Tuesday, April 13, 2010

~Wednesday, what an amazing day ahead & Helmar GIVEAWAY!!!!~

Good morning! I am so excited today because Cindy Conkerr
is coming to meet me at 10:00am!
What a blessing this will be, I am very excited! I will take pictures for sure!

Meanwhile...do you want to win some V2 Adhesive from Helmar?
Keep on reading! :) Pay no attention to the dork behind the camera! LOLOK on to the "experiment"
Gail had a GREAT question on my Helmar project the other day,
she asked if the V2 spray glue (Vellum adhesive) would stay affixed or if it fell apart like
other adhesives she had used. You all know I am the no BS girl, so I called
Helmar and decided to give it a good old fashioned experiment and this is what
they told me, and what I found! :)

They told me the bond is permanent, it does not dry out and fall off.
I wanted to test it out for myself and share with y'all.
I sprayed the Helmar V2 Vellum Adhesive on both cardstock and paper yesterday.
I left it overnight because I wanted to see if it was going to fall off.
Now this morning when I got up
This is what happened, I tried to tear the Hambly off and it tore my cardstock.
Now remember I sprayed both sides to stick it together and you can see
it is still clear.
*I am NOT compensated by Helmar for this, this experiment is
completely on my own for my crafty friends who have asked me*
Gail, thanks for the awesome question! I hope this
answers it for ya, this Hambly ain't going anywhere LOL

Here are a few FREE SVG files for your Cri-kit Pens :)
Great for drawing, I also layered the flower so you can draw then different colors
on different layers, easy peasy right?
Just click the picture to download.

Whole flower

Inner flower
Outer flower

NOW back to the pink haired chick up above with the can of glue!
Guess what? You can win a can of V2 let me tell you how!
Just go to the fan page on Helmar and be a fan, then comment here
letting me know you are a fan!! guess what? If you are already a fan?
You can still WIN!!!!!!!!
Just let me know you are, heck refer a friend, I might have some other
Helmar goodies up my sleeve if we can get 100 fans today!
In fact I am sure I have some more Helmar goodness here.
Let's do it.
Thanks Helmar for providing awesome prizes!

You can also win a huge prize pack on the fan page!
Tell them PINKY sent ya, let's spread the word.
The more comments I get and fans, the more glue I give away!!!!

~Off to my meet up~
~Have a great day, send your friends here today!!~
~Thank you for stopping by~


Bobbi said...

Great experiment. I am already a fan of Helmar. I love your SVG files but I do not have a program to use them. You are starting to convince me that I may need one though. LOL

Helen said...

Wow--that is some strong glue! I am already a fan of Helmar--thanks to you!

Anonymous said...

that is an excellent experiment. I have really been looking for a good glue for my clear cuts, vellum and transparencies! I would love to try this out and see it is everything you said it was! have a great day.

Nikki Love said...

already a fan of you and Helmar :) and that is some super stickage...lol

Unknown said...

LOL Nikki!!!!!

Betsy said...

Already a fan on FB! Impressed with your experiment results!!!

Beth Gaddis said...

Became a fan of Helmar and told them you sent me :)
thanks for the recommendation, I'll have to try this stuff out if i can get my hands on some.

Carla said...

Girl you know Im already a fan, and NOW I am even a bigger fan seeing that adhesive at work.....WOW.............vellum has always been a challenge for me, and that stuff looks like it ROCKS! I NEED IT!

Gail said...

Hi Pinky...I am a fan of yours and Helmar{thanks to you}
I love the idea of a spray glue.
I met you in WV a few weeks ago...how are the peeps doing???

Tracy J said...

Already a fan....but I love that you did an experiment to test the strength....you will always tell it as it is...awesome glue!

Unknown said...

Hey Gail, I posted new chick pictures yesterday :) So far 14 out of 14 are alive LOL

Linda ♥ 4949 said...

I just became a fan. I have long used another brand of spray adhesive for vellum with sometimes less-than-perfect results. This sounds like the the perfect fix. Thanks for sharing.

sandyh50 said...

Hi Pinky! I always need glue! I love your svg files and bit the bullet and bought the sure cuts alot program on Sun. I have been looking at it and tried the free trial. I decided it will save me a lot of money in the long run since cartridges are so expensive.

Mary-Beth said...

love the experiment and I am always on the lookout for good ones! I have never heard of Helmar before, and I really love a chance to give this a try! Guess I'm on my way over to become a fan!!!!! lol

Unknown said...

Done became a fan on Facebook and told them you sent me...

Janie Boots

Yvette Pupo-Heredia said...

Already a fan of yours and Helmar. Love that you experimented the strength of the glue.

wvcathy said...

Great test of the glue - would love to give it a try myself.

Thanks for sharing


serenarepsold said...

Thanks for the chance to win. Love your hair! Pink is my favorite go-to color!I will check Helmar out! Have a great week!

