Good morning my amazing crafty friends!
I have a wonderful day planned today which begins with
a SWEET, amazing giveaway from Provocraft!!!
You know I am on the Provocraft Cricut Circle Magazine Design Team
and they just launched the new Cricut Circle Blog.

In the huge celebration they gave me a GYPSY
to GIVEAWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A brand new Provocraft/Cricut Gypsy !!!!
This is the 2nd giveaway!!
How cool is that?
The Cricut Circle is an amazingly uplifting site and Provocraft is
an amazing company, if you have to checked it out, you should!
The Cricut Circle
The Cricut Circle is Provo Craft’s affinity program. Provo Craft launched the Cricut Circle on July 1, 2010. The Circle is a place to Inspire, Educate and Create. This program enables crafters to see Provo Craft products first, be involved in specialized focus groups and surveys, receive special pre-launch specials on select Provo Craft products, a private blog and message board for Circletes to foster a special crafting community. Additionally, Cricut Circle members will enjoy 4 exclusive cartridges—one each quarter, instructional webinars and double reward points for purchases on
The Cricut Circle is available for annual or quarterly installments. To purchase a membership to the Cricut Circle visit Annual memberships are $274.99 and quarterly memberships at $79.99.
This giveaway is open to everyone!
I am only asking that you be a follower if you are not already and you spread the word! That's it!
Oh and leave a comment on this post.
This will stay open until next Friday,
so get those comments posted and the word out!
I have a feeling there will be more great giveaways in
the future, this is one step and the biggest item yet!
And it is all because of YOU and your support and
following, without YOU none of this is possible, so I thank YOU!
The more followers the bigger the giveaways! :)
I won't post a project today because I want to leave this post
open for anyone who wants to enter!!!!
*second chances rock! Thanks Provocraft!*
Remember tomorrow we have a special
GIVEAWAY and guest blogger!!!!
*Pink POWER*
~Happy Monday!~
~ Thanks for popping by~
~ Thanks for popping by~
1 – 200 of 306 Newer› Newest»woo hoo....posted the link on my candy sidebar...I Love Cricut...please pick me...keeping all my fingers crossed
tx for the chance to win such an awesome giveaway!
hugs, Heaney
OOOh my gosh, this would be so cool to win. I have been wanting one since they first came out. I will be posting a note to send all my paper pals your way! Thanks for the opportunity.
Awesome giveaway. I will post this on my blog this evening when I get home from work!
Okay, once again, I hope your random generator doohicky thing picks me!! :-) I'll be sending people your way this week to enter for sure!
P.S.--You rule.
WOW! Another one? How cool!! Thank you for the chance to win! Crossing my fingers and toes!! I am already a follower!
Holy Moly another chance to win...i'm crossin my fingers!!
have a great girly!!!
I want to WIN! I really rally want to WIN! Thanks for a chance and going to post on FB to share this exciting giveaway with my friends.
I have to confess I am a stalker of your blog, love it. Hope the random org thing picks me. I would love to have a gypsy. Thanks for all your wonderful ideas and the awesome chance to win an amazing prize
WOWZERS, how cool would that be? I've been following for a while, thanks for another great giveaway (yours are always the bestest!)
OMG! to own a Gypsy would complete me. LoL. Please lucky penny i need your help on this one!!!!
Yeah for more Give Aways! Another chance for the friend across the street :)
Wow... what a generous prize... your prizes always rock tho!! I'll spread the word about this awesome giveaway!!! Thanks girl!
Thanks for a chance to win Pinky!
This would be fantastic to win!!! :)
Awesome giveaway!! Thanks for the chance to win.
Pinky, this is SO awesome!!! Thanks for this awesome giveaway!!! Of course you know I'm a follower!
I'd love to win one! And of course I'm already a follower! You always get the BEST stuff to give away!!!
Oh I would love a gypsy! fingers crossed, hairs toes...LOL. I already follow your fabby inspiring blog... will post candy link on sidebar!
