What a cool product would love to get my hands on one in every color! LOL Check out the site and liked on FB, and I now follow Clear Acrylic- love those albums, very cute idea.
Thanks for a chance to win so awesome candy as always,
tabitha4cm at yahoo dot com
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
LOVE LOVE LOVE that border punch!!! Thanks for a super fun blog hop!! I am now a follower!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
I cannot honestly believe I have heard the rave about this all over the place and it's so hard to believe the generousity of Provo Craft and yourself.
You have all these free tutorials and share all kinds of fun things on your blog.
I just became a follower and I hope I win this because I am gonna make someone's holidays the best there is. I hope that is.
It seems like winning the lotto
Good luck to us all
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Awesome project, I am definitely following both blogs, what talent!
Oh wow, I love that zebra print with the pink. It's such a cute bag!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010