Jocelyn said...

Great experiment...thanks to you!!!

Maybe I use that glue to hold my body in a upright position...can I glue myself to the wall!!!

Love ya girlie!!!

Winslowwoman said...

That appears to be totally awesome glue and I would love to try it out!! Thanks for a great blog and great projects!!

Jessie said...

I a fan now

Kelly Massman said...

I am a Helmar fan (listed you as my referral) and I visit you all of the time! :-) Would love to win this prize because I really want to try Helmar before I buy. I have been "burned" by so many adhesives that I am leary of all.

Peggy Lee said...

already a fan!!! great giveaway...

joni said...

Enjoy your meeting with Cindy...I've been following on FB! I'm already a Helmar fan on FB and am excited about this adhesive! Love that its strong and clear! TFS!!!

Cherie said...

WOW! That's a great experiment! I'm already a fan on FB....You just convinced me that I need some of that!

Patty Williams said...

I'm already a fan on FB.

I have a silly question ..can the vellum spray adhesive be used for things other than vellum ? I don't work with alot of vellum.

I'd love to try some of the Hellmar products if we could find them here in the USA..and even more locally... We use alot of glue's here in this house!


Unknown said...

Well this experiment had NO vellum! :)
I use it on my acrylic and clear products to be honest, I dont use Vellum much

~Holly~ said...

I went and became a fan!
I would love to give this glue a try... I have no where around me to buy it :(

Sandy said...

I'm already a fan and I left a message that you sent me! I love the experiment!

Sandy said...

I am now a fan of you! LOVE your hair!

Dawnll said...

Love a product that does what you expect. Love that you showed the results . I am thrilled to enter your giveaway.
I was a fan of Helmar when you told us about it before. Want to try it myself.

Viji Siddharth said...

LOL helmar has no clue what they let you do!!!! I so want want want Some of that fabulous glue!!!thanks for the chance pinky! I am a facebook fan and a ofcourse your fan!

ScrappinCntryGrl said...

thanks for checking this our for us...I am already a fan of Helmar..since the big blog hop..thanks for the digi's too!!

Anonymous said...

I am already a fan - I will go to the fan page today though AND tell them you sent me :) Donna - Fiskateer 6036

Victoria H said...

I became a fan and posted you sent me! I love some great adhesive!

lynn said...

I am already a fan... i would love to try out some helmar stuff. i am in canada and would have to order it online.. :( thanks for the chance to win some.. :)

Laurajean said...

HOLY Crap....that Helmar is AWESOME and I can't believe it ripped the CS...too funny, great experiment girl...gonna have to order me some and some other Helmar goodies :)
Good Luck Ladies, and I'm already a FAN of Helmar :)

Teresa Godines #6857 said...

Since I am one of your Friends on FB I saw you signed up to follow Helmar..... And I followed you like a Pink Sheep. Now I just need to find some Helmar to purchase. Could have used it last night to hold my son's California Mission together.

nomorelittlemonkeys said...

Great experiment, Pinky! I've heard so many great things about this adhesive, I would just love to win some! Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the experiment! I became a fan!

Renee77 said...

I'm a fan, I can't wait to try it especially after seeing your experiment....whoohoo love the hair!!!

Jenn said...

I was already a fan, but havent' tried the vellum glue yet. thanks for the chance :)

MoMo sprnany said...

Pinky, I am a fan of Helmar and you...I haven't had the chance to try any of the products yet, but I'm looking forward to it! Have a great day!

Karry Weaver said...

Wow, I am a fan! Loved you experiment, I am sold. Spray adhesives have never been among my faves, but you have me anxious to give this a try!! Thanks Girly!

kellyisascrapdiva said...

Oh, I would love some of that Helmar Glue! Thanks for sharing Pinky!

Becky said...

thanks for sharing the experiment. I am already a fan of Helmar :)

and I am so behind times...can you tell me more about the FREE SVG files for your Cri-kit Pens? I do not know what a cri-kit pen is...lol

Denise said...

Hi...I became a fan and told them Pinky sent me! Thanks for the chane to win this great product.

Shannon said...

Hey! I'm a fan already! What an awesome giveaway! I've been a Helmar lover for a LONG time!

Me-Ma Kim said...

WOW!! Awesome Experiment! I would LOVE to win me some of that glue you rave about! Thanks for the chance! I am already a fan of Helmar on FB!!

Lesa said...

I was already a fan but the V2 experiment was really cool! I need to try it.

Gail C said...

YAY!!! Great test~ I might do that here too to show my scrappers on crop day! Who says vellum spray is only for vellum??? I am a FAN and I referred my friend Dee today, thought she was a fan already but may not be. She is referring her friend Tam!

Tona said...

Wow! That looks like a great adhesive!

Gail C said...

And forgot to say thank you Pinky, but "thank you " for caring enough about us and our comments to do this for us all (okay for ME)! :) much appreciated...