What a cool prize, yes I am a follower (actually love your blog and look for it daily) Thanks for a chance
What an awsome Prize, Love it!! Pinky I just have to tell you your Pink Hair ROCKS!!!! I already follow your blog and love it. Thanks for the chance to win. I will be sharing this on my blog at and on my facebook.
I want a Gypsy! This is such a great giveaway. Thank you Pinky and Cricut. I am a follower and this giveaway is in my blog post today (10-18). Thank you, Jen
I am a follower Pinky and have posted this on my craft blog. Who would not want to win this. LOVE Provocraft and checked out their Cricut Circle. Hopefully will be able to join that in the New Year. Thanks for the wonderful chance to win such an incredible prize.
WOW that's an amazing Giveaway! And I found someone new to Stalk!
A Gypsy...whoot whoot!! I want a Gypsy so bad I dream about it! Thanks you for this awesome opportunity to participate!
I am a follower!!
WOW thank you for a chance to win!
aecopenhaver at gmail dot com
Oh my goodness this is so great! I have been praying that an opportunity would come along so that I could get a gypsy and here it is! I have really been wanting one but since there is a hiring freeze on teachers in my area well anyway. I will post on my blog at and on twitter and facebook! I am a follower thank you for the opportunity!
I'M BBAACKKK!!!! posting again on my blog and I'm already a dedicated cult follower...:) Happy Monday!!!
ps-I can never bake like you but I did make a pie this weekend!!
Holy cow!!! What a giveaway!!! I became a follower and am posting on facebook.
I love the circle! Hubby got me the circle instead of a gypsy. I have been trying to save but the kids come first. Thanks for a chance to win one. Provocraft has to be about the best company to their fans!
Oh wow! I never win anything, this would be awesome! :) thank you for the chance to win.
would love to win a gypsy thanks for the opportunity JSharer417 at aol dot com
The word was passed around and I came to see. I am a new follower and glad to be. TFS and a chance to win!!!!
Jess B.
PC is a great company! I love all thier products. Thanks for the chance to win.
Woo hoo..going to share with my friends on a chat board. Thanks for all the chances to win on your blog.
So cool. thanks for the great giveaway. I'm a follower now and i've told my friends to come by!
This sounds great! Posting on Facebook! I am a follower now too....hope you can do the same!
Yea, a second chance. This is a wonderful giveaway. I posted this in my sidebar for you. Thanks for the chance to win.
what a generous prize..thanks for sharing!
I would so love to win! Thanks for the chance and I am a follower of your blog!!
Oh my. I want a gypsy so badly. I did put it on my christmas wishlist, but winning one in my birthday month would even be better. I will post a link on my blog and on my facebook page. Thank you for an opportunity
Burffrau @ aol dot com
How wonderful it would be to win this! I've wanted one for soo long. Thanks so much for the chance to win.
OMG !!!!!! Awesome Giveaway. I would like to win.
Thanks for the chance to win.
How generous. Never thought I'd want a Gypsy but to win one...I'm sure I'd end up loving it!
Oh, and I posted on my blog
So AWESOME!!!!! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
wow this is an awesome give cool would that be to have
I am now a follower! Can't wait to see who wins :o)
I would love a gypsy. Thanks for the chance to win one :D
Oh my goodness I would LOVE TO WIN!! That would be amazing!!! I just cant even imagine!! YAY!! Thanks so much for the chance!
I'll certainly be passing your blog onto my friends!! I've stalked the Gypsy since it came out, it would be amazing to have one!!
What a great giveaway!
Carley :)
Been a follower for awhile now! Would so love to win this! Thanks Pinky and Provo for offering it!
Boy you get some crazy great stuff to give away! Good luck to everyone!
WHOOT WHOOT!!! I am now your newest stalker!! LOL
I would LOVE to win this, I don't have one **SAD FACE**
I will be posting to my blog side wall and to my facebook!
