It should be a fun day here in Nashville. I think we will be staying home and lighting off fireworks.
I live with 4 BOYS! I mean could I have more pyros in the house??!! Hahaha
OK instead of showing my recent scrapping like I do every day I thought I would show this video I follow.
It is called Fat Girl Diary....and Amy, well she rocks!! She says what every plus sized girl is thinking but doesn't say....well I do say it but most don't feel comfortable saying stuff like this!
Check it out! Especially if you plus sized. You can also go check into her other videos on youtube!
Happy Fourth My Friend!!! I hope you and the Family have a blessed one filled with new loving , exciting memorie's to cherish a lifetime.
PS-Amy's vids rock as usual.
Amy has some of the funniest facial expressions! Have a happy and safe Fourth, you family of pyros.
And a Happy 4th to you too!
Amy is a hoot!
I don't remember how I found your blog the first time, but I stumbled on it again today googling ways to incorporate fabric in my scrapbooking. I even signed up on Just Scrappin'
Your art is as wonderful as I remembered!
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