Abbey said...

I am already a fan...from that last blog hop...which was awesome ! have a great day ! Susie #6652

Elizabeth Sanchez said...

dude i was like fan 101 on helmar hahaha and whenever they have lil posts i always share them... esp if they are looking for more fans! you are a no bs girl and that's what i love about yous! now tell helmar to get their products in stores by me b/c i need some!

Unknown said...

I've been a fan of Helmar for a while but haven't used the v2 yet. I referred my crafty friends to Helmar too.

Catherine said...

Hay Pinky, thanks for doing a bit of R&D for us!!! I'm already a fan but would love to be included in the giveaway.

ScrapAddict said...

Oh FAB experiment!! You mad scientist you!! I so need some Helmar....hard to find a lot of slelction around here...have to mail order my fix.

Unknown said...

YEA Gail! :) Remember to really spray both sides :)

Jen, I would recommend 450 quick dry as your first purchase, well it was for me anyways, it was amazing! It did not buckle my paper and it works like super glue!

Rosann said...

Hi there,
I was actually already a fan and coincidentally I have been doing some experimenting with vellum so this is perfect timing. Thanks

Kim. said...

That glue certainly seems to be a big hit. I am now a fan over at the Helmar facebook page.
Love your svg's that flower is beautiful.
Kim xXx

Anonymous said...

Now that is an adhesive!!! Thanks for showing that. I just became a Facebook fan ;)

Laura Kaplan said...

I think I need one of each of Helmar's adhesives! GREAT stuff!

Anonymous said...

Give me, give me, give me please! I need a bottle of that!

~HappyScrappinMama~ said...

I am a facebook fan! This stuff looks cool, I need to find me some TODAY!!! LOL Thanks for the opportunity!

TracyM #6773 said...

Cool experiment Pinky!!!

And of course it was a success - you used Helmars! You already converted me to 450 quickdry back when you posted your pleating ribbon tutorial and I'm on my 2nd bottle alread :)

Unknown said...

I am now a fan! Love the experiment you did!

JennK said...

Love it!!

Leslie said...

I signed on as a fan of Helmar - told them you sent me ;)

Megan said...

I became a fan :) Thanks for doing this!

Terena said...

Already a fan and mentioned that you sent me! Would love to try the product!

Summer said...

Became a fan and let them know that you sent me. Now I need to find it. I guess online is my best bet. All of our scrapbooking stores have closed.

Nic said...

I am already a FB Fan of Helmar, even though I have never seen their products over here in NZ! LOL

Anonymous said...

I was already a fan. But I signed up my hubby too...LOL

Kray said...

I am a fan of Helmar. That is a great glue for vellum!

Unknown said...

I am already a fan...that is some awesome glue!!

Kathy said...

I was already a fan but I just need/want to win. I love a product that does what it says it's gonna do!!! Thanks for the offer! Pick me please.

doverdi said...

Sure looks like some strong glue. There is nothing I hate more than having a project fall apart because the adhesive didn't stick. I'm now a fan of Helmars & following you too!

Lynne Forsythe said...

now that's some strong glue!!

am already a fan!!

Gretchyn said...

Oooh, Helmar -- became a facebook fan today!

LeeB said...

I became a fan yesterday, would love to try this product, havent seen it here yet?? Thanks

connie said...

I am already a fan of Helmar! What I love about you Pinky is if you don't know--you will find out and tell it like it is. Thanks for a chance to win.

Blooberry56 said...

ya sent me there AGES AGO! Love the experiment!

Connie Mercer said...

Hey Pinky-
I'm already a fan of Helmar!! I have tried the spray adhesive and you can't beat it. It is very strong and holds great!!!

Sandy said...

I was already a fan too...you sent me...HaHa

Janet said...

Would also Love to try that glue! Looks very promising!

Sandra Wilson said...

I have tried them all but the Vellum spray. Now I see what it will do, I HAVE TO HAVE IT! Thanks for the demo!

Nicole K/GothamGal said...

Fanned, thanks to you. I want to learn more about these, as I've heard good things about them, would be nice to try for myself.

Shelley said...

I'm already a Helmar fan! Thanks for the experiment!

Jingle said...

You know I am already a Helmar fan! I love their stuff!!! I think this is one of the few things I DON'T own, so this would be great!

Cropaddict said...

Becaume a fan of Helmar and found your test there so became a follower of your blog. Love those flowers.

Manhattan Mandie said...

Great experiment, Pinky! I'm aleady a Helmar FB fan :) I've been looking for a good clear glue too. It's very hard to find!

arlsmom aka Lynda said...

Fantastic experiment!!! I have been a Helmar fan...

CraftCrave said...

Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave today [20 Apr 02:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria

Unknown said...

Thank you for the free download I love it


CraftCrave said...

Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the Cutting category today [21 Apr 02:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria