love that shaped piece for your background too!! Awesome!!!
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