It's-a-gonna be a busy day in this house!
Not only for Halloween but still packing up.
They pushed our closing back 10 days so next week is the magic number,
I am soooo ready to move and be done with all of this.
Next weekend (Saturday) I am travelling to Kentucky for a private
demo for Scrapbook Village at one of their scrap retreats, I am so excited!
I thought today I could share a couple quick pictures of the boys costumes
this year....I know I know, not the usual elaborate style Pinky makes.
But the boys were amazing this year.
They knew we were moving, and I had my hands full, so they told me...
"Mom, we all figured it out, it won't be hard to make either all of use want to be puppies!"
So puppies it is!
Plus my 6 yr old loves red and wanted to be a RED dog...
Heeelllloo!! Clifford! LOL *Shhh* don't tell him I said that,
he keeps saying "I am NOT CLIFFORD! I am a red dog!"

but hey, your only a child once so I am tickled pink he is dressing up.
Also another fun venture for me...
You know how I always make those crazy quirky videos?
Well, guess what? Purple Cows picked them up and put them on their blog!
Check it out!!
Also I have a card featured today
Another secret I cannot share until next month...
another scrap venture...involving me LOL
If your interested there is a sale at Treasured since it just changed hands
they are calling it a chachachange sale.
And one last thing!!!!!!!
I have been HUNTING and waiting to find a GOOD advent calendar
since last year, one that I can really alter and use for years to come!
Guess what? My awesome friend Dolores found me one!
I AM SOOOO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is on it's way this week in the mail!
I cannot wait to use it this year for Christmas!
OK the Rain Dots winner....
The number that came up was 11!!

But still fun!
Just leave a comment, be a follower you know the drill :)
I will randomly choose winner on Monday! WOOHOO!
Well that's all for me today everyone! Thanks for
bearing with me on this long post!
Have a great Halloween, no matter how you celebrate today!
~Thanks for popping by~
Happy Belated Birthday!! Love to follow your blog. Your so cute! -Melissa