Good morning!
I am so excited this morning, actually I woke up to 500 followers
yesterday. How fun is this? It just means more people to share the crafty
love with and more ideas and inspiration from all of you!
Before I post the winner of the HUGE box of goodies,
I wanted to share another video tutorial.
I made this for Helmar yesterday and it is on their blog as well.
I wanted to make my own flourish/crystal designs, so I
decided to experiment with my dew drops and just printed designs
from online or my photoshop.
This is what I came up with.
Hundreds of possibilities for crystals, dew drops, any bling you can find!
This is going to save me $$ too! I mean just one bling flourish is like 6.00!
Here is the video tutorial :)
Can you tell I was sick and tired?
I have a bad cold right now and it is dragging me down.
Ok now the part you all are waiting for, the HUGE BOX WINNER.
*Disclaimer* I wish I had one for every person who follows
my blog, I try to always give away anything extra I receive because
I am truly blessed. But since only one person can win,
I am going to have fun with it!
The randomly drawn number is #3
fivejensenboyz said...

I need some new stuff to get my mojo going....WOULD LOVE TO BE YOUR WINNER my any you much sistah! :) HUGS
I have a quick story today for ya about the chickens.
Every morning I wake up and I find roosters in my yard now!
So I guess they are now flying and I will have to screen the top of the coop.
However, I remember my grandmother letting her rooster roam
the yard, so I am going to look into that today.
But the funny thing is, instead of chasing me every morning
he runs up checking for food! LOL He knows I am bringing food
and he cannot get to it in the pen, so he hops up for me to throw him over.
I have a feeling now my chickens are going to be weird chickens! LOL
They will fit in just fine!
~Happy Thursday, I am off to work at school today~
I showed up yesterday and it was not even my day! I am crazy
on this Sudafed I tell ya!!
~Have a great day~
~Happy Thursday, I am off to work at school today~
I showed up yesterday and it was not even my day! I am crazy
on this Sudafed I tell ya!!
~Have a great day~
Congrats fivejensenboyz! How lucky are you! Pinky I love the idea of making the flourishes. I have tons of patterns from making bling t shirts so I can definately make lots of goodies and save some money! Thanks for sharing!
Congratulations on your 500 followers Pinky! What an accomplishment, you should be so proud! 500 people love you and your work, that is amazing! And you deserve it!!!!!!! xOxO deb
Woohoo 500 followers! Congratulations to the winner of the fabulous prize!!
YAYAYAYAYAYAY I'm so excited...thanks so much Pinky!!!!!!! I can't wait to see it all!!!!
Congrats on 500 followers....woop woop
Congratulations on all the followers sweetie! Love the bling idea, how fun you made the video to share
congrats fivejensenboyz, I'm jealous but happy for ya. Congrats Pinky on 500 follows - how fun.
Congrats on 500 followers...that is awesome! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog:) I have greatly enjoyed going through your posts. You are a very gifted your work!
Congratulations to the winner and on your followers.
Loved the video on the new way to make flourishes I will defintely be trying this out.
Kim xXx
What are dew drops?? For some reason, I thought Dew Drops were little ink pads, but when you made the flourishes, they look different. I think I need to find these!
Ohh...LOVE this tutorial! This is also fun to do with pearlized puff know the 97 cent stuff :) Looks pretty similar to the pearl flourishes...and cheap! I never thought of using dew drops. What a fabulous idea! Thanks Pinky!!!
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