Thanks for a chance to win.
Bonnie C
Wow, that is one generous offer! I would love to win this! I've been wanting a gypsy but can't afford it at the moment! Thanks for the opportunity!
I would love to win a Gypsy, never had one. Well my St. Bernard's name was Gypsy but that doesn't count does it :)
Thanks for the chance to win one!!
phenis2031 at yahoo dot com
WOW ~~ What a give a way!! Would so love to win this Gypsy!! Thanks for the chance!! "fingers crossed"
OMG! PLEASE PICK ME! You don't know how bad I need and want this sweet baby girl! Thanks for the chance to win her and I am spreading the news!
OMG i would love to win i love provocraft. I posted the link on my facebook and on my blog . Fingers croeed because i never win anything. thanks for the giveaway!!!
I up for another round of really wishing. Thanks
Good Monday Morning!! Thank you so much for a chance to win a awesome prize, fingers and toes crossed here ;-) Have a great week!!! I am a follower. blanphear @ yahoo dot com
Woo Hoo! I am already a follower and I would soo love to win a Gypsy! Thanks!!!
I am definitely now a follower!!
Oh how I would LOVE to win a gypsy!! Thank you for this awesome opportunity!! I am now a follower also :-)
I am now a follower. It would be wonderful if i was picked to win such a great giveaway.
Im excited about the guess blogger! How cool. I love love the blog and Im so happy to be part of the circle!
Thanks for a great giveway!
This would be so cool to win... Thanks for being so generous and putting up an amazing giveaway... You totally rock my friend.
Would love to win a Gypsy!!! thanks for the chance.
I am dying to get my hands on a Gypsy. Good Luck everyone!
ty pinky so much. that is a fabulous giveaway. xoxo
Pinky your are just on fire lately! Great giveaway my friend, I am so excited about winning one of these beauties, would be the greatest gift to win. Good Luck everyone!
Awesome! Oh I hope I win a Gypsy! Though it would'nt really work out until PV gives me my cricut back!! I pray today will be the day we reunite! Thanks for the chance to win!
spunkycrayon at yahoo dot com
That is amazing how generous Provo craft has been.
I wish all the luck to everyone who enters.
I will put on my blog later on so everyone has a chance to hit the gypsy lotto.
Great giveaway!!
I am a new follower. Thanks for an awesome giveaway! I will post on facebook when I get home today! Thanks for the chance to win.
I'm now following your blog! My goodness I would love to win this!!!!
cluck! cluck! :) :) Love that tombstone!
Hurray for second chances! I would love to win (I know, who wouldn't) LOL. Thanks for the cagnce Pinky, and I've posted about it on my blog and I've been a follower for quite sometime now =). Keeping my finger's crossed!
2nd times the charm....or was that 3rd........anyway, we will go with 2nd!!! Thanks Pinky, SHaron
Fabulous giveaway - I would love to win a gypsy!!
Thanks for the second chance at a generous giveaway!
Very cool a 2nd chance to win one!!! I'm still eyeing them....especially now with the cartridge promo coming up in November...
I'll share on my FB page as well....
Not only is a Gypsy a totally awesome giveaway but check out the number of responses already!!! Absolutely amazing pinky! Way to go! I'll spread the word and keep the message rolling (I guess I can't be selfish (since I would flip out over a gypsy) since its only fair others get exposed to this site just like I did! I love it!!!!!!!
Thanks again for your generous candy! I'm feeling lucky this week. I am a follower and I put this in the blog candy links on my blog.
ohh I would love to win one!!! Fingers are crossed!!
I would love to have a Gypsy. Some of my friends have the Gypsy and love it.
I would love to have a Gypsy. Some of my friends have the Gypsy and love it.
Hi Pinky! Great giveaway!! I love your blog and have been a follower for some time!! Thanks for the chance to win!!
