Good morning my crafty friends,
I am often asked about my pink hair, and when I have time I try
to explain it. :) I have typed it out and chatted about it.
There is rarely enough time to tell it all.
But I seem to be getting alot of questions lately so I thought I would
just make a video explaining it in person~ Easier and maybe it comes
across better than in Times New Roman font LOL
Happy Hump Day my friends~

Oh just a quick reminder, class begins today!
We will be making a wall hanging and 4 cards step by step
video tutorials and so much more!
Sign up now!!
Here are more photos :)
If you can please spread the word! :)
Very touching!! You just made me cry.. tears of joy for you. God bless you and all you do.
Very touching!! You just made me cry.. tears of joy for you. God bless you and all you do.
Very touching!! You just made me cry.. tears of joy for you. God bless you and all you do.
Very touching!! You just made me cry.. tears of joy for you. God bless you and all you do.
loveeee you soooo much...such a blessing to me!!!thinking God sent you in my life to be strong...
Love it. Love you. Big hugs sweets.
xoxox are beautiful and never let anyone tell you otherwise! You are an inspiration. I used to work with kids that had mental issues, most stemming from severe abuse. You ARE what we all want for them. To heal, to love, to become someone THEY can be proud of! Stand tall Mamma....
Oh my Thank you so much for your touching story. I am so proud of you and your accomplishments. Yes, the Pink hair is for sure you!!! Good for you to hold your head high and to share your story, you are an amazing person. I truly can't wait to get to know you better designing with Jinger:)
Scrappin' Madge
Thanks so much for sharing your story! I've always thought your pink hair was I love it even more!...Nancy :o)
Thank you for being you. I have the utmost respect that you can share your awful past with us and to let others know that you can rise up. The best thing is that you are a guide to others that you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover but to look inside the pages. Hugs, Velma
Wow, thank you for sharing your story! You are such an inspiration for EVERYBODY. To remember to just be grateful for what you have! I am amazed at your courage to tell your story, not "fit in the box", and open yourself up so much. I have a hard time doing that, but will be working on doing that more! It's a weird coincidence that I'm getting red highlights in my hair today!! I know, I know, they're not pink, but that's my inner spitfire coming out :P Thanks again Pinky :O)
Thank you for sharing your life story. Also, your hair looks great.
Thanks for sharing your story!
You are Amazing!
Thanks for sharing your story, Pinks! You wear that badge of honor beautifully and do it proudly, you survived and overcame, it's your right!
Thanks for sharing! I love your pink hair!!!
Hey Pinky! i LOVE your pink hair! i also died my hair pink this year, only because i've always liked it and wanted to change something drastic. what brand of pink dye do you use, i just love the shade. oh yes, i also wanted to tell you that i greatly admire your openness about your abuse. cheers! Bella
I just stumbled across your blog and watched your video about your pink hair.
Good for you! You fit perfectly within your own box, don't change a thing!
I already knew that, but I watched the video anyway and it reminded me why I love ya :)
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