Good morning my friends!
I have nothing fun to share today, I apologize but my family
life has taken over for the day. I will be making videos and such today
but for right now it's just my REAL LIFE seeping into my blog.
You know I have to throw in the nuggets of life every once in a while!
We spent the weekend full of baseball and all the usual family stuff,
BUT Sunday night my son removed his shirt and this is what I saw
My son who is VERY GENTILE, I mean VERY. He is a gentle giant
and would not hurt a fly. Someone had been bruising him since the
first day of school. Needless to say I was shocked and very upset,
I drove to the baseball field where hubby was practicing and I began
bawling in hysterics showing him his arms that were covered in bruises.
I went home and calmed down, and first thing yesterday morning
I was at the school at 7:15am speaking with the principal.
They immediately took action. Asking my son when, where etc...
He had been poked all 5 days of school by a schoolmate who was
sitting beside him, he poked him so hard with a pencil and so many times
that both arms were covered in deep dark bruises.
It went on for 5 full days.
After the meeting my son was so shaken I had to take him home.
The principal asked him if he did anything in retaliation and my son
said "No I just asked him to stop and he kept doing it"
So he took it for 5 days before I saw the bruises. I felt awful.
I still feel awful. My son did not want to get in trouble, or
get his "friend" in trouble.
Come to find out this boy was not being mean but he KNEW it was
totally wrong and he knew he was hurting Justice but he was just "playing".
I don't believe it was malicious, but it was 100% wrong and mean
nonetheless, I mean the proof is on my son's arms.
It really took me back to my ex husband who used to "play" and
laugh by throwing ice cubes at my head and leaving bruises all
over my face/neck and kept telling me he was just "playing".
I have to say I struggled to keep composed.
After I got home the school called and told me she was shocked
that this happened because the student was a good kid.
They took care of it and his parents were very apologetic.
I spent the day with my son, he slept alot and stayed pretty quiet.
In the evening we went to the school orientation and the parents
(separated) came to apologize, the dad said
"I am sorry but boys will be boys, he didn't mean nothing by it".
But the mom came over separately and was very kind and
apologized again and again. They had their child go to my son and
tell him he would never do it again. The teacher also moved
him across the room so they won't be sitting together again.
We chatted with his teacher and she said my son is very quiet and
a very good boy and she was proud he did not lose his temper.
I explained it was a good lesson for all of us, that he now knows
to tell the teacher before it gets this bad.
I am very proud of my son for being so gentle, and frankly I am proud
of myself for not losing control and being able to deal with this in an
appropriate manner. Given my history of abuse I really feel like
I have come so far and this is a sign of being well and healed.
Enjoy your Tuesday, I know I will....Much love to ya,