Hi! Indeed PC is an amazing company. I'd really like to be a part of the circle, but I suppose I am a lurker who will eventually be a member.
Great giveaway!
I hope to win and give it to my sister!! She loves mine!
I Neeeeeed one! I keep loosing my idea notebooks! I can use this anywhere and save my ideas for later! That would be soooo helpful! Thanks so much! Im a follower!
Hoping to win this for my sister!!
I would love to win any of these what a great give away
Thank you, I will post on facebook
I'm following...the Circle is so cool. I'm loving it. Thank you and Provo Craft for this awesome giveaway.
Thank you Pinky, you ROCK!! I posted this on my Facebook page!
WOOT! WOOT! Awesome giveaway! Can't wait for you to pick my name--- would love this
Wow to the first giveaway and double wow to this second giveaway! Would really love to win this one. Oh, and Sharon sent me! :)
Woo Hoo! Spreading the word again! I see your blog is at 1002 Followers now too!!! Congrats!!!
WOW!!!! What a fantastic way to start the week!!! Gladly, I am already a Follower & will go post this on my Facebook page!!!
What an incredible giveaway!!! Keeping my fingers crossed! *off to spread the word*
Hush are kiddin' right. I have wanted one for sooo long would be awesome to win and I will certaintly pass this along.
Great awesome giveaway, thanks for the opportunity to win.
What an amazing giveaway!! Fingers are crossed (making it difficult to type--hee!) Love your blog. Happy creating!
Great Giveaway!!! Thanks so much!!
I am so excited!! I heard about this on facebook so the word is being spread at least through my group of friends. OHH my fingers are crossed this would totally help me! Good luck everyone!
Very cool - I'm loving this giveaway, the Gypsy is a very intriguing tool, indeed! Fingers crossed!! Thanks!
What a cool giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!
I'm already a follower ... but how awesome of Provocraft to give you a gypsy to give away! I WANT ONE!
oh, and I tweeted this blog post!
Yay I really really hope I win. Either way your blog is super cute!
Wow! Want an awesome giveaway! I have been eyeballing that Gypsy since it first came out! It would be so awesome to win one! Thank you for the chance!
I am a follower and would love to win a Gypsy for a friend of mine!
Great blog, love all the inspiration, and winning a gypsy would be great too! Thanks
Thank you so much for the chance to win... I want one so bad! pjritsema at gmail dot com
of course I am a follower!
Of course I am a follower and it is on my blog.
Ohhhhhh I would LOVE a new Gypsy!!! Thanks for the chance to win!
I am now a follower
yay you reached the 1000 follower mark while I was here. Thanks for the chance to win & I tweeted about your giveaway @craftysuz
Your giveaways are always so AMAZING!!!!!! Thanks for the chance to win :)
What a great "treat" for October!
I'm a follower! Liz Schaeffer (JavaGirl) sent me!
Awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance! I will send some followers your way!!
cporter519 at yahoo dot com
Thank you for a chance to win I will tell everyone.
You are on my blog.I am already a follower. Thanks for the chance to win the Gypsy. I hope I get lucky this time and win one ! Pick me! pick me!
What a wonderful giveaway!
Sending emails to friends to spread the word!
I'm already a follower - I'd LOVE to win a gypsy
WOW! I just became a follower last week! So glad I did!!!
Wow this is a wonderful gift-a-way Thank you for the chance to win!
This is such a Generous giveaway! Very Awesome!
Wow !I don't have much time to follow blogs. Trying to raise 5 children and work outside the home is exhausting. Every now and then I get to search blogs. It sure would be nice to win this gypsy ! This would be a treat for me.
I am a follower.
Good luck to all those who apply to win.
I know I am hoping it's me Would be fun to have a techie gadget to play with. I love my baby Cricut.
Thanks for the generous giveaway I can't believe two..
I would love to have the opportunity to win a gypsy.. Always wanted one but always had to buy something else.. Thank you...
