The boys are on the mend but not all the way yet.
I am over this 2 weeks sick spell.
OK now about this LO
I had a challenge to do a LO using a SONG about a friend,
so I chose Dolores, and LauraJean,
Dolores is one of those women I totally respect.
She is strong, she is family oriented and she is a no BS kind of gal.
I can trust her to tell me the truth about a LO
or about anything else.

She has a handicapped son and she loves him so much, I feel her
love through everything she says and does.
I am so honored to know her.
These type of people get me through the week!
~Have a beautiful Monday~
Oh OHHHHH I know....I have some Cosmo Cricket Rub-ons!!!
Leave a comment here , let me know how your Monday was and I will put your name in
for a chance at the rub-ons!