Good morning to all my crafty friends!
I was able to sneak in some crafty time yesterday while my
boy napped a little after his Dr. appointment.
I had been wanting to make these door hangers for a couple
weeks now. They don't take too long to make.

and lots...and lots...and lots...of glitter! LOL
Now I tried to get the perfect shit but it is grey and heavy
rain this week so I could not get it on the actual door handle.

BUT now I am ready for the holidays! :)
I did discover something...glitter the edges AFTER you
use the rub-ons, not before. Just an FYI if you decide to make one.
I wanted to share with you all the amazing kindness of other crafters.
Yesterday was a terribly trying day, Sunday night
(when everything is closed) my son's Nebulizer machine for his
breathing, it stopped working. For me as his mom it was
a huge panic moment. If he does not have this when he is sick
he turns blue and it is an ER visit right away.
Well a friend saw my Facebook post and called me up and told me
she had a spare, so hubs ran to get it and we made it through the night.
Then on Monday we spent most of the day chasing Dr.'s
and they gave him medicine/shots etc....
he does have Bronchitis and a lung infection.
So it has been a VERY difficult week/ weekend for me.
Honestly...I am exhausted.
But I arrived home Monday night to find 2 boxes on my porch,
one from my friend in LA, Gloria, the other from an address I did not know.
I opened the box from Gloria and it was miles of VINTAGE lace
Oh my goodness it was amazing to say the least.
I was fawning over that for 15 minutes then I realized I should
open the second box.
The second box was from one of the Gypsy winners
Chris. It had the SWEETEST note, and a beautiful
I MEAN BEAUTIFUL hand made card with a brand new
Martha Stewart Punch! Now I NEVER expect gifts in return
for the giveaways, because I am very blessed with crafty supplies
for my work, but I have to say the note and card and everything
just touched my heart so much.
I will take pictures and share the card tomorrow, it is amazing!
Blessings come in the most unexpected ways sometimes.
Be sure to bless a friend this week, I know I will.
I have a GREAT giveaway today...a brand new Cricut Cartridge.
I am REALLY trying to reach 1500 followers by Christmas
and this is just the beginning. You won't believe
what I have in store *hint* store for you!
But for now this is the prize! I will leave it open until SUNDAY
A Sentimentals Cricut Cartridge
one of my absolute favorites!
You will love it too!
So be a FOLLOWER, leave a comment and on Sunday we will
have one lucky winner! ♥
~Happy Tuesday y'all!~
~Thanks for popping by and listening to me ramble~