I'm a follower and would love a chance to win!
Thanks! The Gypsy is on my christmas list! How awesome would it be to win one?! Becoming a follower now!
WOW! Another gypsy to give away? This is another great giveaway. I will let my scrapbooking friends know about this.
Thank you so much for the chance to win!
I am already a follower. I'd love to have a gypsy! Thanks for sharing and inspiring! Thank you and PC for the chance to win this awesome giveaway!
OMG!! Would love to win! I've been a follower for quite some time! I'll try to post this on my blog, but blogger isn't cooperating! TFS!!
Pinky, I am already a follower and I would love to win the gypsy! Thanks a bunch for the chance!
I just became a follower. Thanks for the giveaway!
Awesome giveaway Pinky! Thank you for the chance to win!
Definitely a follower, you have had so many cool giveaways lately, you are one generous blogger! Thanks for the chance to win!
Just found your blog and am following. Thanks to PC and you for the drawing! Love your work! cjdempsey9 at msn dot com
Pick me! Pick me! (Jumping up and down) lol Posted this giveaway on my FB. Thank for a chance. I'm already your follower!
Wow! Amazing giveaway!
I am already a follower :) I will link this awesome giveaway on my FB page :)
--Rebecca Keppel
I would LOVE to win a Cricut Gypsy!! I am a new follower now too. Thanks for the opportunity to win this great giveaway!
I will become a follower today.
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win this! It would be the scrapbooking highlight of my year. Please Please Please pick me.
thanks for the chance to win such a great prize. well i follow through the rss feed, does that count!?will put on my blog.
Yea!!! another chance to win a Gypsy. Keeping my fingers crossed hoping you pick my name.
I need this gypsy!! LOL... :) I've been a follower for a LONG all of your inspiration! Thanks for the chance to win! I will spread the word....
I would love a gypsy! Thanks for posting and all the hard work you put into your blog. A blog takes alot of time and effort and thanks again gor giving all of us crafters inspiration
I would love to win a Gypsy. This would be a great Birthday present, it's around the corner. I put it on my list, but I'm not sure if my kids have that much money, they are teens. Hopefully the randon generator picks me. Thanks for sharing all your great ideas and offering this great giveaway.
great giveaway and of course I follow you.
Wow a Gypsy! I am so excited! I've put the top blog on my blogspot just about this giveaway! With a link to your blog Pinky! Of course I've been a follower for a long time! Thanks you for the chance to win such a great prize!
OMG! I would love to win a gypsy. I'm a long time follower :)
Oh Pinky......I would LOVE to win a gypsy. I want one of these so bad and you know I'm already a follower. Good Luck to me........and the other ladies as well. :)
Wow! How awesome are you? I just found this blog and became a follower. I'll keep my eyes open and make this a favorite site too. My birthday is Nov 5th and hubby said he was trying to save up some extra cash to get me a Gypsy. How awesome would it be if I could tell him I won won! LOL Thanks for the chance!
Awesome!!! Another Gypsy to give away YAAA WHOOO!!! Hopefully I will have better luck this time!!! Thanks Pinky for the wonderful blog and the excellent give aways!!!!
Of course I'm already a follower - I love your blog!
Fabulous prize!
I'm a follower, and going to post this on my blog!
Keep up the great work!
I am currious about the gypsy... hmmmm, maybe I will have a chance to check it out!
Wow! PC rocks! This is a fantastic give away!!!
Oh my! A Gypsy would complete my Cricut fleet! Thanks for the chance to win! I'll tweet the word!
Thanks for the chance of winning! You have a great blog! Didn't win the first time hope to win!!
I am trying to guess about the "Pink Power" comment. Could it be Robyn stopping by tomorrow? Hmmm? Thank you for the second chance to win a Gypsy! You were up to 164 comments before mine. Wowzers! Good for you, Pinky! You are doing great, and you deserve every good thing coming your way! Thanks for everything you do for your blog readers!
