we have 165.00!! WOOHOO!!!! And I know one check is coming today to!
Thanks for all you donated, I am sending a check/cash tomorrow morning!

Yea, I know your like...
"What?? Another LO about that bitch? Does it ever end??!!" hehehe
Just kidding, I know I am sick of scrapping me too.
But I was feeling a little pissed off about some of the comments I get about my hair or my crazy hat. So I scrapped it. I think people figure if they make a snide comment to me, or at me, then they look better than me. But in reality they just look like a snit...well to me anyways.
I mean who am I hurting with my pink hair and kitty hat?

I am feeling nostalgic this week so I will let you in on my secret.
Now most people who ask me, I just shrug it off.
But today I thought I would share.
The reason Pinky has Pink hair.
Since I grew up being molested and abused for 15 years.
When I hit 17 I ran out and got married
to the first man who had money and showed me attention.
Well he was a very bad man.
he tried to hit me with his truck and ended up leaving me
in the hospital with a broken back and 3 months of therapy.
I left him, and met my husband now.
He is so supportive and we got pregnant, I was terrified to have children,
afraid I would beat them like my parents did.
So with his help, I decided to write my story of abuse and rape out.
He made 100 copies and I sent it to every person I knew.
I would finally be FREE of all the secrets and shame of abuse because
it was NOT my fault and now everyone would know,
When that happened the healing began, and I wanted to stand strong
especially for other women who were abused and
did not feel safe speaking out.
Pink always makes me smile and happy.
So I dyed my hair PINK so when I woke up in the morning, not only
would I smile, but it would be my way of being a brand new person
inside and out! FREE from secrets and abuse.
It reminds me every day, I am now happy and strong.
The old scared, shy, abused girl is gone.
Now stands a strong, bright, thankful survivor!
It might not be your way to deal with issues, but it is mine.
And I am good with that!
Besides that it has been an amazing tool to share my story with others
and brighten people's days!
Ok long rant over!!
Fingertip craft knife winners....
and TRACEY!!!
Send me your addy's girls, they will go out this weekend!!!!!!
Have a beautiful day