Wednesday, July 22, 2009

~Sewing Caddy Tutorial and RAK~

I originally made this for Fiskateers, but they never used it,

so I made it for Tally and now they are closing or changing hands...

so now it is MINE all MINE! LOL mwhahahah!

And I am GIVING away this CADDY!!!!!! The one you see here could be yours!

How to make a cuper cute, super fun, super useful SEWING CADDY!

This is SO easy to make. You can get fancy if your a great quilter and want to iron it and make it perfect...that is great! But I will show you my easy peasy shortcut sewer version. I suggest making the pockets slightly more shallow, but I like my deep pocktes, because I hate scissors falling out and I have some big scissors!

First you will need 1 yard of fabric (If you are doing 2 different colors, then 1/2 yard of each) and a large remnant of fleece.(around 20" by 30") Or some batting.

Step 1. Cut your fabric into 20" by 30" pieces
I love using my old fleece remnants for this. I used some old Halloween fleece I had used a few years ago (I got it for 1.00 a yard!)
I cute the fleece slightly smaller.

Step 2. Piece it together inside out and sew the sides and bottom together leaving the top wide open.

You CAN put the fleece/batting in after and quilt it. OR if your like me, I just put it in and sew it in to the seams, but be careful to only sew the fleece in a tiny bit because you don't want bulky seams.

Step 3. Turn right side sew a 1/8 inch seam along sides and bottom (Stop 1/2 inch short on both sides of the top so you have room to fold in and close the top)

Step 4. Close the top and sew it shut matching the 1/8" seam you made along the sides and bottom.

(If you would like to quilt this, now is the time to put your cool quilt designs on it.)

Step 5. Fold bottom up from 4" to 7" and pin, you CAN make this shorter if you want....even 3" is enough. But I like to put my handy dandy Sewing scissors inside so I like mine deep.

Step 6. Pin where you would like the pockets and sew your pocket seams.

Step 7....EMBELLISH!
Now you have a fun easy functional sewing caddy! It took me approx. 1 hour to make start to finish.

Do you want to win this caddy?

Well leave a comment and I will randomly draw a name on Friday!

~Have a great hump day~

~Thank you for stopping by...spread the word!~



Tona said...

This is fantastic! Who wouldn't want to win this?!

Kelly B Rutherford said...

Cristal I love that! My sewing machine is in my craft room and I am constantly losing my stuff or getting it messed up because I keep it all in a giant zip lock baggy. I will have to make me one of these. THANKS!!!


I would love to win that. it is so cute. Thanks for the change to win. #5012 EVE

JuliesAddiction said...

Adorable!!! Perfect...that way you can find everything!

Jodi Pilcher said...

That's very cool! I bought my daughter a little sewing machine for Christmas this year, and I appreciate the tutorial - I want to make her a little one :)

Laura Gilhuly said...

I would love to win that! Thanks for the chance!

Laura (from Dreamer)

bybullcreations said...

I love it!! And I too have some serious scissors!! :-)

Patty Williams said...

Pinky, I remember seeing this ! And it's just as pretty now as it was then ! Love the black and pink together !

patty 2832

Jscraps4u said...

Holy Moly...that is easy peasy...Thanks for sharing!

Nikki said...

i want one of these SOOOO bad now that i have my machine! and thanks for the instructions, i'm going to attempt to make one for g-ma

scrapcrazee said...

How cute & so functional! Very generous of you. - Mel

Lida said...

Totally adorable and funcitional!!! Love the color too (hope I win)!!

Mrs Pretzel said...

Oh, I totally hope I don't have to SEW one... :) I like it.

connie said...

Pinky I would LOVE to win your sewing caddy! I love the pink and brown. Thanks for the chance.

Jocelyn said...

OH My Gravy....this is soooooo cute!!!! Just my colors too!!!! You are going to laugh at me...but my bobbin fell out and the pieces came apart and I cannot find the manual to tell me how to put it back together!!!! Hey the sewing machine sounds like my house....Humpty Dumpty!!!!!!! I adore this and thanks for the tutorial!!!! :)

Michelle said...

