Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Good morning friends, 
I set my reminder to post a winner of the fun VLVS stamp I am giving
away from the All Things Altered Blog Hop!!

This fun stamp....

And the winner is...
Blogger macmomma said...
Love the cuff! It is screaming for me to make one for my wonderful neighbor Kathy! She loves stuff like this and since I will be making 1 why not make one more for me? I have to say that the stamp you are giving away is me to a tee! I have a bad habit of interrupting people because I have a tendency to lose a thought if I don't say it when I am thinking it! LOL If I don't win it I am going to have to buy one of them! Kathy (neighbor) will love a "just because" card with that saying on it from me! Thanks for sharing!

Just email or facebook me your address! 

Thank you all for coming by on the blog hop.... :) 

Also I wanted to let you know it is NOT too late to sign up for my acrylic card class!
ALL the lessons are posted and ready for you to see!

I love working with acrylic, it's my second nature :) 
Hope to see you in class. Each class has printable PDF files
that you keep and videos you will have access to for weeks 

All you need to do it sign up now!! :)
Ok stay tuned this week for a new Avocado Arts project on the 30th. 
And if I am feeling snappy then I will post my Creating Made Easy
Projects which I have been creating all week!

Happy Hump Day my friends- much love to ya!

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