This is such a cool prize.. am a follower already and have posted to my sidebar on my blog.. Love this site.. such awesome halloween projects you are busy with.. thanks for the inspiration..
Hugs, Michelle van Wyk
Oh, wow! Another chance to win?! You are so generous! thanks for this opportunity. I'm so glad that i'm following your blog! :-)
Woo Hoo what a awsome giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win. I'm a new follower and love your blog!!!
I LOVE your blog! I love everything about you. :-) Would I L O V E to win?! You have NO CLUE!!!!! Wow!
woo hoo.. i want a gypsy.. i hope i a new follower.. cant wait to see more of your projects.. thanks so much for a chance to win..
So glad I stumbled onto your blog! Such fun stuff!
Wow!! What a great giveaway. Thanks for a chance to win.
Wow awesome prize thanks for the opportunity to win!
Although I don't have a blog, I have a group of friends who have scrapped together for over 10 years so I will be telling them about this opportunity. Thanks!
MCF's Mimi
WOW! What a great prize! I will post about it on my blog!!!!
Great Project! am following. :0)
WOW! Great Giveaway! Love the blog..and the Pink Hair!
kristiann_77 @ yahoo. com
Wow! What an awesome giveaway! I hope I win!!!!!! Thanks for sharing with us!
wow very cool, i would so love a gypsy. the more i see the more i like. thanks for the chance
How cool! I have the orginal cricut and think I need to update. Would love to win. I follow your blog. Thanks for the chance to win.
tabitha4cm at yahoo dot com
Great giveaway. I shared with everyone i know ;) Thanks for the opportunity. Great Blog too!
I would absolutely love to win a gypsy, I've been wanting one so bad! Thanks for the chance!
Thanks for the chance to win! just found your blog ....very interesting ! Didn't know provocraft was going to be having a cricut magazine ! love that idea !
I'm now a follower on your blog... I LOVE both projects!! Thanks so much for the chance to win and just sharing yalls awesome ideas with us!! You both ROCK!
I would love to win a Gypsy!!! Thanks for the opportunity!
I posted here:
Thanks for the chance to win.
Oh I would love to win one of these! I am dying for one, i see all the amazing stuff you can do with it! Thanks for the great giveaway ~ love your blog!
Wow! Another give away! It would be great to win a Gypsy! Love it!!!!
Came on over here from Sarah's blog and glad I did! You really put a measure of sunshine in my day with that pink hair of yours....:O)
I'll have no problem getting the word out and will become a follower of this blog. Wouldn't mind winning that Gyspy myself! LOL!
Great giveaway and I love your blog! I am now following your blog.
I would so love to win a Gypsy! What a fun giveaway!
woo hoo... I come to check Sarah's guest blogging project out and bonus you are giving away a Gypsy!!!
Wining a Gypsy would be awesome! Pick me. I am a 15 year old blogger with over 350 followers. I need all the supplies I can get:)
Wow! What an awesome giveaway! I will be sure to share your blog on FB!
~ JD ~
I have this on my christmas wish list. I would love to have win it!!! I'm a floower and have post a link on my sidebar on my blog site
Rebecca Minor
Good Morning to you! Thank you so much for this chance to win the GYPSY. I would so love to have this amazing tool in my little hands. Good luck to all. I hope I win;-)
It would be so awesome to win a Gypsy. Can you skip the random selection and just pick me--please, please. I am a follower and love all your work. Thanks.
What an awesome giveaway! I think it's my turn to win something! LOL
lucyblueeyz at yahoo dot com
Wow! What a fabulous give away! I just started following your blog and it looks like a lot of fun! Thanks for the chance to win!
How did you know I have been pricing Gypsy's. I am a follower already and look forward to my daily dose of pink . I am going to tell all my scrapping sistahs about your site. . .although I think I have done that already come to think about it! I am crossing my fingers!!!!!!!
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