Pinky you ROCK!!so damn talented with that sewing machine you need to give me lessons!!i would love to learn how to really sew (instead of on pages)...great gift for a sewer!!
good luck all

Katherine said...

Awesome caddy - AND it's my favorite color combo! Thanks for the chance :)

angelandspot said...

Beautiful! It is so pretty.

Tammy Wilson said...

Your little caddy is so stinkin' cute!! Thanks for sharing...

Betsy said...

Cute project! Ya know something like that would work under my cricut machine as well!..Hmmmmm

Colleen said...

Very neat. Looks like it would make a great sewing project for my beginner this fall.

Becky said...

This is soooooo awesome and is perfect for my sewing area. What an awesome idea! You are way talented

Elizabeth Sanchez said...

holy crap that's amazing girl!!!!
i still gotta try to make me one lol

Tifany said...

Awesome! Such a great idea!!!

-Tifany D. #5942

Stamp-o-maticmama said...

this is darling, thanks for sharing sweetie

Stamp-o-maticmama said...

this is darling, thanks for sharing sweetie

Danz said...

Omg Pinky, that's so cool!!

Rosemarie said...

OHHHH!!! Pick me!! Pick me!! It's my favorite... pink/black and polka dotted!!!

LadyTrucker said...

Oh, I LOVE the colors! This is a great idea!

deb famularo said...

Is there anything you make that isn't stinkin' cute? Pink & Black too, my fave!
You have the best tutorials too! xOxO

Kray said...

This is so cute. You are one talented seamstress!

Unknown said...

How cute! I need to make one like this! Let's see - it you you 1 hour, I will be done in 5 (if I am lucky) LOL

MaryNSC said...

I M not no Sewer But this sure makes me want to try.. I LOVE IT!!!

Lisa's Scrap Site said...


Michele said...

Oh my gosh Pinky!!! That is the coolest thing I've seen! And being a sewer, I could adjust the pattern a bit and make scrapping caddies, TV remote caddies...

But this one is SOOOO cute! I would love to have it! But I will make one if I don't get this one! :D

Jen Gall said...

I'm so glad you are posting this. I "saw" it waiting to go up at Tally and was sad that it didn't go live on the blog. Love it!

Gloria said...

Cristal ya know I have to put my name in on this cause I can't sew a lick. hehehehee Just love the caddy girl. You are getting so famous with your sewing.

Roni said...

wow, this is stunning! great job

Unknown said...

very cute!

Emily D. said...

This is awesome!! Wow, you are so talented!!

Daniel said...

I absolutely adore this! You sound like my kind of sewer! What an awesome idea!

NikiRay said...

Great Caddy Pinky I loved it the first time I saw it!!! XoXo Niki_Ray

StampinCathy said...

This is one adorable sewing caddy. The pink and black makes it so cheery. Thanks for a chance. I would love to have something handmade by YOU!

prettypilot2002 said...

this is super cute and I love the tutorial

Elisha Pharr said...

Your caddy is just adorable! Thanks for the tutorial and the chance to win!

Crystal said...

you are one uber talented chick! love all your work! hugs!

JAVAGIRL said...

Ha..Oneday I will grow up and have a sewing machine lol

ScrapAddict said...

Hee heee...all yours....hmmmm, not excited are we?! Your instructions are awesome, I think even a sewing challenged individual like me coild follow them!!!

Michelle said...

Hi Pinky - Since I have no sewing capabilities whatsoever I would LOVE to win this polka dot prize. :o)

Amanda Winchester said...

So cute!! I totally don't sew :) I have a sewing machine in my scraproom that I got 3 years ago and it's never been used! Ack!

Minda said...

Easy, well explained and so adorable! I will have to make one of those (unless of course I win yours!)

you rock girl!

Splendid Little Stars said...

a wonderful project! love the fabric!

Mimi said...

I love this! Its the perfect project for my sewing group. We take turns coming up with something for our meetings.

Anonymous said...

I wish I had been sewing and seen this when you did the giveaway! Pink is my fav color! Maybe yo can do it again? LOL
I'll make this, but since I'm just getting back into sewing after 20 yrs off not sure how it will turn out. :D